Chia Wood
West Nile: I was just given some information about this pesticide plan to spray Monday and Tuesday evening. The paper had said it was not dangerous but apparently the label said that inhaling it can be fatal and that it’s corrosive to skin and eyes and can cause permanent damage. I’m not a chemist and I don’t know much about this but it seems like we are not in so much danger that we have to rush into something before knowing what the risks are. It would make sense to me to wait until we know more about this pesticide. Thanks.
M/CC Ada County
Action Taken: contacted
Daniel Evans
BPD: This message is in regards to a police report we put in. My wife Stacey put it in about 3 weeks ago with the BPD regarding vandalism with tires on our Volvo XC90 2004 was punctured. All 4 were punctured through the sidewall and it cost us over $600 to repair. I understand that you had 20 incidents or so that night. I have been in contact with a gas station manager. She can be reached at xxxxxxx. We found two beer cans next to our tires and we asked police to dust them for fingerprints and they did not want to take the cans. I’m holding the cans and Susie Wilson, the gas station owner, might have on film a couple of guys buying this beer around the time at night where this incident took place. Maybe we have the culprits on video camera. Also, an officer took the police report. The DR # is 624-370. I’m holding these beer cans if you want to dust them or whatever but I think these culprits should be caught if they are popping people’s tires and causing untold amounts of damage. If you’d like me to send those to you or the officer, can you please manage that for me? Let me know if you’re going to follow up on this. It’s called Stinker Station at 4712 W. State St.
M/CC Graffiti Team
PDS: Yes, I’m calling about the conditional use permit. It’s what the Vietnamese Buddhist Temple has at 2320 Overland road between Vista and Columbus. My understanding is they had a conditional use and they could not have the amplified music. They have been having a ceremony today that has amplified music that you can hear across 6 blocks. I have requested an officer but you never get an officer at the time of the incident when this is low priority in the officer’s book. My request is there be some enforcement of the planning and zoning permit for conditional use.
Jacqueline Kennedy
1627 Elder Court
Boise, ID 83705
Mosquito Spraying: I’m calling in regards to the mosquito toxic spraying that will be going on tonight and tomorrow. I don’t remember being asked if that was something that I would like to have sprayed all over my community. I’m very concerned about the dangers and the side effects from the spray. It should have been more advertised for us to say yay or nay to. That’s my comment. Thank you.
M/CC Ada County
Eliah Sentah Stetson
Mosquito Spraying: I’m calling to protest the mosquito spraying, particularly with that substance that has been identified as most effective and dangerous. As the quick google search will show you, it is corrosive to skin and eyes and can cause permanent damage, especially with pregnancies. There are a lot of other options and alternatives. Please do not poison the citizens of Boise.
M/CC Ada County
Action Taken: left msj
Kristine Fiechter
9548 W. Mossy Cup St
Boise, ID 83709
Mosquito Spraying: I was calling to express concern regarding the spraying for West Nile I don’t think it’s a good idea and I’m trying to find some more information on it. Thank you. Bye.
M/CC Ada County
Action Taken: left msj
Dana Simmons
Mosquito Spraying: I’d like to protest the spraying for mosquitoes with the method that is very toxic. I know there have been other protests on it and I wanted to add another voice to the concern. Thank you.
M/CC Ada County
West Nile: At Bowen Crossing and the school there has been standing water since spring. The development or leasing company is O’Neil Enterprises. Can someone please contact me to get it drained or sprayed?
M/CC Ada County
Action Taken: contacted
Donna Fanshaw
3759 Daisy Way
Boise, ID 83709
Mosquito Spraying: I’m calling because I just learned today about the mosquito spraying that is scheduled to take place tonight and tomorrow night. I have been trying to get more information about it and my resource is the and I also contacted the mosquito abatement folks and I’m getting conflicting information about exactly how this spray works and what the concerns might be. For example, the mosquito abatement people indicated that you should harvest any fruits or vegetables that you have and if you have a pool, you should cover it indicating this spray would be hitting the ground and have impact. For example, in the pool, you’d have to drain your water if it got into there. On the website for the news channel, it indicates that it will never touch that ground; that it stays in a cloud and then gets carried by the wind indicating that there is virtually no concern whatsoever about it hitting the ground or affecting us in any way here on the ground. Also, the mosquito abatement people indicated to keep your windows closed, turn off your air conditioner, things like that. So, it seems to me that there is conflicting information and I as a citizen am hearing about this late. I don’t feel like it’s been communicated very well. I feel at risk and very concerned. I don’t understand why this is happening when it doesn’t seem like we’ve had massive problems with west nile virus here in this area. There have been some cases in other parts of Idaho. There have been some cases in other parts of Idaho. We have had some cases of animals here that seem like specific areas where there are ponds and standing water where there are a lot of mosquitoes. I can surely understand treating in those areas locally but doing a massive spraying, its overkill as far as my family’s health and welfare. That’s about all I have to say. I don’t know what else I can do or what action I can take. I can’t even leave town with the type of notice I personally have and just learning about it today. That’s what I feel like doing is going away because I don’t like the thought of being sprayed with poison. That’s my comment. Thanks.
