We try to keep the GUARDIAN a local exchange of ideas and opinions and there is nothing more local then reading the Sunday Obituaries in the Daily Paper.
We noticed eight old guys made it to the page. Seven had served in the military and one was a preacher. Back in World War II it was just a “fact of life” that young men would either enlist or get drafted into the service. More than 1,000 a a day are quietly leaving us.
Today, instead of a noble cause fighting to stop the spread of those terrible “Japs” and “Krauts,” we drive Toyotas, watch Sony TV and secretly covet a BMW while Chrysler merges with Mercedes.
We fought to stop the spread of communism under the domino theory of one country after another falling in Asia and today Wal-Mart depends on communist China (“Red China”) for most of its products and every community in America has Vietnamese residents–many second generation Americans citizens.
Meanwhile the presidential PR machine spins, “heroes, citizen-soldiers, weapons of mass destruction, and the world is better without Saddam.” There are men and women today heading out for their THIRD tour in Iraq. The war on terror has become an industry–for security companies, Haliburton, air carriers, news media.
The GUARDIAN says:
— We will never be able to kill enough Muslims to get them to love us by force.
–You can’t impose democracy on any country.
–The DRAFT is the only way to end the war in Iraq. The iPod set won’t serve against their will.
–Condoning official torture diminishes the stature of America and Americans.
–We no longer have a “volunteer” force. These once proud servicemen and women are being forced against their will to prosecute a war that even the (retired) generals condemn.
We honor our war dead (and those who served)–as we should–but the GUARDIAN fears that unlike those who made the ultimate sacrifice in earlier wars, today’s “volunteers” may indeed die in vain.
Oct 1, 2006, 1:30 pm
Thank you Guardian for your words. And I hope the few remaining apologists for or supporters of the Bush administration will pay attention and recognize what is being done in our name around the globe and what is being done to this generation of soldiers. How any thinking person can still think there is any measure of sanity left at the Dept. of Defense or the White House must be in deep denial of the facts.
Please let’s not let our government remain in the hands of the current Congress next month, and please pray our country can last another two years without another war being imposed on us.
Oct 1, 2006, 6:48 pm
Has anyone read the writings of the early 20th Century Harvard Humanities professor, Irving Babbitt? He wrote elequently of the failings of Internationlism and how the root of much injustice derives from a priveledged few’s desire to live expansively. His writings are easy enough to google.
As to your writings, BG:
“We will never be able to kill enough Muslims to get them to love us by force.” True enough, death always begets death – even for “Islamofacists”.
“You can’t impose democracy on any country.” Absolutely correct, no more than you can take over breathing for someone. Whatever neocon thought that democracy could be “exported” like some post-industrial widget must have flunked PoliSci. True democracy is a grassroots phenomena – always has been, always will be.
“The DRAFT is the only way to end the war in Iraq. The iPod set won’t serve against their will.” Careful, you’re showing your gray. Most younger folks are eager to prove themselves capable – and would be more than happy to march to the same old drummer if it would give them the opportunity. And, even a draft would have its dodgers (I think “W” still owes a few hours to the National Guard, and Cheney never served).
“Condoning official torture diminishes the stature of America and Americans.” 100% correct. Now if we could only officially adopt the Universal Declaration of Human Rights – we’re one of the few first-world nations that have failed to do so. As far as I know Boise has the only copy of the UDHR on public display in the US (carved in stone nontheless) – it’s located at the Idaho Anne Frank Memorial.
“We no longer have a “volunteer” force. These once proud servicemen and women are being forced against their will to prosecute a war that even the (retired) generals condemn.” Sorry, you’ll have to do a better job at defining “volunteer”. I have yet to meet a current or former solder that has lost pride in what they’re doing (or have done) for their country. Perhaps you intended to write that the current actions of the President are besmerching the honor of those who are willing to place themselves in harms way – and that his actions dishonor the sacrifices made each day to carry out his questionable orders?
As to Wal-Mart… It’s just begun issuing store credit cards in China. Of course there’s only six Wal-Marts in the whole country but give it time. The iPod’ers of the new China are proving just as capable at embracing envy as the rest of us – they all want new cars and homes in the suburbs. I wince to think of an earth with one billion new yuppies.
EDITOR NOTE–Monkey, you speak well on our behalf. The ref to Wal-Mart was using Red China to produce the goods for USA consumption. We share your concern over “commie yuppies.”
Oct 1, 2006, 8:10 pm
Congrats to Boise Guardian for calling it like it is. Bush’s attempt to compare the Iraq fiasco to WWII is a political stunt. If indeed we are in WWIII, where is the food rationing, the rationing of Gasoline, butter,steel,rubber and assorted other essentials that were commonplace during the last “good war”?
