
As Predicted, Councilor Bows Out of Race

When Chamber of Commerce cheerleader Ben Quintana announced his bid for the Boise City Council, but refused to name which seat he would seek, the GUARDIAN predicted the fix was in.

Sadly, we were correct. Councilor Alan Shealy sent a letter to his fellow Councilors informing them he would not run for re election. That means with little more than a month before the filing deadline, there are NO CONTESTED seats for the Boise City City Council or office of Mayor.

Four council seats are up for election this fall. Lauren McLean will run to finish the two years remaining of Vern Bisterfeldt’s term. The four-year terms for Council members Shealy, David Eberle and Elaine Clegg are up for election this November, as is Mayor Dave Bieter’s.

FROM CITY CLERK–The Declaration of Candidacy period is Monday, August 29, 2011 8:00 a.m. thru Friday, September 9, 2011 5:00 p.m. The Declaration of Candidacy form must be turned into the Boise City Clerk’s Office located at 150 N. Capitol Blvd. If the candidate wishes to submit the declaration of candidacy signed by not less than five (5) registered qualified electors, the form must first be verified by the Ada County Elections office located at 400 N. Benjamin Lane prior to submittal at the Boise City Clerk’s Office. If the candidate wishes to pay the non-refundable filing fee of forty dollars ($40) then the form is just submitted at the Boise City Clerk’s Office.

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  1. BrandenDurst
    Jul 20, 2011, 1:22 pm

    Dave – Not exactly right. First, Lauren sent out a press release saying she would seek the four year seat. Second, I can promise you that Ben Quintana didn’t have any prior knowledge of Alan’s decision to not seek re-election. Yes, there has been a lot of rumors of Alan and/or someone else not running for re-election, but no one I know actually knew for certain what was going to happen.

    EDITOR NOTE–What part is not right? Quintana refused to name an opponent and the GUARDIAN predicted someone would pull out? There are currently no challengers.

  2. Does the filing period begin or end on August 29th? this article is contradictory.

    EDITOR NOTE–The Declaration of Candidacy period is Monday, August 29, 2011 8:00 a.m. thru Friday, September 9, 2011 5:00 p.m. The Declaration of Candidacy form must be turned into the Boise City Clerk’s Office located at 150 N. Capitol Blvd. If the candidate wishes to submit the declaration of candidacy signed by not less than five (5) registered qualified electors, the form must first be verified by the Ada County Elections office located at 400 N. Benjamin Lane prior to submittal at the Boise City Clerk’s Office. If the candidate wishes to pay the non-refundable filing fee of forty dollars ($40) then the form is just submitted at the Boise City Clerk’s Office.

  3. BrandenDurst
    Jul 20, 2011, 7:01 pm

    Dave – You were implying that Ben knew something was going to happen by stating, “the fix was in.” I am stating that is factually inaccurate. There was no fix, because no one knew what was going to happen. Was it a probability? Sure. A certainty? Far from it.

  4. It is a happy day for Boise! Or will be when Alan leaves the Council. The “little people” (Boise citizens) may now get some repect.

  5. So. can we assume you are going to run? Or are you just going to imply some sort of wrong-doing and complain that the others are running unopposed?

    EDITOR NOTE–Not a candidate and won’t serve if elected. Much more effective here at GUARDIAN.

  6. Eye on Numbers
    Jul 22, 2011, 2:49 pm

    The people who are in and run city governments are there because they manage to get themselves elected. When people paying the bills get tired of all this in enough numbers changes will take place.

    Elected and appointed officials depend on the minority rule of those who actually take the time to vote. I have often wondered what would happen if every taxpayer and registered voter received an absentee ballot and those who aren’t registered could still vote but would have to show up at the polls.

    I take the act of voting a serious responsibility that was achieved at the expense of much blood, and treasure of citizens. I also view elected officials as working for citizens not the other way around.

  7. Brandon, you are a nice guy, and I thought a little more astute politically. To expect there was no deal is just foolish. You and I (and the Guardian)know what “deal-making” takes place in this city/county.

  8. BrandenDurst
    Jul 24, 2011, 11:12 pm

    Cyclops – Thanks. I happen to know a bit more than I can reveal. I stand by what I said.

  9. More effective? How so? What is it that you do on this blog that you couldn’t do as a member of the city council?

    EDITOR NOTE–mostly stay married. Mrs. Guardian and I have an agreement that I will never seek office. Honestly, as a city councilor it is hard to go after coppers, firemen, county officials, the feds, or the legislature. If the rest of the council approves trolley PR expense, it would look like “sour grapes” to continue opposition and be critical of fellow councilors for instance. Thanks for your vote of confidence, however.

  10. With all due respect, my comment should not be seen as a vote of confidence. It simply appears much easier to criticize and make accusations on your blog than actually do something to govern. It is possible to go after issues with the system or oppose specific proposals without being nasty. Staying married is a very good reason not to run…but I think the other is a bit of a copout. You have no problem being critical on your blog, but wouldn’t be able to do it as an elected official? Hmmm…

    EDITOR NOTE–Lisa, let’s cut to the chase. Will you vote for me or not?

  11. I can’t. I live in Garden City.
