
Valley County Is Ground Zero For California Kidnap Manhunt


A massive manhunt is unfolding in the forest of Valley County Friday afternoon for a California kidnapper and at least one of his victims after police confirmed
a car being sought was found abandoned east of Cascade near the Frank Church Wilderness.
Although the license plates were removed, the VIN number matched DiMaggio’s car, San Diego Sheriff Bill Gore said Friday at a press conference.

He said horseback riders in Idaho who were camping in the area say they saw James Lee DiMaggio and Hannah Anderson in the wilderness Wednesday. They did not realize who the pair was until they returned from the woods.

Ada County SWAT team and bomb squad are enroute via helicopter at the request of the FBI and Valley County. The response is so massive Boise Police has been tapped to handle calls throughout Ada County while the sheriff’s deputies are on the special assignment. It was feared the car may be booby trapped with explosives, hence the bomb squad response.

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  1. Grumpy ole guy
    Aug 10, 2013, 10:18 pm

    I truly hope that comments of judgement will be withheld until conclusive facts are known. The appearances are frightening enough without speculation being added.
