
Crapo Caters To Special Interests, Reduces Revenue

The bold face is a current press release from Idaho Senior Senator Mike Crapo:
Idaho Senator Mike Crapo said the spending reductions outlined by House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin) provide ideas on immediate steps to reduce the nation’s dangerously unsustainable federal debt. 
Elements of the House proposal have already been a part of discussions in the Senate to craft a long-term fiscal solution, and Crapo says Ryan’s proposal brings appropriate attention to the true magnitude of the nation’s fiscal problems.  “We need to move the discussion from billions to trillions.  Chairman Ryan’s plan puts the budget on a better path to balance the budget and improve the economy, and I look forward to reviewing the details of the proposal.” 
Meanwhile, Senior Crapo has pushed tax cuts or credits for railroads, veterinarians, beer brewers, and to spend taxes to develop private nuke power plants, and reduce permit fees for oil drilling on public land, among others in the past month.

While we applaud Crapo’s avowed policy of reducing spending, he seems to forget that offering “incentives” under the promise of jobs and stimulating the economy seldom works in the long run–somebody has to pay.

Here is how the senator sees his special interest tax breaks:





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  1. The bold type (press release) says absolutely nothing!!! It is time Sen. Crapo gets off the throne and actually tells us what he believes and what he is going to do about it!! This double speak from both of our senators is crap and they need to be held accountable.
    I am starting to believe that I may actually live long enough to see a viable third party in this country!

  2. Rod in SE Boise
    Apr 5, 2011, 8:16 pm

    House Budget Chair Paul Ryan unveiled a plan today that should make every American cringe. It would turn Medicare into vouchers whose benefits are funneled into the pockets of private insurers. It would make Medicaid and Food Stamps into block grants that allow states (like Idaho) to ignore poor people altogether. It would drastically cut funding for schools, roads, and much else Americans need. And many of the plan’s savings would go to wealthy Americans who’d pay even lower taxes than they do today.

    The President needs to remind us that as members of the same society we have obligations to one another — that the wealthiest among us must pay their fair share of taxes, that any of us who loses our jobs or homes or gets terribly sick can count on the rest of us, and that we have collective obligations to our elderly, our children, and the rest of the planet.

    This is why we have government. And anyone who wants to shut it down or cut it down because they say we can’t afford it any longer is plain wrong. We are the richest nation in the world, richer than we’ve ever been. We can afford to remain a society whose members are in it together.

  3. Herr Rodney, If vee take all the money from every American millionaire, we vill get 200 Billions marks, I mean dollars. How do vee address 14 TRILLION dollars of debt? Your intentions are good for the party, but unfortunately do not address our problems. Vee can no longer afford to support all people in all circumstances. Vee Vill have to give all of our money for the common good? It is our responsibility as good party members?
    All party members must contribute 80% of their efforts to the party.
    Can you live on 20% of what you earn? That is what you expect from the wealthy.

  4. Ho, hum. Same ol’ B.S. over and over and over and ……..

  5. Rod, you are a guy that needs to be lied to more than once before you get it? Do the math and prove me wrong. Spending is out of control at many times tax revenue. The stimulus packages have been more than enough to pay off every home loan in the country. But to do that, would free the people so money was instead given to banks, corporations, and foreign countries by Bush and your Dear Leader. Releasing people from their burdens by returning some of their money is too dangerous for the system.

    The nations families may need to be reminded to let the ill and elderly move into a spare room. You will be given a cane instead of a new knee. No pension will be safe, cut directly or watered down by inflation.

  6. I believe Senator Crapo is pretty conservative, philosophically. However, he’s a case study in what happens as our elected officials transition from “citizen legislator” to “career politician.” Seniority means everything in DC, and one gets reelected by catering to the deep-pockets special interests.

    If they were limited to 12 years of “public service,” our Republic would be much healthier. (Too bad; the Founding Fathers got so many things right, but they missed this one.) Same thing at the state level. The voters passed term limits twice and those “representatives” pulled rank on us. Unbelievable arrogance!

    Rod is a shining example of the “entitlement mentality” that has become pervasive over the past few generations. Our only hope is if we have a few ADULTS in DC who realize the importance of a budget. I’m with Cyclops and Zippo. (Remember that guy who said, “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country”? What a nutcase, huh? Must’ve been a tea-party radical.)

