
Yzaguirre Recall Sought By Ada Commish Candidate

Larry Rincover, the long shot Democratic candidate for Ada County Commish, is seeking the recall of incumbent Commish Rick Yzaguirre over the Dynamis trash to energy scandal.

Rincover ran unopposed in the primary and faces Jim Tibbs, former Boise City Councilor-Police Chief-Drug Czar-Correction Board Member in the November election. Rincover has run what can only be termed a “stealth campaign” up to this point and actually agrees with Tibbs on many issues facing the county.

In a statement issued Wednesday night, Rincover said, “I believe that Commissioner Yzaquirre will be a divisive personality in the two year term remaining on the Board Of Commissioners. Every candidate on the ballot for District 1 and District 3 is opposed to the Dynamis project meaning that after January, with Ullman gone, Yzaquirre will be alone in his resolve to protect Dynamis. Ada County has seen, in years past, the problems a contentious Board can cause. There are too many positive issues to work on to be distracted by the divisions that will result should Yzaquirre remain in office. Therefore, I will support any, and all efforts to see that Commissioner Yzaquirre is shown the door by any responsible citizens initiative.”

Click to read the entire release.

The Dynamis fiasco has demonstrated that Commissioner Yzaquirre is not protecting Ada County interests. A
$2,000,000.00 loan that is now unsecured guarantees that Ada County will never see that loan repaid. According to the Statesman, Dynamis promised collateral then turned around and pledged the same collateral elsewhere. That alone should have been an awakening.

With Sharon Ullman losing her primary, largely due to this issue, and on her way out the door, Yzaquirre still doesn’t see the writing on the wall. He’s stubbornly defending his, and her position while the evidence piles up that Ada County has been taken for a ride. “I believe that Commissioner Yzaquirre will be a divisive personality in the two year term remaining on the Board Of Commissioners. Every candidate on the ballot for District 1 and District 3 is opposed to the Dynamis project meaning that after January, with Ullman gone, Yzaquirre will be alone in his resolve to protect Dynamis. Ada County has seen, in years past, the problems a contentious Board can cause. There are too many positive issues to work on to be distracted by the divisions that will result should Yzaquirre remain in office. Therefore, I will support any, and all efforts to see that Commissioner Yzaquirre is shown the door by any responsible citizens initiative.”

We need a County Commissioner who will be responsible to the citizens rather than special interests.

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  1. Could we please have a candidate who is not old and stiff, and someone who’s not just running to pad the PERSI for themselves and their friends.

    Let us not forget Vern was watching the trash burner deal happen too, he didn’t like it but didn’t raise the alarm either.

    Police and fire are MOST of the county budget. When you elect a retired cop or fireman, you are electing someone who knows how to work the system and they will jack the pay and bennies for these groups even higher. There’s nothing conservative about a retired cop or fireman. They are all about higher taxes to keep the gravytrain flowing.

    EDITOR NOTE–No county funds go for fire protection.

  2. My Two Cents
    Oct 11, 2012, 6:39 am

    Where do I sign?

  3. Okay I’d go for a recall!

  4. @Editor: Splitting hairs sir? Police and fire spend more than half of the local budget money. Who’s ledger it comes from is your point. My point is it comes from my pocket, not some magic money tree.

    To put a retired cop in charge of a cop and fire budget when so much of that budget is pay, bennies, and retiremnt is foolish.

  5. Zippo.. Larry has been in private business until now.. so has no PERSI to pad.. that I know of. Jim, on the other hand, will be able to pad his.

  6. Recall may not be necessary if the ongoing investigation finds unethical, illegal activity. We can only hope and that it will lend fuel for the fire-ing.

  7. I’m in

  8. Always good to hear from Larry. If there is a petition drive, I’m in. I’ll sign.

    KTA-an Ada County taxpayer fed up with Dynamis

  9. Yzaguirre has violated the law. (Ullman, too.) I am tired of crooked politicians. Okay, that is redundant.

    Tibbs is too entrenched. Yzaguirre needs to go, now. I will sign. Let’s give Rincover a chance. Go, Larry!

  10. Didn’t Rincover get beat by Yzaguirre? This looks like a sore loser trying even and get his name in the news before an election. He knows there is no way in hell that he can be recalled given Idaho law so it appears this is all for political gain. I also like that he mentions that Yzaguirre will be divisive. I can say that about almost every other commissioner the last 20 years, but haven’t seen it with Yzaguirre. The sad part is Larry had my vote until now, his true colors are starting to shine.

  11. You won’t get anywhere pressing charges of criminal misconduct on the part of the County Commissioners as long as Mr. Wasden and company have the idea prosecutions of illegal acts serve no public purpose for those holding public office.

    Think about all the crooked stuff from selection of the developer for the downtown brew pub and purchase of Affordable Storage by the Land Board, per diem abuses by legislators, Phil Kushlan’s membership to the Arid Club paid by CCDC, Mayor Nancolas’ membership to the YMCA for him and his family at URA tax dollar expense, Rep. Phil Hart’s theft of public timber and not paying his taxes. The crooks continue to pick our pockets with impunity.

  12. A agree with Flyhead. It ain;t illegal till the crooks say so.

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