City Government

Mayor Hotline October 9 to 15

Scott Gurnsey
N. 25th St.
Boise, ID
ISSUE: He thanked the Mayor’s office for their help Friday by getting things started with the Fire Department on his call regarding the new fire hydrant. He felt it would be good for citizens to be notified when they’re going to get something like that put in their yard.
Fire Dept.

Steve Hart
ISSUE: He would like to speak to someone about tailgating in the park area and about alcohol use during the tailgating time. He thinks there should be some discretion used by the police when touring the park during the games.
Action Taken: Contacted

Karen Ellis-Vant
N. Wagonwheel Rd.
Boise, ID 83702
ISSUE: Last Sunday some of the roads in the area where she lives were blocked off because of some type of marathon. These blockages make it difficult getting in and out of their subdivision and residents have to go way out of their way to get anywhere. Planners of these marathons should consider the residents in the area when they block roads.
Police / Mayor’s Office

Kevin Hudson
Edson Terrace
Boise, ID 83705
ISSUE: He is concerned about the kids from South Jr. High wandering around during school hours without much supervision.
Emailed to Principal and Director of Borah Area Secondary Schools
Action Taken: Left message

Gail Hughes
ISSUE: She called 9/30/10 about leadership and support from the Mayor on the JUMP project and also to assist in resolving the continuing GBAD versus BBCB issue, and hopes that her call went to the Mayor.
Action Taken: Mayor’s Office contacted

Concerned Citizen
ISSUE: He is concerned about Jack’s Urban Market Place. He thinks there needs to be a little flexibility to make this happen. He has closely watched the designs that have come out and doesn’t think the committee and JUMP are so far apart that the city would let $100 million gift go away.
Mayor’s Office

Justin McMurdie
Used to live in Boise, now lives in Oregon
ISSUE: He wants to register his strong disapproval and disappointment about the denial of Whole Foods and especially the denial of the JUMP project by the Design Review Committee.
Mayor’s Office

Wes Lucas
East Boise Youth Baseball
ISSUE: He would like to get some help on getting permits to build brick dugouts on the East Boise Youth Complex. They are having a problem getting the permits from PDS.

Frank Barnhart
E. Monterey Dr.
Boise, ID 83706
He expressed dissatisfaction with the recent DR Committee concerning the proposed development of the Simplot Project and the Whole Foods store in downtown Boise.
Mayor’s Office

The building demolition happening at the location of the Hillcrest Library branch (Overland & Orchard) has completely torn up the west end of the strip mall and there doesn’t seem to be any progress being made to finish the construction. The signs for the Library are gone, the Library entrance area is torn up and patrons have to walk through a safety tunnel to access the Library. It needs a large banner hung up so people know the Library is still open.

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