I disagree that a draft would end this war. It may provide more bodies to send to Iraq but you have to ask yourself, are they really accomplishing anything over there? Other than being targets? We must ask ourselves, if the roles were reversed and we had an alien army occupying our country,whose side would you be on? Fight the invader? Collaborate with the occupier? Just because our troops are in a fight doesn’t mean we are on the right side. To paraphrase John Kerry, “how do you ask a young American to die for a failed policy?”
EDITOR NOTE–Thank-you citizen for your kind remarks. My point with the DRAFT was that mothers, wives, and students wouldn’t stand for it (iPod set) for the reasons you and John Kerry state.
Oct 1, 2006, 11:50 pm
G, I can’t tell, are you raising the white flag?
I have friends family and neighbors in the fight now…I have tremendous respect for veterans, past and present. The crowds are too sparse at the parades folks. And the healthcare SUCKS!!
G has it somewhat wrong: WWII ended because the good-side stomped the bad-side into TOTAL defeat. Afterwhich the good-side developed successful peaceful democratic governments in those defeated countries… In reality the war was very nasty, bloody, costly, but short. Internal debate remained internal. We didn’t incriminate our own troops…even when entire bomber groups dropped on the wrong city… Or half a navy got sunk because it was Sunday. We kept our eye on the ball.
The rebuild took 30 years or more. A massive shift in world power occured. The US was on top by many times. Perhaps as with the British before us, a shift is again occuring?
The Mid-East region was tightly controled by the British prior to WWII until weakend by war with Germany…It’s been the wild-wild west ever since…
No one has wanted to be the Sheriff. But now that Arabs have substantial wealth and reach, they’ve chosen to attact the US…in NYC and D.C. The US is forced to do something don’t you think?
Their religion has no central power structure….so even if it’s a peaceful religion, it has no means of stopping the bad apples.
The G has it right: We have fools trying to skip the important, but all-around most costly step of TOTAL defeat. Thus draging it out for several many years…”It will go for decades” GW Bush has said many times. Rummy and Kissenger (Kissenger is now advising Bush) who were in the WhiteHouse in the early 1970’s trying to do the same thing then…
This may well be about corporate contracts…who knows? But probably is as simple as trying to skip over the shocking cost and blood of a total stomping.
I worry: The real hinderance is the power and money the enemy now has within the US. Our enemy is very wealthy. If you think your vote counts for something…ask yourself how much of the US you own? Been asked to play golf by any Congressmen lately? I think this war would stop suddenly, with the sudden end of the leadership of enemy nations… Why do we go after villigers because they have guns rather than national leaders with whole armies? We are not going after the capital men for some reason??? I’m most worried about this…
Aside from those who are clearly profiting. The war for sure, seems to be done wrong, in the wrong place, for the wrong reasons, thus there’s the problem folks…many don’t see the threat for what it is, and don’t support fighting to bring peace. We have substantial advantages over them…however our biggest weakness is our hesitation while we debate what to do…
This is not a turf war with the commies. We can’t hug them and send money to make peace. They hate us from the deepest part of their soul…that hate has been festering for decades if not longer…they do not seek a draw with us…They seek total defeat.
They can will strike again. Which flag do you have ready folks?? Mine is not white…and I have an ipod… The draft is not needed and won’t happen… many ipod owners are clear in their minds as to what is at stake here… I’m not sure the leadership does though.
Oct 2, 2006, 1:10 am
Point – Counterpoint:
1. We will never be able to kill enough Muslims to get them to love us by force.
A: True, but a dead terrorist has a 0% chance of killing an American Citizen – and I don’t care if I’m loved by terrorists! This is a war on Islamic Terrorists, not Muslims. To say that we’re ‘killing Muslims’ is pure Propaganda.
2. You can’t impose democracy on any country.
A: True, but by eliminating dictators and terrorist regimes, we can at least offer those oppressed people a fighting chance at starting a grass roots democratic movement.
3. The DRAFT is the only way to end the war in Iraq. The iPod set won’t serve against their will.
A: False and Misleading. The most recent data available (Aug 2006) shows the following recruiting numbers:
Army 104%, Navy 100%, Marines 102%, Air Force 100%, Army NG 99%, Army Res. 94%, Navy Res. 86%, USMC Res. 101%, Air NG 96%, & Air Res. 103%
Our volunteer military is strong and we have the ability to win any armed conflict (although there may not be the political will to do what’s necessary). Any mention of “the DRAFT” is used purely as political rhetoric to frighten the un-informed. Also, The Guardian has sorely underestimated the ‘ipod set’. Again, the numbers show that these brave men and women are joining the military at high rates despite the U.S. being at war. If the ‘ipod set’ thought this war was unjust, the numbers would be through the floor. They’re not serving against their will and to imply that they are is just another poor attempt at obfuscation.
