
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year

The GUARDIAN wishes to thank one and all for their kind contributions over the past year whether as a reader or contributing writer, or commenter.

We will keep an eye on the blog over the next week, but don’t expect much in the way of breaking news. The politicos will mostly be away from their public offices, so we should be mostly safe.

MERRY CHRISTMAS to one and all–even the politicos!

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  1. Dear Dave and Guardian readers/posters:

    Have yourselves a merry little Christmas and a brighter 2012.


  2. Hi Dave,
    It has been just like your blog statement says a fun, factual and interesting year. I only hope you can continue your efforts in 2012.

    Stay well and safe..

  3. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you, too! The Guardian is the first website I open after my computer spools up each day.

  4. Thanks Dave, and Merry Christmas to you.

    Yes, and Merry Christmas to the politicos too. Even when we don’t like them we are still far better served than many nations and states. And ultimately we can change them anytime we wish.

    EDITOR NOTE–Regarding change. The politicos made themselves “bulletproof” when they required recall petitions to have 20% of the REGISTERED voters instead of 20% of the votes cast that got them elected. We have full blown elections in Boise that have far less than a 20% turnout!