M/CC Ada County
Action Taken: left msj
Brad Smith
Mosquito Spraying: I’ve been a resident here in Boise for about 2 years. Up until this point I’ve really loved it but now I really want to get out of here because I realize in a few hours, they will be spraying insecticide all over my neighborhood as well as others and I’m really scared, concerned, and helpless because I’d really like to live a healthy, non-toxic life. I thought this was a good place. I wish the Mayor and Governor would really stick up for the people and I wish you were concerned about the health of the people and the animals, plants, farms. The organic farms will not be organic anymore. I feel really helpless and that makes me very angry. I really appreciate you listening to this message. Thank you. Bye.
M/CC Ada County
Action Taken: contacted
Mosquito Spraying: Hi, my name is Nathan. I’m a Boise citizen and I’m concerned about the insecticide that you are spraying over the Boise air space tonight. I have no idea what’s in it. I heard its dybrom, which is not a good thing to be spraying all over the public. There has been no public notice of this that I’ve heard of. Many people do not know what’s going on. If it’s hazardous, I feel that we should have at least been warned and if nothing else we should have had public input upon this. I don’t know if this is a good solution to the problem with the mosquitoes but it should have been looked at and had comment before this poisoning had begun.
M/CC Ada County
Matthew Eldridge
303 N. 2nd # 5
Boise, ID 83702
Mosquito Spraying: I’m calling to complain about the spraying for the mosquitoes and I ask the Mayor to stop because it’s harmful to humans and there are many other alternatives.
M/CC Ada County
Action Taken: send letter
Jan and Andy Peterson
3361 Forsythia
Boise, ID 83703
THANK YOU: Please relay our sincere thanks and appreciation to our area 1 valley police officer, for taking care of the problem of unwanted graffiti in our neighborhood at Hill Road and Forsythia of a sexually explicit nature. We appreciate his efforts with the traffic department of the ACHD, specifically signs and signals, who painted over this graffiti. Our thanks to the Mayor, his workers, channel 6 and 2 and we look forward to seeing Hill Road swept of broken beer bottles in the bike lane between N. 36th and N. 28th Street on Hill Road. Thank you all very much.
Forestry: There is a large tree located on 21st St. on the NW corner of Sunset. Since Tuesday there has been a large limb hanging over the street. With the next big wind it could blow out of this tree and land on a car or worse yet a pedestrian.
I’m unsure if it is in a yard or on ROW. Can someone please come look at this?
Phyllis Kaufman
Cheney Visit: Would like to strongly urge the Mayor to send the invoice of overtime police fees incurred by Cheney’s visit to the Sali campaign.
Kathy Bonham for her mother Norma Hammack
@ 480 Floyd Dr. 09
PDS: She and her mother have been calling the code enforcement department for the last 4 years about the neighbors at 446 S. Floyd Dr. Their weeds are now 3’-6’ tall. They are along the fence and are a definite fire hazard. They have all kinds of junk in the driveway, in fact so much junk that when they try to park there, they don’t fit and end up sticking out onto the sidewalk. They are desperate.
Jennifer James
510 B Hayes 83702
Mosquito Spraying: My comment, would you please stop spraying pesticides into the air. Thank you.
M/CC Ada County
Action Taken: left msj
Matthew Haynes
W. Franklin Apt #2
Mosquito Spraying: I’m calling to; I have concerns about the spraying of the pesticides for the mosquitoes. Just from the research I’ve done, it doesn’t sound like it, rather, it has the potential to really cause some harm. Carcinogenic harm, to humans, not to mention there hasn’t been full fledged studies on what actually happens to other insects in the area and that causes me some great concern. I was just calling to hope that you would cease spraying the area. Thank you.
