ACHD Commish To Challenge Ullman For Ada Seat

Dave Case, a hearing officer for the stet of Idaho and an elected member of the Ada County Highway District, has told the GUARDIAN he will run for Ada County Commissioner against Sharon Ullman.

Currently Case represents the southwest part of the county for ACHD, but if elected to the Ada County Commission he would serve countywide.

Larry Rincover has apparently also announced he is running against Jim Tibbs for the other vacant commission seat, but we haven’t heard from him yet. The filing period for candidates runs from Feb. 27 to March 9.

As with the city races, the GUARDIAN will provide space for all candidate press releases and announcements.

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  1. Well, isn’t this refreshing to see some actual interest in running for elected office. Choice is a good thing for voters. I am for anyone who is for a ceasing the goofy Dynamis project at the Ada landfill. $92.35/Mwh of power is insane and it will all go back to Idaho Power rate payers to pay for all this mandated silliness.

  2. I presume you are talking about a primary challenge?

  3. Where do I sign up to support Dave Case? I am not a fan of Ullman’s, she is one mean lady that spends her time on her blogs instead of trying to be a commissioner.

  4. i hope Dave Case gets a website up quickly and actively campaigns against Sharon. I think he’d find a lot of Ada County employees who would happily vote for him to get her out of office. But time is short, and people need something to rally around. Sharon is very bad for the county citizenry and county employees. Time for change!

  5. Dave, you already have hundreds of supporters so let’s get the information out and start campaigning. As for a lot of Ada County employees wanting to get her out of office, I think we can safely say most if not all of them want her OUT.

  6. Yeah, as a taxpayer, I’m really concerned that the employees don’t like a Commissioner. I think I’ll rate the Commissioner on how little they pick MY pocket.

  7. As a taxpayer, I’d like to know when Dynamis is going to return the 2 million given to them by the ADA county commissioners in the summer of 2010. Commission Ullman was quoted in the Statesman saying the money would be returned within 6 months. The money has not been returned yet. So 6 months = At least 1 year. Must be that new math they teach at UC Berkeley. That feels liked they picked the taxpayers pockets.

  8. Sharon once again misrepresented herself my telling the taxpayers we would have our money returned within 6 months? We all have an opportunity to vote her out this time. Know who is running and their background and reputation. Don’t just vote for a name we hear over and over again with her inappropiate AND misleading comments. Shame on Sharon for badmouthing her fellow commissioners and anyone else when they don’t agree with her. Le’t bring respect and harmony back to the commissioners office.

  9. My website is up and running. I will be updating information as the campaign progresses and you can email me at [email protected]
