
#1 Reason To NOT Be An Ada Commish



We seldom have much sympathy for politicos, but the Ada Commishes plate runneth over in a political nightmare set to play out Wednesday at 6 p.m. in the Courthouse.

Bowing to a neighborhood request for an appeal of a building permit approved by Planning & Zoning August 22 near Meridian, the Board has agreed to hold a public hearing at the courthouse Wednesday to hear from neighbors who oppose construction of…a Mormon Temple. Not a neighborhood ward church, not a Stake house, but a TEMPLE.

The LDS church applied to build the new temple near Meridian because there are so many Mormons in the area. The Commishes now have the opportunity to vote for or against the Mormon Church. That is reason #1 to not be an Ada County Commish.

The press release announcing the hearing said “refreshments” would be available in room 4117 for overflow attendees. No word on who made the refreshments, but we remember a historic vote on the Equal Rights Amendment in the Idaho legislature which garnered plenty of cookies from church ladies.

UPDATE 10/24/13
The meeting was packed and 80% of the those who testified were in favor. Commish Dave Case declared he is a member of the LDS Church, but vowed to be impartial. Case and Commish Rick Yzaguirre were the only commishes at the meeting and both voted to sustain the P&Z ruling and approved the building permit.

Comments & Discussion

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  1. Gonna be a whole lot of jello salad.

  2. The fact that the LDS church wastes money on temples made from man’s hands, shows that the message of Christ is lost on them too.

    Think about it? What would Jesus do?

    Feed and house the poor, or build another useless and pedantic building to baptize dead people?

    Really, tell me, What would Jesus do?

  3. Perhaps they should put the new Temple in a suitable location… Suitable to the community at large, not just the spot on the map they picked from Salt Lake. This thing kinda looks like the cheese plant with a spire… The cheese plant provides more jobs.

    My grandpapa always said to avoid banks, churches, and governments which have spent a fortune building temples to themselves. His wisdom has paid large dividends.

  4. Ah, the Corporation of the Presiding Bishop of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints rears its ugly and vile head once again.

    I am in agreement with Ookmon. How about build a bigger temple in place of the already existing one?

  5. I do not think this conversation should be about Religion and/or your view on the LDS Religion.

    It should be about the zoning. Is the use relevant and appropriate to then immediate neighbors?

    The rules were bent to allow a 56 foot tall building where 35 feet is the limit. That might be find but the spire extends up to 120 feet. That is over 3 times the height for the rural zoning. I might be a NIMBY under the circumstance.

  6. Grumpy ole guy
    Oct 23, 2013, 12:36 am

    Suppose SNL’s Church Lady will be there to serve the cookies? More land off of the tax rolls, another angel statue to trumpet silently to deaf ears. This will be the THIRD temple in the Valley; my or my oh my. Makes my agnostic heart go all pit-a-pat to think of it all – all of Christian charity at work solving the problems of homelessness and hunger right here at home, no matter the color nor denomination of the victim. Yessireebob, those problems are just a disappearing as if by magic.

  7. As Clancy observed, there’s plenty of irrelevant Mormon-bashing. (Which it typical of any story about the Mormons. Check it out.)

    Is the building compatible with the site, now and in the future? (Keep in mind, there’s a huge strip mall anchored by a Fred Meyer, maybe 1/4 mile away.) That should be the only issue here.

    In response to other issues raised:

    Was the site “picked by Salt Lake”? Typically the local leaders (Guess What? Mormons live in Meridian!) recommend several available sites, they are visited by Church building department people, and then “Salt Lake” makes the final selection.

    You can rest assured that if the building goes forward, it will be of top-tier quality materials, fantastic landscaping, etc.

    Why don’t they just build a bigger one where the current one is (S. Cole Road)? For the same reason that they built one in Twin Falls, Rexburg, Manila, Buenos Aires, Freiberg, and 100+ other places… to make it more accessible for those who want to access it.

    Why doesn’t the Church help the poor? The same people who will frequent the temple, also volunteer at the Church’s cannery (on E. 46th in Garden City), donate generously to a “fast offering” fund used exclusively to feed and house the poor, and are often involved in other local charitable ventures. (My “ward” often helps out at the Idaho Foodbank, Boise Rescue Mission, etc.) Such comments are ill-informed and ignorant. (My opinion.) Perhaps those commenters should consider their own efforts to help the poor and spread good will. Are they Christ-like?

    I’m a devoted “Mormon,” but am not an official spokesman for the Church.

  8. The issue is the ordinance and P&Z. Were rules altered for this purpose? When did rule change discussion occur? Are there conflicts of interest playing here at the commish?

  9. I’m not a Mormon, nor will I ever be… but I must say that Mormonism is a key factor in the low crime and high quality of life in this valley. The grip seems to be slipping in the SLC area however.

    As for zoning, at least they are not messing up the freeway approaches to accommodate this one.

  10. Grumpy ole guy
    Oct 23, 2013, 8:07 pm

    bikeboy – I certainly did not intend to single out you, or Mormons for condemnation in my remarks. I believe that most members of most denominations of most religions lack actions to back up the written and oral commitment towards charity.
    I think generally most Mormons and most Christian and Muslims, and Jews, and atheists, etc. deserve to be criticized for lack of compassion.

  11. Bikeboy- well said!

  12. Mormons have added more missionarys to Boise. Used to be 75. Now 250. The temple is needed because the new Zions Bank is waiting for all the new tithe money. Mormons are losing grip on SLC and Utah. Idaho is the new Zion.

  13. I thought the new Zion Bank downtown with it’s Mormon spire architecture now in the skyline IS the new temple.

    There’s gonna be another one?

