City Government

Mayor Hotline August 14 to 18

No,no, no, no to Rivendell duplexes. Why sign? Thanks for signing. Cheney wastes resources. Tall weeds, abandoned cars and houses.

Jeff McVey
3708 Burke Avenue
Boise, ID 83703

BFD Complaint: I’m calling about this practice that’s being exercised intermittingly by the BFD. Today is August 11th. They are doing this at the intersection of Broadway and Boise Avenue with this Fill the Boot thing. They are using their official capacity as Boise Fire Fighters to forward someone’s personal agenda to gather money for this charity. I’m not saying anything bad about this charity, that’s wonderful. But, to allow them to stand out in the middle of the streets to do this is a traffic hazard. If they want to do it off the side of the road, that would be fine but allowing them to get out in the middle of the street and do this intimidates people and it’s allowing them to further someone’s personal desires to back this one charity. If we let them do it why don’t we allow everyone to do it? It ought to be stopped. I guess that’s it. Thanks.

Courtney Ruff
503 S. Jolinda Ave
Boise, ID 83709
The Garage: I know about the situation with the Garage in the North End and I think it’s ridiculous that you shut them down after they had been there for 15 years because they weren’t up to code on the bathroom without giving them some notice or letting them fix the bathrooms first while they can still stay open. I think it’s really silly and they are a really cool place. The fact that they might have to shut down because of the red tape is ridiculous and I would think Boise is a better city than that. So I was just calling to give support to them and let you know I think it is ridiculous what’s going on and you need to help them out. Thanks.

Jeff Baker
3120 Moore
Boise, ID 83702
Boise River: This is concern to a news story concerning a survey that the BPD is conducting about floating the river. I would like to be a participant in that survey. Since the alcohol ban, I do not float the river anymore. I’ve always enjoyed it and having a few beers and maintaining my decency and conducting myself as a civil person. Because alcohol is not allowed, I do not find the desire to go up on the river anymore. I think it excludes me from that survey and it’s prejudicial to do that. The survey should be placed online so all members of the city should be participants in that and not just the current alcohol free group that floats the river. I’ve always believed the alcohol ban is unwarranted and unfair because of a few people that cannot control their alcohol and potentially underage drinking alcohol where young people are drinking and getting out of control. I believe the police department is well armed with enough regulations and statutes to control the river, provided they want to, to control bad behavior without having a total alcohol ban. The alcohol isn’t the problem, it’s the behavior. I really wish the Mayor and City Council would reflect upon this and allow us decent law abiding citizens to have a few beers on the river as long as our behavior is correct. There are enough laws, rules, and regulations and maybe you up some more. But deal with the behavior and not just the consumption of alcohol. Again, I do want to participate in that survey if it’s possible. I think you guys are getting a biased and slanted view by asking the people that only come off the river. You have excluded a lot of people and you may not be aware of that.
Action Taken: BPD

Beverly Russell
4800 Hill Road
Boise, ID 83703
BFI: I’m calling to complain about the City trash pick-up. I have called the BFI people twice a week for 3 weeks and my trash is still here. This is Monday, the 14th, and I have seven cans of trash out for pick up and it’s a neighborhood eyesore. I’m surprised the neighborhood is not complaining. My trash pick-up is on Collister. I don’t know what else to do. I have called and called these people and they continue to say they don’t know what the problem is. They say it must be their driver. Nothing is ever done about it. I have lived here for 15 years and have had my trash picked up every Friday. They have checked and my trash bill is paid. I expect to not pay for this trash pick up because they haven’t picked it up. My trash containers are the proper size and the proper weight. I am at wits at what to do. I would appreciate it if you could help me very much. There’s no way that I have to take my own trash to the dump and I shouldn’t have to because I’m paying my trash bill. If I sound frustrated I am very frustrated. I would very much appreciate your calling them and me. Thank you very much.
Action Taken: BFI

First Thursday: Well Mr. Mayor. I want to talk to you about destroying First Thursday. First Thursday has been doing wine down there for how many years now? 15 years or more? Now you want to get rid of it because they don’t have a liquor license? Who has the most money that is putting it into your pocket that wants to get rid of it? Is it the bars downtown because they are losing money? Or is it the City of Boise?
Message cut off

PDS: I’m calling from a Consumer Watch agency. We call ourselves, “I Waste Not.” I wanted to follow up with the Mayor and let him know that our group has observed some peculiar policies and maybe it’s not a matter of policy but a matter of common sense. But we have noticed that when the building inspectors go in and inspect various buildings that they have a tendency to leave the engines running in their trucks. Somehow it doesn’t seem logical in this day and age that you would do something like that. Maybe they should be reminded that it’s probably a good idea to not waste the resources we do have. Again, our organization is called, “I Waste Not.” I hope that will be helpful as you try to solve our growing problems in the city. Thank you.