M/CC Ada County
Action Taken: left msj
Kristina Case
Mosquito Spraying: I just wanted to leave a message and complain about the pesticides in my air. No more pesticides! Thanks. Bye.
M/CC Ada County
Janice Legg
488 Hemingway Ave
PDS: I’m calling in regard to the Rivendell subdivision. Along I-84 and my husband and I have been involved for several years in attending meetings at the city council and ACHD over this infill subdivision. Now it has come to my attention that the developer is also wanting to add some duplexes, and the agreement, the compromise that we finally came to last year was for 75 single family dwellings. So this is just not acceptable, this is just another example of what the developer is trying to pull time and time again and I just think that he needs to be stopped. He has finally got approval to go ahead with 75 single family homes and that is all that he should be allowed to do. Thank you very much.
Tom Conn
PMB 105 1810 W. State St.
Parking: Uh Mayor, you have broken the law by allowing the office store in Bodo for their request for parking for them. Well it is against city ordinance to place signs on parking meters. The little welcome to office supply home depot or whatever the heck it is is against the law. And I’m going to call up the statesman, I’m going to call up channel 7, CBS, and ABC, and I’m going to write a letter to the editor. And if all of us citizens of Boise have to obey the law. Then so does the mayor, and so does the city council. I’ve already talked to people in the city council who all disapprove and have talked to some other people who are highly, highly, upset. So I hope you do the right thing Mayor Bieter and take care of this before any more people find out about it and raise a stink because I could list 20 people right now who are upset. Have a nice day.
Action Taken: Parking
Whitney Rearick
Mosquito Spraying: I know that the spraying is something that the county is doing, but I would have preferred it if the city would have got involved with it as well because; hello we’re in the city limits. So I’m really upset about this. The more I read about Dibrom, the more distressed I am, and in my neighborhood I have never seen a single mosquito, it’s just ridiculous, so I just think that we are flying way off the handle here and if the mayor and the council can to something to get the county to come up with better ways to deal with this problem, I’d appreciate it. Thank you.
M/CC Ada County
Jan and Andy Peterson
3361 Forsythia Dr.
Thank You: We wanted to call you again and thank you for asking the highway district to not only wipe out the graffiti on Hill Rd and Forsythia that was sexually explicit, but also for sweeping Hill road from N. 36 to N. 28 St. We’ve driven down the street and see that it’s nice and clean again, clear of garbage, broken bottles, nuts, bolts, nails, and screws. We appreciate the officers efforts in this regard as well as the mayor’s office and their employees. Thank you very much again. It looks great.
Zachery Jones
218 Ruby
Mosquito Spraying: I’m calling in regards to the aerial spraying of pesticides for mosquitoes. I’ve called many different people yesterday and today, and I will continue to call. I’m very upset with the decision. In my opinion I think it is a decision that affects a very broad diverse group of citizens of Boise who I think should have been involved in this decision. It is my opinion that this poisonous poison and should be treated as poison and the fact that the only information that I’ve been told is that this is being used in a small quantity that won’t hurt people. You know what I just don’t buy that. Every bit of science points to the opposite of that conclusion. Every bit. If you get on the internet and research this chemical it is deadly. It doesn’t say it might not cause harm, it says will cause fatal harm to humans, to pets, to aquatic animals. I think it’s a shame that we are subjecting ourselves to pretty much poisoning ourselves. It doesn’t’ seem like the right answer to me. It seems like a quick fix and I think that the past has shown us that quick fixes aren’t a solution to the real problem, and my question is what are we going to do next year when the mosquitoes are back? Are we going to continue to spray, year in and year out? Poisoning our society, poisoning our children, poisoning our pets, it doesn’t seem like the right solution. The fact is viruses are battled by immunity, and the way societies become immune is by being infected. Build up immunity to this virus. And to diseases. Really what needs to happen is there needs to be a vaccine for West Nile and people need to be educated as to how to properly protect themselves from West Nile virus. The simple idea of a mass slaughter of mosquitoes is the wrong answer. Who says that more mosquitoes won’t just come in to fill that niche once they’ve been sprayed? I think it’s a terrible idea. I have many more things I could talk about but I really would like to express my disapproval of the entire process of not including the City of Boise in a county wide vote. I work at the Boise Co-op and I buy mosquito repellant that doesn’t have chemicals in it. I do that for a reason. I don’t want to spray chemicals on my body, I don’t want to ingest chemicals through food, and my entire garden got sprayed by your planes. I don’t care if you tell me it goes away in an hour. Things don’t go away; things die and go into your food. And the other point I think that is a good one to bring up is that the media and the EPA make it out like this is going to target mosquitoes only, but you know the whole world is a cosmos of microscopic animals and if you believe for a second that this chemical doesn’t effect the food chain, doesn’t effect microscopic animals, you’re a fool, how many animals live in one drop of water. There’s thousands of them. And they are undoubtably are going to be effected by this poison, and that in turn will go down the food chain. So I just hope that you will take my comments into consideration. Let it be known that just because I’m only one person that is calling does not mean that my comment is one individual comment. There are many, many people that are upset about this. There are many, many people that have the same feelings as I do. We deserve to be heard. And you should have informed us before. Thank you.
