City Government

Coppers Grow Facial Hair For A Cause

Next time you see a Boise copper with a fuzzy face, chances are he (or she) is not an undercover narc.

Chief Mike Masterson has initiated a deal that allows officers to buy a “goatee license” for $50, allowing them to sport more than those common little black mustaches–all in the name of charity.

The 90 day exemption from the grooming policy prohibiting beards is to show support for a colleague who has been diagnosed with leukemia and raise money on behalf of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. So far 56 contributor have donated over $3100 to the L&L Society.

The GUARDIAN obtained Masterson’s internal memo outlining the rules of the game.
Program Specifics:
·The exemption will apply to all employees regardless of assignment.
·If you plan on participating in this special initiative you will be expected to start the growth on your off duty days.
·Only Goatees allowed.
·Must be neatly trimmed and professional.
·There will be no multiple starts and stops. This special exemption will not become an excuse for not shaving.
·You may make your donation and then choose any time to grow the goatee up until December 31, 2012.
·I will personally handle all inquiries from the public.
·I will also serve as the “grooming appearance judge” during this time period instead of asking dozens of supervisors to apply standards. All questions, comments or concerns will be directed to me for response or resolution.

I realize and respect the varying personal opinions on this topic and would appreciate your support for this one time special initiative honoring those who suffer from this terrible disease, and in working with a community partner like the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society in helping to give others a second chance at life.

Now, if they could just grow some hair on their heads…

Comments & Discussion

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  1. Oh how pleasant and heartwarming, the police band together to take care of one of their own. So nice of them to show strong community bonds for their organization, such that they are even willing to bend a few rules when it suits their interests…

  2. Ronin–
    Wow, what sympathy you have!!! If you knew anything about the department, you would know they also support many worthwhile causes. One is childrens cancer research in the spring, St Baldricks, by raising funds for the cause. They also are very big into Big Brothers/Sisters of Idaho, as well as Idaho Special Olympics. Many officers give off duty time and money to these causes. Every school year and at Christmas time there is a program called Shop with a Cop, where the Boise Police Association donates money to help buy underprivileged school clothes, supplies and toys at Christmas. So, get off your high horse, its just not because its one of their own.

  3. Just make a donation without messing with the look/uniform. Many people don’t take a bearded man seriously.

    Cut and paste the follwing title into google to find the article:

    Women REALLY don’t like beards: And they also make men seem older and more aggressive, say psychologists

  4. If beards made men seem more aggresive, they would be required for police officers.

  5. BoiseCitizen
    Oct 17, 2012, 8:43 am

    I can’t wait for the lady coppers to start growing their goatees….

  6. Don’t Boise cops look user unfriendly enough with their new Robo Cop Dodge charger cars? At least the goatees will give them a less militaristic /fascist look.

    Anybody seen the new riot/swat tank? I saw it parked out on Barrister for a while. Think they park it inside now. Toys for the boys.

  7. dog you bring up a good point,
    the dodge charges, BMW bikes, chest cams, and drones in flight over the vally, begs the question why is it we keep cutting funding from the education, and no teachers are out there sporting newly grown face hair for cash

  8. dog, the new “roit/swat tank” is a military surplus vehicle that now belongs to the Ada County Sheriff’s Office. If you have a problem with that, maybe you should “bark” up that tree. Aslo, what does a “militaristic/fascist” look like?

    EDITOR NOTE–You guys have forced me to cut off comments on this post. We don’t like to spread hate over something as benign as cancer.
