Kudos To ACHD For Honoring Will Of People

Is it possible governments are starting to actually listen and ACT on the voice of the public?

Citizens along NW Boise’s Collister lane opposed plans to widen their street and install curb and sidewalks–75% were happy with status quo and told the Ada County Highway District to leave it alone. At a public hearing Wednesday described by one and all to be “engaged, civil, and informative” the ACHD commishes agreed with the citizens and permanently abandoned the $2 million plan to install sidewalks.

In 25 years there have been no incidents involving car-pedestrian conflicts. The GUARDIAN has heard several calls for increased traffic enforcement, but not much interest in spending money on sidewalks.

Concerns voiced by residents along the road ranged from cost of acquiring right-of-way to diminishing the size of yards and lengths of driveways forcing elimination of parking in private driveways.

No doubt this set very well with commish Sara Baker who was elected to the board after her own residence was subjected to a similar road widening project despite her opposition.

Boise’s Team Dave sent the following letter to the ACHD which we take as urging them to not base their decision on the will of the people and to keep the issue open:

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  1. The main issue with Collister is the intersection with State. People turning west onto State delay traffic quite a bit, due to the angle of the turn. Also, it is funny to see people trying to turn onto Collister going south near the intersection from the strip mall. Traffic gets backed up and they have no chance at making that turn anytime soon.

  2. Good! There are plenty of places beside Collister which could benefit from ACHD expenditures.

    Take a look at the dilapidated sidewalk, curb and gutter on the block at 15th and Bannock, the old Bogus Basin park and ride lot. Ditto that for the sidewalk on the west side of 16th near the Cabana Inn.

    And what’s with the crazy S curve that Idaho makes at 16th on its way westbound to become Main St? Eminent domain that weedy lot behind the Cabana and take the old propety at 17th and Main and straighten out that dangerous curve/intersection.

    There are also many areas of the north end which are missing sidewalks.