  7. Rod in SE Boise
    Apr 6, 2011, 2:57 pm

    Entitlements: I paid into Social Security for 40 odd years. I expect it to be there for me. I paid into Medicare for 40 odd years. I expect it to be there for me. I fought the commies in Viet Nam and am entitled to veterans benefits. Republicans are trying to take all that away.

    On the other hand the taxpayers pay for Medicaid – that is not an entitlement. They can take that away if they want. I don’t care.

    Cyclops’s use of fake German is insulting, to say the least, the very least.

    The bottom line is that all Republican Party policies are bad for America. Some Democratic Party policies are bad for America.

    Those two (Zippo and Cyclops) who categorize me (or anyone else) based on one or two sentences are showing their ignorance to the whole world – on the internet. Go for it, guys.

  8. Rod in SE Boise
    Apr 6, 2011, 5:18 pm

    Zippo & Cyclops sound like they don’t want the guy who sells them their beer at Jacksons or the woman who makes their pizza at Flying Pie to even have a basic, minimal retirement system like Social Security OR Medicare for health care when they get old. I don’t get that kind of mean-spirited hatred.

    EDITOR NOTE– In an attempt to tone down the personal stuff. All of you guys make good points, but come to different conclusions based on the same sets of facts. That’s what the GUARDIAN is all about. Cyclops obviously has a weird sense of humor–like the time I had to put him in time out for offending the baboons by comparing them to politicians! We can all agree more money is being spent than earned and government at all levels is the worst offender. One man’s economic stimulus is another’s catering to business.

  9. It all looks to me like a serious application of those with the GOLD MAKING THE RULES for the rest of us. Sen. Crapo just got reelected to another 6 years and is very busy and dedicating himself to special interest tax breaks.

    My first suggestion would be the USA back off being the police force for the world. We are now involved in two wars and about to get into another war in Lybia and our Navy and Marines are trying to help with the nuclear fiasco in Japan, unless people step up and say enough is enough.

    We have people working more than full time in this country and can’t seem to make enough money to keep their families housed, fed and clothed without food stamps and other federal assistance. We have lost our way in this country. We need to take care of working people in this country first.

    I see in the news today the Repubs want to take a meat axe to Medicare and Social Security. I am sorry but I believe working people have come to rely on these programs. They have had their retirement plans taken away, their 401k’s are in the toilet. I can see it now tin cups and pencils with old people on all the corners begging. I see more and more people holding up signs on street corners now. Mr. Crapo needs to live on what the average wage is for a family of four. He is leading a very opulent lifestyle at the expense of working people of Idaho.

  10. RSEB, Thank you for your service,

    The Dems and Republicans both have placed the entitlements under the bus. I find it disgusting considering promises made. Even more disgusting considering the wasteful spending which continues on other less important things. It’s easier to short people than the corporation that gives money and free jet trips I guess?

    Dem talking points? Try a variety of sources, as the old media dogs have drifted severely to the left since the 70s. You may wish to go to a local TEA party meeting, you may find some comfortable old concepts and perhaps some old friends too. It’s not the bunch of crazies the Obama-speak says it is.

    Inflation is here according to Wal-Mart, and I trust them a bunch more than the Fed. Inflation is traditionally how broke nations escape debt overload. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

  11. Rod, if you were insulted, I apologize. You must see that we simply don’t have the capability to supply the support you espouse. You are incorrect that this is the function of government. Government is supposed to supply interstate capabilties and defense, PERIOD! That is what the framers designed in the beginning. Politicians have bastardized the purpose of government for a couple of hundred years so that we have today 3-4 generations that believe the government should be the answer to every single need we have. I have paid into the same programs you have. I have fought for our country as well. I guess the difference between our philosophies is that I consider it “pay-back” in exchange for living in the greatest country in history. You seem to view it as an “investment”. Sorry we disagree.

  12. Rod in SE Boise
    Apr 6, 2011, 9:04 pm

    The Republicans are offering us a choice between living in a dog-eat-dog world where it’s every man for himself and to hell with the sick and disabled, and if you don’t inherit a lot of dough, you can work for pennies all your life and die when you can’t walk to work anymore – or living in a civilized society.

    Off topic, but I just love this: We don’t need more gun control, we need more control over crazy people.

