
Dynamis Projects Continue To Short Circuit

Good Work by the DAILY PAPER on Dynamis and the application for a waste to energy plant at the Ada landfill. It looks like it is quickly evolving into a regional tire disposal plant and within 5 years “tipping fees” at the dump will also go to Dynamis.

In other Dynamis news, the Idaho Falls Post Register newspaper has confirmed a previous GUARDIAN story about a proposed Southeast Idaho trash to energy project touted by Dynamis Energy.

The plan called for a consortium of counties to gather trash and deposit at a site in Clark County. Our sources told us last month it was doomed to failure and they were exploring a bio-diesel process that was more energy efficient than burning solid waste.

The Post register quoted two local County Commishes:
“We’ve worked with Dynamis over two years, and we were hopeful about the project,” Madison Commissioner Jon Weber said. “But we are slowly losing hope and have begun to explore other options.”

Weber said the commission believes the project should be further ahead than it is.

Fremont Commissioner LeRoy Miller agrees.

“We are very uncertain if it’s going to go forward or not,” Miller said. “In the meantime, we have to look at other options.”

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  1. Seem’s like a smarter group than what we have to deal with.

  2. Boise County Resident
    May 24, 2012, 8:29 am

    Mr. Mahaffey, CEO of Dynamis is one of the four principle developers who brought South Fork Landing to Garden Valley. This development has been a failure. Lots of promises/commitments to Boise Co. and GV that have been broken; plans for 650 homes has only resulted in 3 after 5 years, a new S. Fork Payette River bridge, a kayak water park, a fishing lodge, financial commitments to GV School district, the list of unfulfilled promises/commitments goes on and on.

    And to top this list off, they’re currently in property tax default to the tune of nearly $400k for SFL. At the P&Z meeting to approve SFL in GV they even had the audacity to say property taxes could decrease for county residents as a result of SFL. SFL’s closing statement at that meeting was, and I paraphrase; “we have done everything to meet Boise Co. requirements, if SFL is not approved, our next meeting will be in court.” Two of the other SFL developer partners, Oaas and Laney, sued Boise Co. over the Boise Co. Commission’s decision regarding Alamar Ranch, they were awarded $5.5 mil; an outcome some believe was desired from the beginning of Alamar. We taxpayers are on the hook for that one.

    My advice to Ada Co. folks is WATCH OUT! Mr. Mahaffey and his associates’ prior business actions in Boise Co. speak volumes as to their character.

  3. What was the intended funding source of this Clark County project? Was it an actual partnership, or was Dynamis the full owner, with a land-lease attangement like Ada County proposal? Methinks the funding is what has stopped evey one of these Dynamis start-ups. Still trying to get someone from county or Dynamis to tell me source of supposed “private funding” that is supposedly in place. Is it?

  4. chicago sam
    May 24, 2012, 9:19 am

    Clark county created what amounts to an Urban Renewel District in conjunction with Bonniville ,Madison,and Fremont.It was billed as a partnership with tipping fees and sale of electrical energy how the financing would be paid off.
    Tipping fees as proposed were at least twice what Ada and Canyon County residents pay in their respective countys. So far, I can find no application before the IPUC for consumation of a power contract between Rocky Mountain Power and Dynamis.Clark County also, did not put up $2 million for design plans. This whole project is detailed in a report by Whisper Mountain Professional Services, Inc. and funded by money channeled thru the Idaho Department of Commerce

  5. Curious what sort of due diligence Ada county did to confirm Dynamis could and has in the past delivered on its promises.

  6. It is clear to me this isn’t even a thinly disguied effort to turn this valley into a dump site and project to handle and dispose of old tires from the northwest. What I don’t get is just where there is any defined benefit for residents and taxpayers of this valley. Air quality will surely go down, Idaho Power will have to pay a stupid price for the electricity generated and the costs will be passed to their customers.

    Dynamis as well as Mr. Mahaffey have already received hundreds of thousands (Millions!) and zero has been the return to taxpayers and ratepayers.

    Can someone explain the benefits of this project to citizens and taxpayers as well as rate payers of Idaho Power? This project is tantamount to mental masturbation.

  7. It’s a classic scam….selling snake oil. This is a slo-motion train wreck which is just beginning to unfold. Keep up the good work.

  8. Modern Columbo
    May 25, 2012, 9:59 am

    This is turning out to be a potential fraud case. Dynamis does not have the experience, the funding or the technical capapcity to build a trash can let alone a project of this magnitude. What they have are a bunch of real estate and investment failures who owe a lot of money on their failures. The way the contract with Ada County is worded they don’t have to pay back the money if they choose to terminate the contract. Page 13 of the contract dated 6-30-2010, “Consultant shall have the right, but not the obligation to purchase the contract documents and the technology license from the owner.”
    Not the obligation. So if this ends now Mahaffey and company get to keep the 2 million dollars for two years worth of tinkering, a couple of low end consultants and a set of drawings. Seems like a good little profit for the 6 main players doesn’t it? Now he is selling his house in Eagle. Is Mahaffey heading for a new adventure? Or is his house too close to his proposed plant?
    So if the intent was to get the money with no real intent of completing what they promised that is fraud. Criminal investigation must commence.
