City Government

Mayor Hotline March 26 to April 1

Ford Northcut
E Aphrodite Drive
Boise, ID 83716
ISSUE: Concerned about police car 188 which has been sitting in front of his place of residence (in Columbia Village) for the last four plus weeks. He feels this is a waste of funds.

ISSUE: In the past few years there have been a lot of arrests for victimless crimes. The War on Drugs cannot be won. The citizens should be making the policies for the Ada County Jail, since taxes help pay for the jail and inmates. Young people should be better represented.
No action taken

Ron Peterson
W Lucky Lane
Boise, ID 83703
ISSUE: Would like to see the City of Boise weigh in against the House Bill on Video Franchising on the side of TVC TV.
Intergovernmental Affairs

ISSUE 1: He feels there is selective enforcement of Fire Zone on 8th Street between Bannock and Idaho Streets. He has seen taxis and other drivers get ticketed. The parking enforcement officer did not cite a semi offloading goods when it was in the same fire lane.
ISSUE 2: Graffiti on the northeast corner of 10th and Franklin Streets is still there despite his efforts to contact people to get it removed.

Jim McKay
Peg Street
Boise, ID 83705
ISSUE: Would like the new taxi regulations to require cab companies who don’t take credit cards to display that prominently, so people don’t get in who can’t pay with cash. He thinks that not taking credit cards may be a type of tax evasion. He is not biased against immigrants.

ISSUE: Came from Oregon to the Garden Show. He parked kitty-corner to PF Changs. There was a sign on the corner that said loading zone no parking, which conflicted with the white parking lines. There were two other cars parked there. He thought the yellow area behind him was the loading zone. He would like the ticket waived because of the unclear signage.

ISSUE: His neighbors have signed up for recycling bins so they get the discount, but they never use them. He would like there to be a system so that the people who don’t recycle, even though they get the discount, should not get the discount. Until then he is going to quit recycling and use only his garbage.

Mike Krenning
ISSUE: He’s a Boise City Parks and Recreation employee. There is excessive graffiti on the back side of the Armory building.

Comments & Discussion

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  1. Hey Ford, maybe the copper that drives that car lives there!!??? Some of them have take home cars, geeez calm down!!!

  2. Rod in SE Boise
    Apr 5, 2011, 8:10 pm

    ANY graffitti is excessive.

  3. Rod in SE Boise
    Apr 6, 2011, 9:07 pm

    I saw a cop in the parking lot in front of the closed K-Mart building at Parkcenter & Apple just sitting there watching something with binoculars. She musta been cute!

  4. OK Rod, and your point is…nothing! Maybe the cop you saw was watching a parked stolen car he had discovered, or maybe watching someone that was possibly doing some type of dope deal, could have been anything, they are not always screwing off as most of you think.