  13. Well, adjustments to “entitlements” can be made now or the whole thing can come crashing down in a few years. I don’t think Ryan is saying no more Medicare, no more Social Security, no more Medicaid, but rather here’s some tweaking that will extend the life of these schemes for decades. If you don’t agree that we have a problem, then you haven’t been paying attention.

    Rod in SE, Social Security is a Ponzi scheme. Your money is gone, it’s gone to pay grandma. Your grandkid’s and kid’s contributions will be what funds yours. If you live long enough, you’ll reap way more than you put in. Same with Medicare.

    These are not “entitlements”. You’re not “entitled” no matter what the pelosi the democrats say. Why not? Because congress can change the formula, the distribution, any of it anytime they want. Read the law.

    We have hard choices to make in this country. Whining about how mean the Republicans are to the elderly and the children is just falling into the Democrat trap. Broaden your mind a little and educate yourself. Vouchers have been used successfully for a lot of things. Rhode Island has saved a boatload of money on Medicaid with a block grant type system.

    Or we can do nothing like that pelosi Reid wants and the whole system will crash. (pelosi is the new s–t in case you were wondering)

  14. They won’t be happy until we have two classes of people in this country. Rich and everyone else. I maintain that the progressive tax system I grew up with in the 50’s and 60’s has become a program of the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer with the Bush era tax cuts. There was no reason for this other than greed. Now we are in a budgetary mess. I also agree governement employment has now surpassed the numbers of people in manufacturing jobs in this country. The marginal tax rate of 35% on the rich is problematic when you look back on the 91% rate that was in effect in the 1950’s. The rich also insulate themselves from taxes via stock options and the 15% capital gains tax rate.

    I think my kids will be the last of a generation that had the advantage of a stay at home mother. We have people working 40 hour weeks and not even able to make the rent on a roof over their heads. Cheap labor, cheap land and lousy paying jobs are killing this country. When we finally strip all the dignity from the working people of this country hang on. It is going to be ugly. Think it can’t happen, look back at the labor strife of the 1930’s. Take a look at the uprisings in the Middle East. When unemployment hits 25-30
    % I look for all hell to break loose in the land of the free and the home of the brave.

  15. Crapo is a slut for corporate tax breaks like most Republicans. Risch is the Gestapo for corporate tax breaks.

  16. Both sides in Washington (as well as many of the posters responding to this post) are playing the part of Chicken Little in an effort to get their way on social issues or to protect their own self interests.

    The basic structure of the country’s political structure works–no civil war since the 1860s–increasing levels of education since forever–a growing economy since for ever (you got to have economic up and down cycles to have progress)–increasing more levels of civil rights since the civil war and especially since the 1960s(despite a large segment of the population who,out of fear, want to take them away for every body else but themselves)–social security and medicare (which have made much of our high standard of living possible) have become a solid standard of who we are as a people and allowed the countries children to go to college, be mobile and contribute to the economy–the list of what is working in the country could go on and on.

    Yes, the government needs adjustments–the country has always needed adjustments. The biggest adjustment might be to stop corporations from buying our political system, from using scare tactics to divide us–from buying us! In the end are we any different than our political leaders?

    Our political structure has worked well and it gives everyone the chance to have a say–(right Guardian)unfortunately, corporations get to say a lot more than the rest of us because speech in this country cost a lot of money.

    Still corporations feel they need to buy and con the population and buy politicians to protect their interests and get their way. The most often used tactic is to play on the fear factor genetically programed in to all of us. Even more unfortunately, it works. The sky is not falling! We do not need to go back to the 1930s (which were not the good old days)as we almost did a couple of years ago. We need to stop social engineering with the budget and get real.

    As far as I can, with my limited grasp of macroeconomics, tell the Simpson Bowles Commission had the best approach.

  17. Taxed Out, Question: Do you think the lack of trust in our governmental leadership is real or a product of Chicken Little media?

    I think it is because leadership has failed to care for Middle America first.

    It’s 1933 dude, they thought it was over too. The good news is the avarage teenager is more conservative than the average boomer. Good for the country, not for the boomers.

  18. serendipity
    Apr 10, 2011, 2:01 pm

    Re: Crapo calling for upping taxes to support bulding more nukes–why? because the giant insurance industries consider them too risky and therefore won’t insure them.
    From Crapo’s page:
    “A similar bill passed out of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee last session but Senate leadership did not bring it up for a vote by the full Senate.”

    GOOD!The Senate majority are still smart and resistant.
