Archive for September, 2005

And Then There Were Three

All three incumbent city councilors in Boise now face challengers with the addition of a self proclaimed one issue protest candidate, Mark S. Seeley. Seeley, 44, will go after Councilor Vern Bisterfeldt’s seat, challenging him on the plight of the homeless and the fiasco over the operation of a Community House, the former City homeless […]

Swindell vs Jordan

Talk About Rehabilitation! Brandi Swindell was sentenced to 25 hours of community service for her role in a protest over removal of the Ten Commandments rock in Julia Davis Park. Now she wants to do it full time. To hear incumbent city councilors tell it, she will do 25 hours community service the first day […]

Fears, Finances, and Frailties

The dude playing “geocache” games hiding stuff on the Rainbow Bridge near Smiths Ferry not only didn’t make friends with cops, he tied up traffic and touched off a series of events which illuminate our public fears and funding. Just about ANYTHING can trigger a “suspicious package” call these days and often as not it […]

Ada Commishs Charged

The Idaho Attorney General’s office filed charges Wednesday against the three Ada County Commissioners for violation of the state open meeting law stemming from a meeting with Boise City Councilor Vern Bisterfeldt. The three count civil complaint in Fourth District Court alleges the closed meeting was illegal because: –no attorney was present and there was […]

Depot Remains “Private”

When the world’s largest operating steam locomotive came to Boise Sunday, it was banned from parking at the most beautiful Depot in the Northwest. So much for promoting rail transportation. The historic “Challenger” was relegated to a stretch of weed-lined track west of the Depot because a private party had rented the Spanish mission-styled landmark. […]

Boise City 101

With the September 30 filing deadline only four days away, Boise’s November 8 City Council election is the subject of intense disinterest by potential candidates. So far only Jim Tibbs has announced a run against an incumbent. He is challenging Councilor Jerome Mapp. No one else has stepped forward to run against either Vern Bisterfeldt […]

Meeting Host or Guest?

The GUARDIAN asked the folks at St. LuKe’s Regional Medical Center exactly who called the meeting that Sheriff Gary Raney contends was not a meeting, but the Ada Commissioners listed on the agenda as a meeting at the posh private Arid Club on Wednesday. Government and community leaders were set to discuss a proposed drug […]

To Meet or Not to Meet?

Like President Bill Clinton who had trouble with the meaning of “is,” Ada County officials are wrangling with “when is a meeting not a meeting?” In a good faith effort to err on the good side of Idaho’s “Open Meeting Law,” the Ada county commissioners posted a legal agenda item for Wednesday which included a […]

Bond Passes, GUARDIAN Wrong

The savvy Meridian school administration pulled off another victory at the polls Tuesday when voters authorized a $140 million bond for new schools. Despite an attempt by a taxpayers group to undermine voter confidence with a brochure listing all salaries of teachers and administrators–by name– about 72% of the voters said YES to a new […]

Whaddya Think?

Each day the GUARDIAN receives between 4,300 and 6,100 hits on the site. We know from talking to folks that many of our readers are government and media reps, many of whom are reluctant to post a comment. We notice there are several comments on average for every story we post. Many of the commenters […]

Council Race Off to Slow Start

With the City Council election less than six weeks off, the city is awash with intense disinterest in the people we allow to decide how more than $150,000,000 is spent each year. The only non-incumbent to register as a candidate is former acting police chief Jim Tibbs. He has been attending city council and neighborhood […]

Look For Meridian Bond Failure

We look for the Meridian School Bond to fail at the polls Tuesday, but not for lack of trying. Both sides sent mailings to school patrons–a fancy word for taxpayers–and both had reasons to vote their way. The GUARDIAN predicts the vote will actually become a referendum AGAINST growth rather than any judgement for or […]

“Told You So”—Sorry

The Associated Press reports the well intended publicity stunt on the part of Idaho cops to “help their brothers and sisters” in the hurricane Katrina disaster area were met with a less than enthusiastic reception. The GUARDIAN had questioned the wisdom of sending people and products to the area in the context of a story […]

Tell It To The Judge

Ada County Commissioners have been the subject of an Attorney General’s investigation of a June 15 closed meeting with Boise City Councilor Vern Bisterfeldt. The issue is whether or not the meeting should have been closed. One of the prime witnesses is Bisterfeldt, who made an attempt to talk nice with the county on behalf […]

Train Idea Off Track

What is it about trains and Boise mayors? Brent Coles flitted around the globe riding the rails and came home with the famed “REGGIO SPRINTER” which was doomed even before the city spent $250,000 on a sales pitch. Now Dave Bieter wants to sell locomotives for local trainmaker MotivePower. He appeared in a video wearing […]

AG Rains on Tax Petition

The Idaho attorney general has issued an opinion that a taxpayer sponsored petition to limit property taxes is unconstitutional. Larry Wasden is absolutely right. Our state constitution mandates equality in tax rates. There are also plenty of exemptions as well, but the petition–all 100 pages–called for different rates for different property. No can do. Folks […]

Pandering To Business

Like the “unknown Democrat” who responds to the President’s Saturday radio address, the GUARDIAN is compelled to put Mayor Dave Bieter’s “state of the city” speech in perspective. You have to realize this cheerleading session is sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce and the mayor raises a gross sum of about $30,000 so businesses can […]

Boise, GROWING with Bieter

In a front page display by reporter Brad Hem, the IDAHO STATESMAN offered a retrospective of Mayor Dave Bieter’s first 21 months in office and the conclusion was “mixed reviews.” In typical mainstream media style, the newest link in the Knight-Ridder chain offered a near perfect blend of cheers and jeers. Bottom line in Hem’s […]

Faulty Zipper?

Sharing a GUARDIAN EXCLUSIVE PHOTO from the Iowa State Fair children’s fountain. Even if it isn’t in Boise, sometimes things are just too good to NOT pass along to loyal readers. –Editor

Common Sense 11, Emotion 410

The GUARDIAN endorses common sense and logic rather than political dogma and emotions. Congressman Butch Otter deserves a pat on his tight jeans for voting “no” on the hurricane relief bill. He was among only 11 lawmakers who stood up for not tossing away more money into an emotional quagmire. Everyone in the USA wants […]