Diana and Bill Parenteau
3419 Greenbrier
Boise, ID 83705
Abandoned Car: I’m calling to complain about an abandoned call at the corner of Hillcrest and Greenbriar. It’s been there for several weeks, or at least it feels like several weeks. I’ve called the BPD and filed an abandoned car report and the young lady said she’d put it on the list. That was a week ago. I’ve also talked to two of my neighbors who have also called and are getting no response. The car has a flat tire, the bumpers are ripped off, and it’s obviously abandoned. It has a 2C license plate. The number is 2CV6656. It’s a Toyota Camry. It’s parked in front of an elderly widow’s home which makes her very nervous. Across the street is a 97 year old lady who also is getting nervous because the vehicle is abandoned and it’s beginning to look like we live in a neighborhood where people don’t care and that’s not true. I don’t know what to do with the BPD because obviously several neighbors have called multiple times and we can’t get someone to come up and look at it. Any help you can give us would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Action Taken: Abandoned Vehicles

Brittany Apartments: This tenant was upset with the way the landlord is managing these apartments. There was a fire there a couple of weeks ago and the dumpster is overflowing with fire debris as well as hypodermic needles laying on the ground and garbage everywhere. There are small children in the area and she is quite worried about their safety. BFI has not come to dump it.


Lynn Norris
110500 W. Lancelot
Boise 04
BPR: She took her two year old to Fairmont pool and was quite dismayed that life jackets are not allowed in pools. She won’t take her child back. She did speak with parks & rec and was given an explanation as to the reasoning but she still doesn’t agree.

Laurel Karaco
2480 Roanoke Drive
Boise, ID 83712
ACHD: I am interested in lodging a complaint regarding Warm Springs. During rush hour, the rocks that were put down in preparation for tarring caused another broken windshield for me. This is my second broken windshield in about 6 months. I’m asking for some type of restitution. I was willing to absorb one but the second one I feel was negligent of the city to put down raw rock during rush hour on Monday, August 14th. The incident happened on Monday and I’d like to know what type of restitution can be made for that. Thank you.
Action Taken: contacted

Dick Monstrom
11871 West Longfellow Dr.
Waldon Pond Subdivision
PDS: I’m here to complain about the Rivendell subdivision along I-84 that’s in the back of our subdivision. We have spent 6 years working with our developer and the City Council to reduce it from 80-86 down to 75 single family homes and now the developer is trying to build five duplexes in the subdivision. We don’t need it, we don’t want it and we are opposed to it. Thank you.

Carol Lowe
PDS: I’m a resident of the Waldon Pond Subdivision off of Cloverdale Road near I-84. It’s my understanding that the developer of the new Rivendell subdivision is planning to violate the City Council’s direction and proceed to build 5 duplexes within that subdivision. Myself and many other residents of Waldon Pond and the adjacent subdivision to the east are opposed to any duplexes being constructed. Please stop the developer and keep that new Rivendell Subdivision to single family dwellings, which was agreed to by the adjacent subdivision and the city council. Thank you Mr. Mayor.

Carol James
2607 Holden Lane
Boise, ID 83706
Compliment: I would like to leave a message regarding very high compliment for Aimee Hughes. She works for the city and is in charge of overseeing a construction sight. She has responded to a request for a very difficult situation across the street from us on Holden Lane and she jumped right on it and took care of the situation. It’s being corrected now. It was a very dirty sight with trash blowing all over the neighborhood. We would like to very strongly compliment her on doing such a good job and doing it immediately. Thank you very much.