4. Condoning official torture diminishes the stature of America and Americans.
A: True, but let’s be sure to have clearly defined terms for the meaning of torture. Humiliating prisoners by making them wear women’s panties or making them stand nude in front of women is not torture. Subjecting terrorists to temperature changes, isolation, sleep depravation or other psychological tactics to gain information and potentially save lives is not torture. Ripping out one’s fingernails, electrocution, poisoning, maiming, murder etc… is torture. Is anyone so naïve as to believe that we can sit a hardened terrorist under a bright spotlight and that this will somehow magically make him talk? “Mr. Terrorist, you tell us what you know or we’re going to start talking to you in a very firm voice! And you won’t like it!” God help us if that person is in charge because we’re all going to die. This would be the same person who wants to sit down at the table with terrorists and ‘negotiate’. That was tried in WWII, it was called Appeasement and it didn’t work. Terrorists want you DEAD!
5. We no longer have a “volunteer” force. These once proud servicemen and women are being forced against their will to prosecute a war that even the (retired) generals condemn.
A. This is patently false! There are no facts that support this statement (see #3 above – in addition to recruiting, retention is also up). The Guardian implies that all retired Generals are against this war, which is absurd. Surely The Guardian is aware that there are scores and scores of Generals who are and have participated in the prosecution of this war. The fact that a handful of dissenters are being vocal is no surprise. As a matter of fact, I don’t believe there’s ever been a war in the history of mankind where all of the Generals agreed on everything. And I resent the fact that you call our servicemen and women “once proud” in order to make a point. Statements like that cheapen the sacrifice these men and women are making! – They’re STILL PROUD regardless of if you believe in their cause.
How should captured terrorists be treated? Should we be in Iraq? Is Saddam connected to terrorism? Were there WMD’s in Iraq? Etc etc. etc. All of these questions are legitimate and SHOULD be discussed and debated. But I would prefer to have intelligent well thought out discussions, and I don’t care to swap political talking points from either side of the isle.
Oct 2, 2006, 8:00 am
You sound like a Republican politician. Perhaps G is a bit simplistic, but you too are not totally honest (or informed).
Recruiting: They pay grunts $15,000 to get them to re-enlist and have lowered standards to get recruits.
Killing enough to make them love us: It doesn’t matter WHO you kill, (muslims, arabs, insurgents) it doesn’t make peace to kill when you can’t really identify your enemy.
Draft: I agree with G. If there is a draft or the threat of the draft, you will see open dissent and rebellion in USA–just like Vietnam. Also when the rich kids get drafted, campaign contributions will dry up fast.
Volunteer force: When tours of duty are extended, guardsmen are recalled sooner than their contract specifies, and release from duty is deferred that is not “voluntary.” G wins that point hands down.
Generals denounce war: It IS unusual for generals to go on TV and call for resignation of defense secretary. This round is not a matter of “we know how to win, the politicians just won’t let us do it.”
Eliminating terrorists: We couldn’t eliminate the Viet Cong or commies in Vietnam, how do you propose to eliminate terrorists? G is correct to note USA is now major trade partner with commies we fought for years as well as Japan and Germany. The latter two NATIONS were attacking us. Just like Isreal attacking Lebanon. You can’t go after EVERYONE because a group of bad are terrorists….like attacking Caldwell to eliminate a group of gangbangers can claiming Caldwell “harbors” them.
Seeking and killing people based on their mindset is hard to do. Sorta like eliminating commies: how can you identify them?
Oct 2, 2006, 8:26 am
Well put i said and Patman
Oct 2, 2006, 9:51 am
I am afraid that the US government is looking a lot like pre-WWll Germany. Thank you for speaking out. I wonder if we, as citizens will be able to turn it all around.
Oct 2, 2006, 11:59 am
Mr. Logic said:
You sound like a Republican politician.”
– Thanks, compared to some things I’ve been called in my life, that is definitely a compliment. 🙂
“Perhaps G is a bit simplistic, but you too are not totally honest (or informed).”
– Feel free to disagree with my opinions or question my level of competence, but please don’t question my honesty just to make a point.
Perhaps The Guardian was too brief in making his analysis & I missed his point. If he meant that by initiating a Draft there would be huge public outcry, then he is absolutely correct. Would this get us out of Iraq sooner? Maybe, maybe not. Would it end the war on terrorism? Nope. We’ve been in the war for the past 20 years, but we’re just too apathetic to want to fight it. When it was only a handful of people being randomly blown up, that was acceptable. After 3000+ died in 9/11, most people woke up to the fact that we were going to have to fight. Should we give up because we don’t have a ‘clearly defined enemy’? You can, I’ll fight.
