In a subtle maneuver that would have any fighter pilot pulling extra G’s, a group organized to fight the noisy F-35 jet has co-opted Mayor Dave Bieter’s favorite line about making Boise the “Most livable city in America.”
“CITIZENS FOR A LIVABLE BOISE” now has a central “meeting place” on-line. They even qualified for the “.org” designation.
While rather restrained in their approach, CLB presents information and news stories from around the nation not likely to be produced by local media outlets or shared by proponents of basing at least 18 of the loudest fighter jets in the Air Force at Gowen Field.
Apr 14, 2017, 12:32 pm
Thanks Dave…
Dan Marler
Citizens for a Livable Boise
[email protected]
Apr 14, 2017, 5:11 pm
It’s time to ask who will benefit from basing F-35 in Boise.
Mayor Bieter’s usual friends, the developers.
Apr 14, 2017, 5:41 pm
Nice website!
I use an iPad and had several errors where the pages had to reload.
They need a Photoshopped pic of Bieter and Otter riding on the top of an F35, Strangelove style.
Apr 16, 2017, 8:55 am
The Citizens for a Livable Boise (CLB) grass roots movement is solely about protecting Boise’s Environment and Economy by providing comprehensive facts and information. In addition, members are given a voice to confront elements that work against the Livability of Boise. CLB is not against US Fighter Jets, ANG or US Military. What we ask for are the best planning and decisions approaches possible to assure our beloved cit’s livability.
Join Citizens for a Livable Boise by emailing [email protected]
Thank you.
Apr 21, 2017, 7:00 am
Has this website been announced on any of the local media channels or in the papers? It deserves a mention as the other side of the story. Whada ya say, major media? Play fair.
EDITOR NOTE–They read it every day.
Jun 19, 2017, 12:54 am
We live 5 miles from the end of the runway at Gowen Field. You dont have to see the airplane to know its an F-15 taking to the air. The roar is unbelievable. Double that sound and it will not only affect people on the departure end of the runway but will boom all the way to Capital, the City Hall and the entire metropolitan area The government has forced severe restriction on the decibels of noise allowed by commercial carriers with no such restrictions on military aircraft. We must demand that the Politicians allow a series of test flights by the F-35 and see how the public reacts instead of trying to ram it down our throats. I’m sure the Air Force can find a better use of the terrific facility that the Air National Guard has at Gowen Field.
Jun 23, 2017, 5:13 pm
I don’t believe that anyone has a right to complain about the noise! The airport has been there longer than anyone has lived in their house. They chose to live by the Airport no body forced them to buy a house there so live with it!
Jun 26, 2017, 9:56 pm
JD, ‘no right’ Really? You (deleted). People like you are how we lose rights. We have all kinds of rights. They should be used responsibly of course. Being concerned our government is lying to us while scheming with friends to destroy whole neighborhoods for profit is a good reason.
Jun 30, 2017, 12:41 pm
In response to John DeAtley post on June 21st. What Mr.DeAtley. doesn’t seem to understand that the noise will not only affect the people that live close to the airport but everyone who lives in the Metropolitan Boise area. No one will escape the thunder. Bring some of the F35’s to Boise and fly there normal patterns of departure and landing. The response from the citizens will answerer weather or not we want to live with the F-35’s in our Cities.