Richard Stone
1325 S. Owyhee St.
Boise, ID 83705
Billboard Complaint: My comment is that I was quite unhappy to see the large color changing billboards downtown and then another one on the interstate. One wonders what the limit is and what will be allowed in Boise for this type of advertising. It’s not very good for the skyline, it’s very busy, and I wonder how many people really appreciate this type of messaging all the time. I’m not a fan of billboards whatsoever and wonder what city department or what the city is doing to monitor and limit this type of advertisement. Thank you.

Sioux Ellis
4308 Cassia St
Boise, ID 83705
Owyhee Construction Complaint: I’m calling to complain about the street on Cassia that supposed to be in construction for 8 days originally in June and then in July they said to the end of July and now it’s changed to the end of August. I’ve seen so few of Owyhee Construction guys out there. I’m very disappointed. It’s about time they got these people to start working and finish our road now. I don’t know if anyone else has complained but I am big time. In July I think they maybe worked one day, two days maybe? I know it was hot but this has just gotten stupid now. Thank you.
Action Taken: contacted

Viola and Clifford Venne
12106 W. Emerson Dr.
Boise, ID 83709
PDS: I’m calling about Rivendell. That’s a WP5. The developer in this area was supposed to be limited to 75 single home dwellings. That’s along I-84 and now he is proposing to put in 5 duplexes in the northwest corner of the subdivision. It was my understanding that this had already been discussed and the single family homes had been approved but not the duplexes. I would like to know how these regulations are enforced and who would I go to, to see why they haven’t been enforced or how they could be enforced. I’d appreciate a call back. My husband is in agreement with my telephone call. Thank you very much for a returned call.

Sam Latham
BPD: Sam called with a concern for his apartment complex off of Vista. It’s called Oak Park Village. It’s a fairly quiet complex with small children and elderly folks. A man is in the complex and running amuck. Sam stated he has tried to entice children and has assaulted old ladies. He is very worried about everyone’s safety. He also stated that the Boise City Police have been out there before to tazer the guy but they are not doing anything about it further than that to protect everyone’s safety. He wants a response back as soon as possible.

Maxine Johnston
607 W. Gettysburg
CE: I’m calling with a concern for a home on 711 W. Gettysburg. It has been vacant for a long time and they have weeds 4ft tall and very dry. We have called the city and several numbers to try and get this yard taken care of. They said this was urgent and they’d take care of it. It’s been 6 weeks since we’ve called and it’s been the same. I was wondering what we do as a neighborhood to get this taken care of. It’s an extreme fire hazard. If someone just flicks a cigarette, it could burn the whole block. Please try to help us. Thank you.

Bonny J. Corl
Library: I’m calling about this Rivers, Mark Rivers. The development he wants to do, I am totally against it. Everyone I’ve talked to is against it. It has to be the taxpayers coming up with this money and we cannot afford it anymore. I hope Bieter will understand where we are coming from. This is my home and I have never been so disgusted with anyone in my life than this Mark Rivers. Do not let him do this to the people of Boise. Thank you.

Richard Horsburgh
11837 W. Emerson Drive
Boise, ID 83709
PDS: This is in regards to the Rivendell subdivision along I-84. It appears that they are trying to build some duplexes on the NW corner of that subdivision. I don’t believe that these duplexes were part of the plan that was agreed to. Someone probably needs to check in to this and see what the status for that is. I’d appreciate it if you’d look into it. Thank you.

Amy Vantassal
1971 W. Martin creek Dr.
Meridian, ID 83646
The Garage: I’m calling in regards to The Garage being opened. I think it’s silly that they are closed right now and so I just want to put in a petition for them to be re-opened. Thank you.

Disruption of Traffic: I’m a resident in Boise. I’m calling to register a complaint about the disruption of traffic caused by Dick Cheney’s visit down at the Grove. It just took my wife a half an hour to get out of town. I’m calling to let you know that all the fire dept and police people that are out in front should be out working instead of blocking traffic. Thank goodness she didn’t need to go the hospital. That’s my comment for today. They can do a better job in the future or not invite him back. That’s my need. Bye.

Traffic Disruption: How dare you spend resources blocking off the main artery out on to the highway and the vice president loser hasn’t even arrived. There is no traffic control and there is chaos. This is total disrespect to this community.