M/CC Ada County
Action Taken: contacted
Mosquito Spraying: I’m calling in regard to the spraying of Ada County with Dibrom for mosquitoes which is a totally inane thing to be doing. I know the Mayor is not responsible for the county. I had good feeling about Dave Bieter; I thought he cared about people. Just because this is a county affair, he should have spoken up against it. Just read the letters, people did not have a chance to talk. My husband is chemically sensitive, he wears a medic alert bracelet, you’re spraying our property, our organic garden and we have no say in it. I talked to the mosquito abatement, I was lied to, I was told that it never reached the ground. That was an absolute lie. Their making light of this, you can look on the internet and see all the information that needs to be seen. Dave Bieter you’ve let us down, we thought that we could depend on you to help us and you’ve let us down by not standing up for the people of Boise.
Jenn Emerson
Mosquito Spraying: I’m calling about the spraying; personally I’d rather take my risk with the mosquitoes than have a toxin sprayed all over our city. I’m concerned for the wildlife, I’m concerned for the other insects, I’m concerned for the homeless, I’m concerned for the kids outside playing in the neighbor’s backyard right now and we happen to be in a spray zone. I’m concerned. I’m just concerned. I’m not at all very appreciative of having this just laid on us without at least a months notice. I’m concerned about all the organic farmers out their. Small Scale and large scale. That’s my comment for now so thanks.
M/CC Ada County
Action Taken: left msj
Marilyn Karras
141 Evergreen Circle
BPD: I have a concern about a police officer that I was abused by. I would like to be able to write a letter or let someone know. I am already in progress with this right now but I would like to write a letter to let somebody know what happened. I would appreciate it if someone would call me back to let me know that you got the message or if I need to write a letter or what again my number is 343-0485. Thank you.
M/CC Ombudsman
Action Taken: was ACS (Sheriff deputy, not BPD)
H Scott Brown
9340 Bienapfl Dr.
Boise, ID 83709
PDS: Anyway the president of the board said their would be no comment on the subject at that time. So the subdivision that they are putting in here off of Bienapfl Dr. The discussion was on the road that they are connecting to Bienapfl Dr. The road was to be a calming road. 24 ft wide because Ada county Highway and your fire department said that was the smallest that they could have. To be exact Bienapfl Dr. is only 22 ft wide. If you’re going to have it coming, it should be a one lane emergency only connection to keep people off of Bienapfl Dr. There is a recent traffic study by Ada County Highway Department and the four curves in Bienapfl Dr. are not marked, people go off the road and bicycles get run over, basketballs get run over, there are no sidewalks, and yet they are going to put sidewalks in to nowhere. The briefing made by the public works director is misleading especially Jim Tibbs, and the lady beside him and the other man on the other end should be informed and that there is more to this than meets the eye. I’ve been living here for 30 years and working with Ada County Highway, the sheriff’s office, and your fire department for 30 years, thank you very much for your time, I hope that councilman Tibbs and the others get the message. Thank you very much mayor for your consideration. Good bye.
sent M/CC postcard
Wade Durbin
6934 S. Boysenberry Way
PDS: There is much construction going on in Charter Pointe Subdivision. Due to the construction, the sidewalks are being destroyed. Hubble Homes said it is the responsibility of the City of Boise to repair the damage. He wants to speak with the department responsible for the repairs.
Rick Munson
Warm Springs Ave.
BPD: Mayor Bieter. Quarterly helmet head report: Tearing up on Myrtle today and we love it my friend, I love it. Yep, b-lining it right down the old Myrtle there at 50mph. But sure enough right there at the old duck pond tagging them like a big dog. But the weekend on the connector was a killer, my friends and I were laughing, it was like a Mary Annas turkey shoot. I’m talking bang for your buck, those helmet heads are ruthless, and we love them, you’re getting twice the gas mileage, and they are so hard to see, I highly encourage them. I think we should expand that program big time sir. Thank you for your time. Bye.
