ACHD Joins County In Spending Hold

Here is the second self-serving press release from a government agency, but we have to give them the space. ACHD joins Ada County and has not taken the 3% budget bump allowed by law while Boise City has taken the max.


ACHD Commissioners are expected to adopt a hold-the-line budget for 2011 that avoids an increase to the amount of property taxes collected while maintaining the core traffic operations and maintenance activities.

Commissioners take up the $84 million spending plan at the Wednesday, August 25, 2009 meeting, which begins at 6 p.m. in the Ada County Highway District Auditorium, 3775 Adams St., in Garden City.

For the second year in a row, Commissioners opted to not take the three percent increase in the property tax rate allowed by law or the increase allowed for growth (newly improved properties) on the tax roll. As a result, the total amount of property tax proposed to be collected is $31.7 million – the same amount as the prior two years.

To help contain costs, the District will continue with 10 unfilled positions, will forgo employee merit raises for a third year, and will strictly control the use of overtime or temporary employees.

Property taxes represent the largest revenue source for ACHD, followed by state gas taxes ($19.7 million), the vehicle registration fee ($8.4 million) and impact fees ($7 million).

A list of upcoming construction projects follows

Construction projects account for roughly half of the proposed spending. Major projects moving ahead in the coming budget year include:

  • The widening Ten Mile Road, between the old Overland Road intersection and Interstate 84, to five lanes. The $1.5 million project will also improve the Ten Mile/Overland intersection.
  • The reconstruction and widening of intersection of McMillan and Locust Grove roads. The $2.8 million project includes a new traffic signal.
  • The reconstruction, relocation and signalization of the State Highway 44/Old State Street/Ballantyne Lane intersection. The $1.3 million project will move the intersection 1,300 feet to the west, greatly improving safety at a high-speed accident location.
  • The completion of the Eagle, Victory to the Ridenbaugh Canal, project. The project is widening the roadway from two to five lanes with curb, gutter, sidewalks and bike lanes, and the expansion and signalization of the Victory/Eagle intersection. The $2.6 million project began in 2010 and will conclude in May.
  • Right-of-way (land) purchases for Five Mile Road ($2.1 million), Franklin to Fairview, and for second phase of the Meridian Split Corridor – Meridian and Main streets ($2.4 million), from Franklin Road to Cherry Lane. Having right-of-way will allow these projects to progress in 2013.
  • Design of the 30th Street Extension ($400,000), from Fairview to State, and of Five Mile Road ($300,000), from Fairview to Ustick, which will allow these projects to progress to construction in 2013 and 2015, respectively.
  • Thirty-five projects to increase safety for pedestrians and provide neighborhood enhancements, largely funded by Ada County Vehicle Registration Fees – $4.4 million. The fees were approved by voters in the fall of 2008.

ACHD’s fiscal year begins in October and runs through the end of September 2011.

Comments & Discussion

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  1. I’m in favor of raising gas taxes as a help to improve air quality by declining unnecessary use of motor vehicles in the county.

    Meanwhile, can anyone say what’s up with the Canyon County emissions testing regulation? is it on or off? If off, how come
    they’re getting away with it?

  2. mr. dipity, i have had all of my vehicles tested as the notices have appeared in my mail box. rest assured canyon county is actively engaged in finding the nearly non-existent vehicles out of compliance by testing 100% of all the vehicles.

    i called DEQ to get failure numbers but none were offered beyond some imainary number not supported by any data. it is largely a follow the money scam whereby the DEQ gets money each time a testing form is filled out.

    just have your car up to operating temperature and make sure the check engine light is out and you will pass the test. they don’t even put a sniffer in the tailpipe. what a joke on the motoring public.

  3. mr. dipity, forgot to say i live in canyon county… misery loves company with this nonsense.

  4. Looks like about 10.8 Million to me. With the market the way it is, do we really need these projects?
    Lets say we have about 500,000 people in ada county. That would be 2 million each. Gee pay off your house, buy a new car, retire. What else could one do?
