City Government

Hammer Flat Sale Appears A “Done Deal,” Hang Gliders To Be Grounded Forever

Boise’s City Council is about to consider the sale of the Hammer Flat land to the Idaho Fish and Game Department after acting as the “straw man” purchasing the parcel on behalf of F&G almost two years ago in a secret deal.

In a Sunday editorial, the DAILY PAPER questioned deal, noting the city and F&G appeared to be on “different pages.”

The entire process has taken on a tawdry aura with the city attorney instructing park department officials to be “squishy” when answering media inquiries about the purchase and sale. The city immediately closed the area located east of Boise outside the city limits as soon as it was purchased with $4 million in taxpayer funds.

The city justified the purchase with Foothills Fund levy money and just as quickly justified the sale–after the GUARDIAN revealed the secret motive of the purchase. The whole thing could have been done openly, but was tarnished by secrecy.

They claimed an environmental assessment needed to be conducted. Now, the F&G guy in charge claims nothing new will be discovered. Meanwhile, the hang glider folks who got squeezed out appear to be the losers. Their favorite launch site across from the Crow Inn on Highway 21 appears to be in danger of being closed forever.

Glider spokesman John Kangas sent the following statement to the GUARDIAN:
On Wednesday November 30th a “Public Information Meeting” regarding Hammer flats and the Crow Gliding Hill will be held a Idaho Fish and Game headquarters in the Trophy Room at 6:00 PM at 600 S. Walnut St in Boise, Idaho. It is important that all people who believe in public access to our public lands attend. Information we have received indicate that Boise City is moving forward with the sale of our property to Fish and Game. While the mayor has previously indicated that use conditions, such as our gliding activity, could be transferred with the property, we have now received information which shows that Fish and Game is mandating no conditional uses in the final deal.

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  1. Bill Goodnight
    Nov 27, 2011, 3:21 pm

    the Statesman editorial is much ado about nothing. The only thing on the wrong page is the editorial.

    It appears the Statesman’s hidden agenda is to revive their perceived flap about hunting on the flats.

    The fact that the governor postured on the issue is inconsequential.

    Fish and Game always allows hunting on their management areas with some restrictions to protect wintering or breeding wildlife.

    The city has no desire or is it in any position to impose any restrictions on the deed transfer. They want their money back. Badly!

    The sale is a non issue!

  2. Good now the Hang Gliders get a feel for what happening to dirt biking, shooting, and other recreational users. Area closed for birds, for evironment study, for what ever comes to mind.
    To many people, don’t have kids.
