City Government

Dirt On Cleaning Contract Turns Muddy

The saga of the city cleaning caper took another twist when it was learned Boise’s copper shop (city hall west), the Library!, and City Hall are being cleaned by the outfit that lost the bid earlier this year.

Word is New York-based ABM with a claimed payroll of 91,000 employees got a 1 year contract after Boise City awarded the local firm CLEARVIEW a $368,000 contract earlier this year, but rescinded the night before they were to begin work.

Clearview owner Sylvia Hample has filed a civil suit against Boise City seeking public records about why she was locked out after winning the bid. The city has refused to provide the records, but they did pay her $43,800 for her troubles.

In court documents filed by the City, they claim the information she seeks is part of an active police investigation and exempt from disclosure. The GUARDIAN has it on good authority the case–whatever it is–is a potential felony. The case continues and the secrecy has created doubts about both Clearview and Boise City.

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