
Our Take On Election Results

In the interests of space, we will use bullet points and allow GUARDIAN readers to take over the discussion on the election results. These three races were of most interest to us, but feel free to add your voice on any race.

–Guv Butch Otter will have a November fight on his hands against Dem Keith Allred. He is “vulnerable.” Allred reminds us of Cece Andrus and enjoys a similar reputation and 81% vote. Butch still got 54% in a race of 6 candidates.

–Vern Bisterfeldt’s win for the Ada Commish seat and Roger Simmons’ defeat set the stage for Vern to be a junior partner with Sharon Ullman as chairman and Rick Yzaguirre rounding out the trio. All of the players have grown up over the years, so don’t look for any real fireworks.

–Joke circulating about the new book “Bartlett’s Famous Quoltations by Vaughn Ward.” Ward brought a lot of fame (all bad) to Idaho and politics in general with his bush league campaign. His You Tube Obama copycat speech made all the networks, Jay Leno, and most major newspapers. Raul Labrador faces incumbent 1st District Congressman Walt Minnick who has a ton of money in his war chest.

Don’t forget to visit Papa Joe’s at Capitol and University tomorrow after 5pm for the GUARDIAN FIFTH BIRTHDAY. We have invited all the politicos and KBOI AM670 will broadcast the Nate Shellman show live from the party for three hours.

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  1. It’s always easier to spend other people’s money… Vote carefully, your future depends on it. Debt at 13 Trillion and counting

  2. The country may have now coined the phrase “to pull a Vaughn Ward” when referring to an ambitious young politician who wants to win so bad that he resorts to incredibly stupid measures.

  3. Um, it ain’t over. There’s still a general election and there’s a Democrat running against Yzaguirre, Larry Rincover. I don’t know Larry but the trad med seems to be glossing over his existence. Maybe thats commentary in itself but my understanding is that he actually originated the “administrator’ plan Bisterfeld and Simmons had for a platform.

  4. Dave:

    Congratulations on five years.


  5. Congrats on five years.

  6. I want to give credit to Dan Popkey for his summary of the Vaughn Ward melt down in Thursday’s (Friday?) paper. It is amazing and comforting that even with all the party money and backup a candidate can lose for just being really dumb. Dan wrote a really good, clear summation of the vote. Not being a Repub I really don’t care that much but I really appreciate a good column. Good for you Dan!

  7. Grumpy ole man
    May 30, 2010, 11:13 pm

    Ward reminded me of Kempthorne, all nicely packaged and presented and really, an empty suit. Just nothing there. Fortunately his gaffs were worthy of a few wincing laughs. I sort of enjoyed him touting himself as a fourth generation Idahoan (who had to rent a house here from which to campaign because it had been so long since he’d lived here) Might be a new conspiracy for the birthers to jump on.
