
No Surprise, Canyon Prosecutor Resigns

The 2C prosecutor resigned Friday amidst a shroud of financial dealings that have become all too common in Canyon County.

John Bujak called it quits, apparently over his convoluted agreement with the city of Nampa which saw funds going to his private law firm account, with promises to repay the county by the end of the fiscal year. He missed the deadline and now is out of a job. Looks like he came up $288,000 short.

We could see it coming in this JUNE POST. The DAILY PAPER has a pretty decent piece as well by reporter Patrick Orr.

Canyon has become the poster child for good investigator/auditor work OR graft and corruption, depending on your point of view. Clerk-auditor Bill Hurst had warned the commishes of the problem many months ago to no avail.

In the past year or two we have seen a prosecutor’s son charged with having child porn on his county computer, two women embezzling from the assessor, another gal dipping into the sheriff’s posse fund, a commish packing heat at Boise’s airport security, and now a prosecutor resigning in shame with potential criminal charges on the horizon. Still no word on the AG investigation into YMCA memberships for the Caldwell mayor from urban renewal funds–ironically that report was to have gone to Bujak to determine if prosecution was in order.

The Idaho Attorney General could easily set up a permanent office in Caldwell just to investigate the local government!
On a serious note, only through the perseverance of some determined private citizens and elected officials are the bad guys getting caught.

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  1. Rod in SE Boise
    Oct 2, 2010, 10:49 am

    So, they paid him $288,000 in advance and then he quit??

  2. Somehow, that @#%& eating grin on his photo, is probably absent these days! When Bill Hurst says “this is not going to have a happy ending” how stupid do you have to be, as an elected official, to ignore him?
    It appears that we are working on a clean sweep of idiots that have been elected to office in this valley!!

  3. Canyon County and the City of Nampa have absolutely the worst governmental leadership I have ever dealt with. Terrible.

  4. A fundamental problem is people just aren’t paying attention to what elected and appointed officials are doing and how they are spending our money.

    We can’t do much about the federal govt. but the local scene is quite close and we can do somthing about the kind of stuff Mr. Bujak was allowed to do and get away with right from the start.

    It will be interesting to know if he goes to prison for his fraudulent behavior and actions with the public trust of funds and job responsibilities, or just ends up with a civil remedy. Since he was already under water before this incident, hard to believe he will be able to repay .
