Interesting Stuff

2011 Retrospective, Choose You Favorite GUARDIAN Posts

It is that time for the annual “Christmas Letter” looking back at the past year’s stories, comments, and passings. You can click on the ARCHIVE button below the cityscape photo to jog your memory. Please share your favorite stories and headlines.

The scandal at the Ada County Misdemeanor Probation services was by far the most commented upon. We first broke the story in May. Some things never change, the Depot is still closed to the public and Boise City continues to find cash for surveys and studies that go nowhere.

–The F-35 seems to being having trouble getting airborne
–Urban Renewal got a little bit of control on future agencies
–Avimor remains a ghost town
–Ice World Hockey remains colorful
–Ada Landfill remains controversial, County is still our $2 million
–Fire Station closed in Garden City due to budget woes
–Boise Council election slips by unnoticed
–Idaho continues to offer PAYMENTS to businesses locating here
–Guns on campus debated
–G-Bad boys and girls have colorful run
–Garden Valley School District has serious politics
–Bike Ban in Garden City drags on
–Guv Butch joined GUARDIAN opposition to State purchase of storage units
–Coppers on Choppers, Boise PD patrols Boise County
–Fire Dept. fee schedule caused stir and fast fade
–Fire union does charity drive on city time
–Land Board to Build Brew Pub downtown
–Sniper School revealed in Caribou Forest
–Occupy folks still camped out
–Ada Commish on gender bias,Boise library harassment

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  1. A far better list than the Statesman can show!

  2. What about the “Luna’s Mad Dash to Reform”? His 6-8 credits have now been cut to 2 credit of online classes. The “reform” is now up for a Statewide vote. And school districts are scrambling to pass levy’s to make up the shortcomings. Would all of this been averted with more user input?

  3. IMO, once again the Guardian has provided good coverage of some important local stories… sometimes an insider’s look, sometimes just from the viewpoint of a concerned citizen. (And sometimes MAKING the news!)

    You didn’t include Hammer Flat, and the public lands bond levy maneuverings on your list. That was some interesting stuff.

    From a personal standpoint, I’ve most appreciated the stories about the ongoing Garden City bike ban. Another “out of the mainstream” story I liked was that of Boise’s Boeing 727. (Every time I bicycle up Gowen Road, I look over and see it, and think of the story.)

    For 2012?


    (Just funnin’…)

    EDITOR NOTE–My humility is awesome!, so I didn’t include it in the mix.
    Cyclops would have mentioned it. Big turnout and nice send off at his Monday funeral service.

  4. Ada County probation corruption was by far the best. Not one poop story this year. Miss the poop scoops!

  5. My favorite headline is “Nancy Cladis responds to probation concerns”. Right off the bat she starts out sounding high and mighty acting like the Guardian is a joke and that very few people read it. Well SUPRISE Nancy, that’s not the case. It appears that the posts are not just from “disgruntled ex-employee’s” as now there’s a lawsuit with who knows how many defendant’s at this point.

    Thank you Guardian for giving us an outlet to get the truth out there. I’ll pay my dues to society because of my crime but I’m glad all the extra hoops we have to jump through have been aired and HOPEFULLY this company will indeed have some oversight, as Sharon has stated, until they are taken over.

  6. Most definitely the Bike Ban. Usually the first media source to report how GC snubs their collective official nose at the rest of the community.

  7. chicago sam
    Dec 21, 2011, 1:44 pm

    For something that actually got changed I would think the right of citizens to vote on future Urban Renewel districts might have the most effect and for second place the ongoing waste to energy story not only in Ada County but statewide and how much more your electricity bill will be if these prposals are implemented

  8. Diane Sower
    Feb 12, 2012, 2:43 pm

    Does nobody see the incongruity of Luna’s two year online degree in measurements, while, thousands of teachers pony up their own money for Master’s and Doctorate degrees? Isn’t anybody out there listening??? Kids are learning NOTHING about computers. Anybody can log in to take a class. They just have to hire techs to take care of the dang things, and just ask a teacher what difference 6 more kids make in a classroom. 6 more kids possibly with ADHD, and we hold these people accountable for No Child Left Behind testing, pit them against the gifted and talented teachers who have the cream of the crop, scream for merit pay based on the fact that some teachers have upwards of 7 different languages spoken in their classrooms, and they’re supposed to fight for the pay that a music teacher will cruise by with. For God’s sake people, pass the levy!! Ask how many Meridian teachers even bother to go into their supply rooms this year.