Otis Kenny
1606 Chrisway
Parking: We are in a residential only parking area, where we have parking stickers, and we have guest passes, My guest was using a guest pass which we have had ever since this process was put into effect, and got a ticket because he was told that these guest passes were no longer being used and that we have something different now. We were not informed of this and frankly we think this is a very poor policy on the part of the city and the city council to penalize people who are following the rules and are trying to do things according to regulation. So we would like to see if we can get something done about this parking ticket and also get the proper forms that we are supposed to have so that our guest will be able to park on our street.
Tom Conn
TMB1051810 St. Street
Parking: Hey Mayor, We have talked on a number of occasions. Mostly, as of late, to downtown motorcycle parking. Can do’s for you buddy, I see more and more motorcycles and motor scooters parked in those two spots I talked to your guy Tom who works for parking, he thinks it’s a great idea. He sees more and more of them, and I just hope that you do expand the program. I haven’t heard back from you about the law though about it being against the law to post things on parking meters. Specifically the office supply square in Bodo.
Tmb1051810 St Street 83702 is my address, so great on one thing and breaking the law on another. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander and I guess if all the stores wanted signs in front of the buildings then you’ve got to do it. Just because a guy comes into town with a lot of money doesn’t give him special privileges. So you have a nice day, I’m going to Canada for a couple of weeks because the idiots in town are driving me crazy, you know what I mean, to much traffic. Everyday I ride my motorcycle at least 8 people want to kill me. Because they run red lights and stops signs. I think I’m going to have to pepper spray somebody one of these days. Anyhow, I’m out in the middle of nowhere, cell phones are good and cell phones are bad. Have a nice day.
Action Taken: F&A
Sandra Blessent
2400 Smith Ave
Ombudsman: This call is for Mayor Bieter. I have a major concern. I need to speak to you directly. This is regarding your police and the circumstances surrounding me associated with the police. Mayor Bieter, I have met you. I know you know who I am. I truly need your assistance. I am not getting anywhere with the police, the seargant, nor….uhh…I just need to speak with you. At this point my next phone call will be to the Statesman or to anyone else that will listen. Mayor Bieter, this is just unconceivable, unbelievable, and absolutely beyond belief. If you can please contact me on my cell phone, I would love it very much. In fact, I’m begging you to contact me. It is the 24th day of August at 12:42pm. I’d appreciate your assistance Mayor Bieter since I have not received anything but brutal behavior and just unbelievable circumstances surrounding your police. I appreciate the call back, thank you in advance.
M/CC Ombudsman
Steph Bryan 7286
BPD: I’m calling to inquire about whom I voice a complaint about the Boise police department shooting and killing that cougar last night in the east end of the foothills. Which I feel is very excessive, excessive force. I feel that fish and game should have been involved with that, maybe tranquilize the cat, and maybe net it rather than shooting and killing it. If you could please call me back again 794-3484 and today is the 24th, Thursday, and my name is Steph Bryan. Thank you.
Donald C Smith
6883 W Parapet Ct
Boise, ID 83714
BPD: I am calling in regard to the article in the August 25, 2006 Statesman. Regarding the survey polls the Boise River floater on page 6 of the main page section. And specifically police chief Masterson according to the article called this Jeff Baker back and told him that if somebody was drinking on the river that Mr. Masterson or his police force probably wouldn’t ticket a drinker who wasn’t causing problems. I thought a ban was a ban. And Mr. Masterson is not in a position to arbitrarily interpret the law and to ticket who he does and doesn’t want to. If you’re breaking the rules you pay the price. That just sends a message that the ban is not really a ban and it’s not a good thing when the cops say that we’ll look the other way when you’re breaking the law.
Sent M/CC postcard
Road Signs: Good Morning Mayor, I’ve been driving around Boise lately and I’ve counted over a hundred big orange signs that say road construction ahead, flaggers ahead, lane closures ahead, etc. And there are never any closures, there are never any flaggers. They just leave them up all the time. This is against federal law, as I understand it. It reminds me of the story of the little boy who cried wolf. Then you wonder why people drive through construction zones to fast when there is construction. There is even a bunch of them up on the connector, there’s no construction on the connector. There’s Construction on Curtis which is way of the connector. There’s a permanent left lane closed sign down there by Bodo on 9th street, that’s been there for years. Just ludicrous, I hope you can do something about it. Thank you.
