
Boise-Ada Taxpayers Suffer In State Land Deal

The Idaho Department of Lands sent us a well presented defense of their financials regarding the purchase of Affordable Self Storage in Boise–a state owned retail business.

What it means is that Boise-Ada taxpayers get screwed out of tax revenues, but the schools get a boost. The IDL sent the details–and we agree with the numbers–after Boise School Board member Rory Jones complained about the loss of revenues. Jones was correct with regard to loss of tax base, but the deal does benefit Boise Schools in the long run.

Meanwhile the giant cartel of big business and government remain silent. Based on the figures below, Boise City loses $12,565, Ada County $5,509 and ACHD $2,139. We talked to the Chamber of Commerce where a spokesman noted the philosophy of the business group was “minimal competition from government.”

The GUARDIAN was struck by the lack of concern about State-owned business competing with the private sector and the loss of tax revenue. No one from either Boise or Ada County has voiced concerns over lost tax revenues and the Idaho Association of Commerce and Industry defended the purchase in a brief conversation with us.

Turns out the State owns millions of dollars worth of Boise real estate that is off the tax rolls according to the IDAHO REPORTER blog.

Here is the IDL statement and spread sheet:
In 2009 the investment under private ownership contributed $10,040 to the Boise School district through the tax roll process. We cited in the land board memo that Affordable should generate in year 1 approximately $228,000 in net revenue for the Public School endowment.

Based on the FY2011 estimated public school distribution, Boise School District receives 8.81% of the total statewide distribution (see complete list attached). Therefore, the Affordable Storage investment should contribute about $20,087 to the Boise School District, or double the current tax roll. The balance in annual earnings, approximately $208,000, will be shared across the state based on the distribution formula.

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  1. Dr Spiegelvogel
    Oct 26, 2010, 9:55 am

    The Government competing with private businesses is a profound fundamental violation of regulated capitalism upon which this economy is built. When the regulators start running businesses and with the power to do more with taxpayer funded enterprises, the playing field is not level. Or in Bronco talk: The referees have a dog in the game.

  2. The clear issue here is they are using tax dollars and tax exempt status to compete with those who pay taxes and have no exemption from taxes.

    Not exactly a level playing field for those who put their time, labor and usually their life’s savings into their business only to end up competing in a no win deal like this one.

  3. So what can be done? How can we stop this? Seems we just can’t fire someone. We have no control.

  4. Robert, you have control. On Election Day.

  5. I do not think this is a good year to be an incumbent who has demonstrated a “let them eat cake” attitude with voters.

    We went to the elections office in Caldwell and there was a line out the front door to vote early. Heretofore, politicians banked on an electorate who remained disconnected from their rights to vote. What I saw today was a seething cadre of people wanting a change in the status quo.
