City Ponders 50% Parking Rate Hike

Parking meter that accepts credit cards for payment in San Francisco, California, USA.Boise’s City Council, and the Department of Finance and Administration are forging ahead with plans to raise the rates 50% for on-street parking and extend the enforcement to include evenings and Saturdays.

The avowed reason is to drive street parking motorists back into the parking garages, according to some reports.

Boise WEEKLY has a good report on the details which prompted the GUARDIAN to do some digging on the relationship between the Capital City Development Corp. (CCDC) and the city of Boise.

CCDC has absolutely no oversight by any government agency–city, county, or state. Yet, the “Independent body corporate and politic” is able to divert tax money without consent of the governed. It’s called “tax increment financing.” CCDC owns or controls vast sections of downtown Boise, acting as a shadow government of Boise City. The agency is created by Boise, the mayor appoints members (including Mayor Dave Bieter himself), but the city has no legal authority once the agency is created.

Here’s the parking rub. Eighth Street between Bannock and Idaho has been vacated by Ada County Highway District with control and ownership of street and sidewalks resting exclusively with CCDC.

Despite a 2004 agreement allowing Boise to enforce parking meters on 8th Street, we question the legality of such a move. As we see it, there is no difference between 8th street and a shopping mall. It is NOT a public street, hence city parking ordinances simply don’t apply. Conversely, CCDC cannot dictate rules for the city to. enforce

It would seem that just like the parking garages, CCDC should hire a private contractor to handle the parking and any parking tickets would simply not be subject to court or vehicle towing if not paid.


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  1. 8th Street seems to have parking meters on one side and delivery parking in bike lane.

  2. I think it would be even better if they canceled all cars and just made people walk or bikes.. er.. maybe horses…

  3. Grumpy ole guy
    Jul 11, 2013, 9:48 pm

    What is the purpose of the parking places on the streets? Are they designed to raise revenue, or to provide quick short-term access to businesses? To whom is the revenue generated paid? and for what purpose? I had thought the time limit was to ensure tune over, not to generate revenue; and that the monies raised were to pay for the cost of parking enforcement.

    EDITOR NOTE–According to the agreement, Boise and CCDC split the meter money and Boise gets 100% of the fines. Our issue is with the fines which claim violation of an ordinance that is on non-city (and non-government) property. CCDC calls the shot as to who can and cannot park and when they park. City revenue goes into general fund.

  4. People who cannot ride bikes because of age and various debilities need to use their cars to go downtown. The parking garages aren’t necessarily located where they need to go.
    AND, I’m getting fed up with all this ridiculous bike narcissism. It has become a fad and a fetish already. Not EVERYBODY is able to ride bikes.
    What’s really disturbing is shadow government. How did “Republicans” who control everything in ID allow that to happen? I thought they are against big government!! LOL This city and state is getting more ridiculous by the year.

  5. Wow, 50% increase! Now I really can’t afford to come downtown. I’ll be in west Boise and Meridian if anyone needs me. 🙂

  6. No doubt about it–this will hurt biz in downtown BOI. I should think the local businesses would rise up and beseige the City Council & Mayor. But, after all, most of them are Repubs–so I’d guess they would be aghast at this idea.
    No wait… Repubs love to tax anyone but themselves.

  7. Having gotten three parking tickets which cost me $15 each and paid numerous $10 charges at the parking garages I can assure you that I stay out of Boise except when absolutely necessary.

  8. i love to go downtown, and usually go after 6 and on weekends when parking is free. I shop, bar hop, and eat out. I will still go downtown, but a lot less if I have to pay for parking at those rates.

    Sorry Mulligans, Reef, Graineys, Cafe Ole, 10th street Station, Protos, Pengillys, Cactus, Flying M, Jos A Bank, Crux, etc….I will be coming less.

    Congrats to Eastside Tavern, Tastings, Refuge, Jim’s Alibi, Crickets, Stubs, you will be seeing more of me.

  9. Yeh, parking costs have impacted my frequency downtown. This will kick it down another notch or two. There are other good options. Downtown does not cast a welcoming face anymore.

  10. Boi-se or Boi-cot

    The Boise City Mayor and Council have made it abundantly clear; stay out of our city! And, if you insist on coming, don’t stay long. OK, Mayor and Council, you put up the “Not Welcome” sign in the way of new parking meters and higher fees to park, so more of us will oblige you and not come to Boise. We will Boi-cot.
