City Government

Poop Farm: “Where’s The Beef?”

With more irregularities (financial that is) being documented daily, we think the Boise City Council may finally believe the GUARDIAN and look into the allegations at the Poop Farm south of Boise.

One reader commented on the previous story (More Dirt on The Poop Farm) calling it the “tip of the iceberg” at the Boise City Twenty Mile South Farm. We have to agree after learning of numerous purchases during the past two or three years relating to cattle operations.

We note the city has bought corral fencing and gates, watering devices, feeder corn–more than $800 worth in a single transaction–and something called “feeder panels” at $784. Just on these few items alone the total came to well over $4,000.

The remarkable thing to us is the city doesn’t seem to own any cattle. That’s right folks, the city purchased cattle-related items, but they DON’T OWN CATTLE!

“Why” we ask, would the city purchase all of the components for a cattle “squeeze chute” when the city doesn’t even own cattle?

Each transaction was divided into an individual purchase which just happened to fall under the $1500 spending limit authorized by city policy. Funny these would show up time stamped only a minute apart with three consecutive invoice numbers on 27 November 2002.

We think this needs immediate scrutiny and shouldn’t wait for any further delays in onsite auditing and inventory. Things have a way of getting rearranged prior to announced inspections–ask anyone who has been in the Army. (Hint to auditor: the squeeze chute will be red or green, look like a tubular steel cage just big enough to get a cow or bull into.)

We hope the City is not calling it a “personnel” matter just to keep the public from having a look. No problem, the GUARDIAN won’t let this one get flushed down the drain.

Ed Note–
We would be happy to have any “educational photos” or more documents if any of our dear readers run across anything of interest. E-mails at the CONTACT address at the right are not directed to the public site. If you don’t want something to appear in the comments section, just say so and it will stay out.

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