Shane Maack
1201 N. 7th
BFI: Trash was not picked up on Thursday. The trash can is at the end of the driveway. Thank you.
Cathy Belknap
3974 S. Century Place
Graffiti: I just want to know what’s going to be done about all the graffiti, the gang graffiti that’s around Boise now. It’s on the billboards, it’s around Riverside School, it just seems to be all over and I don’t see anybody taking care of it and I’d like to know what’s going on. Appreciate it, thank you.
M/CC Graffiti Team
Kenneth Collette
Media Specialties
404 S. 3rd
Boise, ID 83702
Graffiti: And I’m reporting graffiti last night on two different walls on our building, and I don’t know if anybody is interested in seeing what they have done. We don’t like it, and we’d like it to stop if there is anyway to find out whose doing it and stopping them that would be great. Thank you.
M/CC Graffiti Team
Boise Center on the Grove
Graffiti: There is a wonderful little sculpture of kids playing marbles, and somebody has graffitied the inside of the circle. I don’t know if you guys take care of this but if you could pass it along to whoever takes care of it. It’s a horrible thing for somebody to do. Thank you. Bye.
M/CC Graffiti Team
Michael McGraham
Calling about an increase in graffiti downtown and wanted to speak to somebody about that. Particularly a QA it seems like it’s appearing all over the place and isn’t being taken care of. So please give me a call, I’d like to discuss this. Thank you.
M/CC Graffiti Team
Don Coberly
395 Hearthstone
Boise, ID 83702
Graffiti: There is a bunch of graffiti on a Jiffy Lube billboard on Myrtle just before you get to the Broadway intersection. Thank you.
M/CC Graffiti Team
Shane Jibben
601 W. Broad
Graffiti: I work with North by Northwest Productions in downtown Boise on the corner of 6th and Broad and I was given this number to call to report graffiti. We have had four different cases of graffiti within the last two weeks on our commercial vehicles that are parked right outside of our business. Our business is located at the corner of 6th and Broad. They are parked overnight in the gravel parking lot between Broad and Front St. We have had four different cases of this within the last two weeks. Thanks, bye.
M/CC BPD Graffiti Team
John Nascur
Graffiti: I would like to report a number of instances of graffiti in SE Boise that has just appeared in the last couple of weeks.
M/CC Graffiti Team
Heidi Tooney
351 S. Pierce Place
Boise, ID 83712
Graffiti: I hiked up to Table Rock yesterday and there’s a big bench that has been covered with graffiti and now it’s totally covered front and back with graffiti. I hope you can take care of it. Thanks.
M/CC Graffiti Team
Casey Crowly
1888 Shaw Mountain Rd
Boise, ID 83712
Graffiti: I’m trying to report through the gang unit some graffiti I saw. There’s a box, either a phone or power box at the top of Shaw Mountain at the west side of the road that’s been tagged by graffiti and I wanted to report it. Thanks.
Jan Peterson
3361 Forsythia
Graffiti: The newly painted wall on Hill Rd. and Forsythia is covered with phallic symbols that she finds very offensive and she wants them removed immediately. She called Monday, 8/21/06, 3 times about this same thing.
M/CC Graffiti Team
Aug 29, 2006, 11:00 am
I have graffiti in the alley behind my house. Could someone please tell me the number so I can call Team Dave and let him know about it. Maybe the Graffiti Team should have checkout program like the library. I could then check out a light gray can of spray paint and get it done my self.
Better yet how about I just take the initiative and buy a can of $.99 spray paint and do it myself.
Sep 2, 2006, 8:55 am
So, I’m trying to figure out what, exactly, was Rick Munson’s point with the “helmet heads.” I think he’s talking about scooters/motorcyclists, but I can’t tell if he’s happy there’s more of them these days, or just being sarcastic.
Sep 4, 2006, 11:54 pm
Damn Buddhist music anyway. Now if they were raising their voices unto the Lord, well now that would be understandable.
Jul 26, 2008, 3:32 pm
Spray Planes, I would like to know who I can talk too about a spray Plane that sprays my vehicles and house, with the chemical it sprays with.What kind of action can I take if my paint comes off my house and vehicles and if I happend to breath it in .I didn’t think they were able to fly over my house and then spray, when they could, and have in the past did,untill recentley gone by my house and then sprayed.