  14. I think this statement speaks for all the religion in the area.
    Think about it? What would Jesus do?

    Feed and house the poor, or build another useless and pedantic building to baptize dead people?

    Really, tell me, What would Jesus do?

  15. Think about it? What would Jesus do? Feed and house the poor, or build another useless and pedantic building to baptize dead people?

    Inquiring minds obviously want to know! It’s wonderful that we have so many religious-minded folks in our community!!

    Here’s my take. (And I’m not a spokesman for Jesus, or for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.)

    During his earthly ministry, Christ frequently taught that the “great” commandments are to 1) Love the Lord they God with all thy heart, might, mind and strength, and 2) Love thy neighbor as thyself.

    Feeding and housing the poor – or better yet, assisting them to get out of their state of poverty – obviously addresses #2. I believe my (LDS) Church, and its adherents, take extraordinary measures to fulfill that commandment. (See previous post for some examples.) The Church also maintains a “Perpetual Education Fund,” that people are encouraged to participate in. The funds are disbursed to poor people, to enable them to improve their education, which should result in an increase in their earning power and family quality of life. (And it has done just that, for thousands of people worldwide, since it was implemented.) They are expected to reimburse the moneys extended, when and if they are able. Of course, the individual is expected to “love thy neighbor” as well – an ongoing challenge for all of us!

    Building temples is a way for us to show our devotion to the Lord (Commandment #1) and love our neighbor (Commandment #2) as well. We believe the ordinances performed within the walls of temples are a REQUIREMENT to enter the kingdom of God. They are performed on behalf of departed ancestors – and total strangers – in the hopes that they will “accept” them and thus enter the Kingdom. Of course, they have the free agency (as do living people) of accepting or rejecting those ordinances. But they are performed 100% out of love and concern for God and our “neighbors.”

    Of course, people who see our temples as “useless and pedantic buildings,” rather than sacred houses of worship, may not recognize our attempts to be disciples of Christ. That’s fine… I’ll gladly let Him be the judge.

    Christ’s apostle Paul tried to explain the disparity of viewpoints to the Corinthians: “… the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.”
    (1 Corinthians 2:14)

    I hope that helps. Have a wonderful day!

  16. Foothills Rider
    Oct 25, 2013, 1:56 pm

    Bikeboy, would you consider Ada County Ordinance 806 (snuck under the radar in May) to be a “saving” ordinance?

  17. I moved here 15 years ago from a state that moved away from me, in the philosophical sense. I grew up around some mormons, knew a few in high school, worked for a mormon family as a teenager, and knew a few in scouts. I never thought twice about their religion, I don’t remember anyone ever saying a derogative thing about them. Then I moved to Boise and almost immediately neighbors and co-workers, are warning me about mormons, “Never do business with them”, “They control everything around here”, “You don’t want to live in that neighborhood, there are a lot of mormons there!”. I am still dumbfounded by the extreme anti-mormon attitude that many people in this valley harbor. You start a conversation about mormons in this town, and the anti-mormon rabble rousers come a runnin! Give it a rest people! We get it, you hate mormons…move on!

  18. Shoogi – well said. For all the “Christians” in the city there is sure a lot of “un-Christian” behavior against the Mormons.

  19. I’m always amazed at the comments, attitudes, and actions of so many “Christians”, this site included. Who am I to judge another? I think its comical to see how a zoning ordinance became a hate filled tirade for some. This just shows the lack of class on this site.

  20. Foothills Rider
    Oct 26, 2013, 1:51 pm

    It IS a zoning issue, as Clancy stated early here. It should not be about religion, more specifically, preferential treatment of a majority religion. If this was a same size/scope project, same landscape, setbacks, and needed the same ordinance rework and variations for height and size, but was a MOSQUE, would it have passed?

    EDITOR NOTE–Earlier commenter cite4d this ordinance as possible “permission.”

  21. I see no problem with building a huge monstrosity to celebrate their religion. If one travels outside of this region it is very common to come upon much larger Catholic “temples” which certainly outsized and outclassed any other building for hundreds of miles when they were built. Currently the tallest building in Washington DC is a church.

    About 25% of Idaho’s population claims to be Mormon.

    The hodge-podge of other less organized/smaller/independent Christian-based churches which are nearly all identical) plus the 18% of Idahoans which claim Catholicism by far outnumber. Further, the highest percentage of Mormonism in the world is in eastern Idaho thus Ada Co. is not at the 25% mark.

    On the world stage Mormonism is tiny, but they are growing rapidly in our current era of “tolerance”(or perhaps weakness) by the Catholic dominated Christian world. LDS will not have such good fortune doing business in Muslim dominated regions however because Muslims have no central control/organization, thus no one to make a peace treaty with.

  22. Foothills Rider
    Oct 27, 2013, 10:15 am

    “Majority religion” was not intended to compare Mormon with “all other non-Mormon.” Mormonism is the majority religion in Idaho, and in fact Idaho is second only to Utah in percentage identifying as Mormon. Comments intended to spark thought: was preferential treatment given to a religious group, in conflict to stated ordinances and building limits? Did religion trump (or change) law? Would outcome have been different if not an LDS project? Would the same supporters argue in favor of a Mosque, using the same arguments that were presented in support of the temple? Would the commissioners have gone the same way?

  23. Foothills Rider:

    I’m a practicing “Mormon” and a lifelong resident of Ada County. If I got wind that a “minority” religion wasn’t getting the same treatment as the LDS, I’d gladly attend a hearing to protest. Big cathedral, synagogue, or mosque… BRING IT! (Hopefully a peaceful mosque, not a jihad mosque.)

  24. bb: How about having LDS build it for them. Just to be fair… Kinda like a church welfare system.