Diana Botola
451 N. Liberty St, Apt B2
Boise, ID 83704
Ada County: I have to speak with the City Council or Mayor about discrimination that I had from the Boise courthouse, the district courthouse. This is big discrimination. I would like to talk about this and I am a citizen for this country and I would like the Mayor or Council to hear my complaints and defend my children. Please, I need to talk to someone because this is a big discrimination against children. This is a big discrimination in the courthouse against my children. Please, I will be waiting for your phone call. I would really appreciate it if you could call me back.
Action Taken: contacted

Peggy Birkinbine
611 W. Gettysburg
PDS: I’ve lived in this home since 1964. I have a house down the street at 711 W. Gettysburg. The woman passed away a year and a half ago and I have called several offices including the Fire Dept. My neighbors have helped mow. The weeds are now in the front yard 3-4 ft tall and we are very concerned. No one seems to want to do anything about this. I believe it was sold to someone the first of June and still nothing done. It’s been over 2 months. Thank you.
Action Taken: PDS

Bob Sears
2036 N. Fastwater Ave
Boise, ID 83713
Climate Protection Agreement: My comment is that I’m thoroughly confused with the fact that I have no recollection of any legislation or any vote of the people of the city of Boise being taken to allow the Mayor to sign us on to some idiotic clean air program or global warming program. What gives him the authority to do such? Of course it might be the bone headed City Council and I don’t have any recollection of that being published in the paper either. I think the Mayor has totally overstepped his bounds in this matter. Thank you.

ACHD: I noticed you signed the global warming pact. I’ve also noticed that we’ve had really bad air for a couple of days and there have been some bad air warnings. I’ve also noticed that our friends at ACHD are still making all kinds of dust with their chip seal programs. I’m wondering if they should be leading by example and not making so much dust when we have so much concern for bad air in our city. Thank you so much and have a good night folks.

Mike Hughes
1223 E. State St
Boise, ID 83712
10 Commandments: I’m calling concerning the Ten Commandments monument issue and an idea for hopefully resolving the myth without a vote. I would like to talk to someone about some ideas for moving the monument and trying to satisfy all the people involved. Instead of taking up a lot of tape, if I could get someone to call me at the 462 number, I’ll run it by them and give you an idea. An idea for trying to get this monument issue compromised that would hopefully satisfy all parties. So I’d like to hear from someone and thanks a lot for having the hotline, great idea. We’re big fans of Dave Bieter in the Boise East End. Keep up the good work and thank you.
Action Taken: left msj

Dick Jensen
1171 W. Emerson
Waldon Pond Subdivision
PDS: I’m calling about my concern with the new proposed Rivendell subdivision along I-84. It talks about an agreed compromise at 75 single family dwellings and now they are talking about putting in 5 duplexes in the NW corner of the lot which is right behind my house. This is unacceptable and was not agreed to. Please give me a call if you have any questions. Thank you.

Cathy Nuxoll
311 Park Way Drive
Boise, ID 83706
Support for Mayor: I would like to say way to go Mayor Bieter. I’m so excited you have signed the Climate pact! I recently have become very concerned about global warming and I’m proud to know that Boise is signing on and going to do what it can to reduce greenhouse emissions. If there’s anything I can do to help, I would love to be involved. If there is any time an organization collectively gets together to make a difference, I would love to be involved. Again, thanks and way to go!

Jesse Matlock
790 Riviera Dr. #10
Boise 83703
BFD: His family member has Cerebral Palsy and has a hard time getting into the car. The fire fighters that drive on truck #9 have been called several times to help load her and they are getting rude. The bald firefighter suggested they get a bigger car and said they’re not there to help her in and out of cars and hurt their backs.

