
2C Commishes Ignored GUARDIAN Warning

The DAILY PAPER ran a story today–fair and balanced–about the financial debacle in 2C land which left the county trying to squeeze $288,000 out of a turnip.

The BOISE and CALDWELL GUARDIANS on June 17 warned everyone emphatically saying, “One glaring issue for us was the plan for the county to invoice Bujak’s private firm for private (Nampa) use of county resources each month–and Bujak or his own staff would be the only ones to determine how much to invoice HIMSELF!”

It is easy for them to say we are not lawyers and they put their (misguided) trust in a lawyer. But it looks like the free advice from the GUARDIANs was worth at least $288,000! The Commishes weren’t just ignorant, they were AGGRESSIVELY ignorant, hiring an outside counsel at the time to defend their actions and filter media queries.

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  1. WHERE’S THE MONEY! The resigned prosecutor says he will “pay it back,” which seems to be an admission of alleged embezzlement. When the young lady in the Commish’s office took money that wasn’t hers, she was arrested and prosecuted. Will the same happen to Bujak or will his status as a lawyer and former politico out-weigh alleged criminal behavior? Will Bujak be stripped of his status as a lawyer, or will the ISB close its ears to the truth in favor of its own? Why would the county enter into a verbal contract? What are other counties doing that the public doesn’t know about? 2C was warned by the Guardians and others that this was a smelly deal, but then again what does the media know? There remain many unanswered questions in this continuing saga of the “Wreck of the Hesperus” that would be Canyon County. I would love to see a an in-depth Sunday package on this mess.


  2. I would not be surprised to find out he spent the money to keep his home out of foreclosure, his credit card debt paid off, his debts owed for cars bought on credit and subsequently repossesed.

    Bujak is a likeable person but everyone knew he had personal financial problems. Why didn’t they insulate all this with a Surety Bond to force Bujak to protect county money in case he could not pay what he owed the county?

    He will more than likely walk on all this debt if he is not found guilty of a criminal offense. He will declare bankruptcy and taxpayers will be left holding the bag for the money owed and the costs of the prosecutions,investigations and court costs.

  3. Fiona, if indeed that is the scenario, and it may well be, then the citizens of Canyon County need to turn to the elected officials that OK’d this debacle and start taking the funds from their ill-deserved salaries!!!
