City Government

Eagle Council Wants Greenbelt Open To Bikes In G.C.

In a move that may be a wave of the future, yet another local government has joined the will of the people.

The Citizens for an Open Greenbelt (COG) made its case to the Eagle City Council on Tuesday, seeking to get the Greenbelt opened to bikes in the Garden City stretch currently blocked to bikes. It was apparently a compelling argument prompting the Eagle City Council to vote unanimously to take a public position in support of opening bicycle access through the section of the Riverside Village Subdivision of Garden City. Additionally Eagle elected officials want to immediately open a dialogue with the Garden City Mayor and Council to make this happen.

COG chairman Gary Segers told the GUARDIAN, “This is no longer an issue that just the Citizens for an Open Greenbelt has with Garden City. It now includes another major city in the Treasure Valley that believes the Garden City bike ban has a significant and negative impact on it’s residents, businesses, and users of the Eagle Greenbelt.”

Perhaps Boise’s City Council can take a hint from the bikers and Eagle councilors and urge Garden City to, “Tear Down That Wall.”

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  1. I salute the Eagle City Council! And agree with the Guardian that the time for Boise to weigh in is past due. (And where’s COMPASS? They’re supposed to be the organization that ties everything-transportation together into a neat package.)

    It’s a crying shame that Garden City’s “leadership” maintains its provincial attitude. What part of “continuous bike path connecting Lucky Peak and Eagle” don’t they understand? (The obvious but unstated answer – Riverside Village was sold as having their own PRIVATE riverside path, when in fact it has always been public property. And Mayor John Evans lives in Riverside Village and was the developer. Or… maybe that’s all just a weird coincidence.)

    Okay… I’ve vented.

  2. Whoa, Maybe the two opposing city attornies can spend millions fighting each other, just like a jucy divorse.

    Instead we can just cut off water to Garden city until they want to cut a deal.

  3. COG may be going at it the wrong way. The bike ban is but another symptom of a greater problem. The very existence of Garden City itself. Garden City is like a dagger stuck in the neck of Boise. A real pain in the neck.

    It’s time the State of Idaho got involved and forced the consolidation of Boise and Garden City.

    There’s precedent for this. In 1907, the separate cities of Pittsburgh and Allegheny were consolidated in an election which the State had allowed that guaranteed a consolidation. Case went to SCOTUS and was upheld.

    See Hunter vs Pittsburgh

  4. Zippo,Instead we can just cut off water to Garden city until they want to cut a deal.
    Good Idea!!

  5. I think Garden City should pass a resolution condemning the former eagle city council, mayor or whoever at the city signed the lease for the eagle city hall that they have now. what a crock of hooey. The resolution should also state that the Garden City council recommends to the city of Eagle that they go fly a kite.

  6. Zippo- Until Garden City quits being turds, maybe we just refuse theirs (sewer).

    ola- While cities should keep their nose in their own business, resolutions and working together is not a bad thing.