Margaret Andrews
984 E. Holland
VRT: I’m calling because I’m sure you’re all aware of the poor bus service in Boise. I’m a 73 year old woman who does not have a car. Recently my car broke down and I don’t have the money to get it fixed so I thought I’d ride the bus, no problem. But, it is. It doesn’t get me to Winco but I might be able to walk, I don’t know. It would be quite a ways. On Saturday, there is no bus that takes me downtown. I’m broke. I take care of a family and their children. It’s perfect for me because it supplements my social security. I don’t make very much but it’s enough to help out. But, I can’t get there on the bus and it’s up on Table Rock so I’m out of luck. I’m not going to have a job anymore. Today when I heard you say that people should take the bus, yeah they should, but the bus doesn’t get to there. That’s all I wanted to say. Bye.
Action Taken: contacted

Margaret Wright
8915 Shellie Lane
Boise 04
She lives on a lane with about 6 houses that have shallow draft wells which provide all their water. They are right off Maple Grove. There is a United Water Line on Maple Grove, however none of the well houses on Shellie have city water. Their wells are going dry due to the development that is occurring and the storm drains on Cloverdale which funnel the water away. She would like to drill her well a bit deeper but has been denied. She has contacted United Water three times with the following quotes to hook up. $30,000, $12,000 and $20,000.
She would like to speak to someone who has some expertise in this.

James Watanabe
3003 N. Overlook Rd. #24
Boise 04
His neighbor has a sign on his door which has an ozone warning. He would like some clarification about what it means.
Action Taken: BFD

Elizabeth McRoberts
11924 W. Bronte Drive
Boise, ID 83709
PDS: I’m calling to express my concerns regarding the development of the Rivendell subdivision along I-84 and Cloverdale. This is to have been a development of 75 single family dwellings. It took five years to get this compromised and now I understand the developer is trying to build 5 duplexes in the NW corner of this subdivision. The duplexes are not acceptable and that is not what was agreed to. This developer continues to try to do his own thing. Again, this is not acceptable and not what was agreed to. We live close to this corner and have lived here for 12 or 13 years. This definitely affects the market value of our property. Again, I ask you do not permit these duplexes to be built. It’s to be single family dwellings in this subdivision. We have been impacted enough by this subdivision that is going in here. Thank you for listening to my concerns and I hope you will not permit this to happen.

Madeline Ancrum
7349 W. Lamplighter St.
Boise, ID 83714
Consumer Protection: I’m not sure who I need to be contacting. I was really looking for an insurance commission or some sort of a fraud protection from insurance. What happened was that I went to go get homeowners insurance yesterday and I found out that my previous homeowners insurance has filed a fraudulent claim. They say that I had a fire and they are refusing to take that off my record even though I never had a fire. I’ve never filed a claim with them. They won’t take it off my record. There must be some place I can go to get this resolved. I’ve been on the phone for two days and I can’t get any help. I think that’s all the information I can give you. Could someone please call me back?
Action Taken: left msj

Carol Henry
3868 Fairfield
Boise, ID 83709
West Nile: I’m calling because there seems to be no one else to talk to about the mosquito abatement program. The commissioners are of course unavailable. I know you don’t have the responsibility for this program but I was hoping you could use your influence to help them decide against this plan. This is such a disaster for this area. The side effects from this spray will be 1,000X whatever chances we would take from the mosquitoes. Please, is there any possibility that you can help that you could talk to him, that you could somehow voice the outrage of the people to these people it would be so much appreciated. The downhill side is going to affect all outdoor life for a long time to come. Please, if you can Mayor Bieter, influence them to stop this program.
M/CC Ada County

Graffiti: I would like to report graffiti on the overpass. If you’re on Broadway, it’s the Federal Way overpass just past the shopping center there on the right hand side. It looks like it has been done more than once there.
M/CC Graffiti Team

Ronnie Ditlove
582 E. Boise Ave
Graffiti: I am a small business owner at the East Side shopping center. I have called this number periodically when there has been graffiti in the alleyway and I’ve noticed today, the 16th, that there have been some taggers at work and I wanted to call and have it painted over if you could direct this request to the right office. The graffiti is in the alleyway behind the shopping center. There is about 5 or 6 different stores’ doors and walls that have been hit. As I said, I am a small business owner in that shopping center. My husband and I own Fast Freight Plus which is the contract postal office. Thank you very much.
M/CC Graffiti Team

Diana Humphrey
602 E. Boise Ave
Graffiti: I’m calling to report graffiti on the East Gate shopping center on the corner of Apple and Boise Avenue. I own Atmosphere. The back of our building and the other buildings along this row have been tagged also. The kids have removed most of the fencing and laid it out in the alley with the nails off. If you could give me a call at 860-5184 if this is not the correct number and I will get it reported.
M/CC Graffiti Team

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