
Ada Landfill Gas To Double Electric Output

Ada County’s Hidden Hollow Landfill apparently is rotting away at a rate that will double the potential to capture methane and burn it to power two more electrical generators, doubling the current capacity.

Idaho Power will enter into an agreement with Fortistar Methjane Group, the owner of the plant, to use the electricity as an “avoided cost” of producing power. The plant is scheduled to go on line in February 2012.

We talked to a Commish Sharon Ullman who said the deal is expected to add another $300,000 into the county coffers on top of the current production fee of about $300,000.

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  1. Rod in SE Boise
    Jan 14, 2011, 2:17 pm

    Does the trash I contribute to the landfill (which will someday become methane) go towards paying Boise City’s court bill for which Ada County is suing?

  2. Maybe they can get Vern to blow some hot air in there too? Sorry, but the PI thing……

  3. sam the sham
    Jan 17, 2011, 12:53 pm

    When the Legislature is in session (or Butch is there) the State Capital Building blows more hot air…

  4. sam the sham
    Jan 17, 2011, 12:54 pm

    But seriously, will the PUC then lower trash or power bills? Really, will they?