Oct 2, 2006, 1:08 pm
Hey, Guardian… this is spoze to be a FUN website! Look at your mission statement!
As I read your original post, and those eloquent words from others supporting your position, and those well-thought-out responses taking issue with your position… it’s not FUN!
What a tangled web we have woven. We seem to not have the will to “stomp the bad side into TOTAL defeat.” When Truman dropped the Fat Man to end WWII, I’m sure he agonized about collateral damage, but the button was pushed anyway. We’ve adapted the Vietnam model instead – Kissinger influence? If our rules define panty-humiliation as torture, contrasted with enemies who are sawing off heads and dragging bodies through the streets, there is definitely something wrong with the picture. “Never take a knife to a gun fight,” know what I mean?
Yet, there’s no denying that the threat from wild-eyed Islamofacists is real. By their own declaration, their mission statement is “Convert or die.” If we pack it in and withdraw from Iraq, does ANYBODY believe that will strengthen our hand against those terrorist nutjobs?
Reinstating the draft would DEFINITELY make the conflict more real and personal to a lot of folks; I support the notion (despite the fact that I have a 20-year-old son who I love seeing most weekends).
My head hurts, Guardian. Let’s get back to the local stuff.
A gal named Sue Chew is running for the Legislature in my district. (Against a RINO.) If I were Chew’s campaign adviser, I’d have her passing out gum or chewin’ tobacky – your choice – at each door she knocks on!
EDITOR NOTE–Bikeboy you are totally correct! As I Vietnam vet I find little solace that I wasted two years for a cause that was futile. I returned in 1996 and it was a much nicer place. I like the Chew-chew idea.
Oct 2, 2006, 5:28 pm
Your obvious right wing commentators ignore the fact that while we were busy screwing the oil rich countries like Iraq and Iran we could care less if their dictators had “rape rooms” or gassed people. We were happy to inflict warfare and strife against Persians and Arabs as long as the oil flowed. The people sure didn’t see any of the huge oil profits. How come the Bush Corp. never really says how Islamic terrorists are getting funded? Saudi Arabia has been financing the radical Wahaabist “hate the West” form of Islam for 60 years. Do we take any action against the Saudi fat cats? Nope, Bush Corp. friends.
Where are all the anti-Commie Idaho Republicans shopping now? Wal-Mart. Oh I forgot, the Bible says slave labor is OK too. Leviticus 24-44. As a matter of fact the institution of slavery is never condemed in the Bible. So Chinese commie slavery must be OK.
I agree also, the Boise Guardian should stick to local events because if this forum is an example of the mental capacity of those willing to write about the Middle East conflict, it is just another reflection on why we keep electing the same type of people in this state over and over.
Oct 3, 2006, 1:07 am
Re the Chew-chew idea: Cool!
Years ago, Vern Emery was running for the Board of Ada County Commissioners (yep, that’s the official name of the commishes), he passed out emery boards — the kind to trim and shape your fingernails, with the slogan EMERY for BOARD of Ada County Commissioners, or somesuch typographical trick to make the pun obvious. Recipients got a kick out of it; Vern got elected.
Chew might also find name recognition is the trick.
Oh, as for the terrorist war — yeah, we’ve beat it to death and are getting nowhere. Unlike WWII, when we knew that if we could get Hirohito, Tojo, Hitler and Rommel to tell their troops, “It’s over; quit fighting,” it would end, there are no leaders of the current bunch of zealots. Oh, sure, there are imams and Osama and whoeverallelse who can egg them on, but not one of those guys has the power to get the fanatics to stop just by telling them to.
As for bombing them into oblivion — hey, great idea, you go round ’em all up and put ’em all in one spot and we’ll do it! Yeah, fat chance!
It appears that this one will be over whenever GW says it’s over, or when he’s out of power and someone else can make the call. Cut and run? Call it that if you wish. Strategic withdrawal is the military term. Not nice-sounding either way, but what alternative is there?
So lets settle something easy, like, oh, abortion or gay marriage or whether Pepsi is better than Coke. Duh.
Oct 3, 2006, 9:49 am
I appreciate the Guardian’s moderation of comments. So many forums quickly devolve into immature name-calling, accusing those we disagree with of having diminished mental capacity, etc. (Calling other people “stupid” doesn’t make YOU look any smarter, know what I mean?)
Chinese proverb: “He who hits first admits that he’s out of ideas.” Let’s stick with the ideas.
(Only idiots would drink Pepsi OR Coke! JOLT RULES!!!) (wink wink)
Oct 3, 2006, 3:01 pm
The trouble with people who are “tired” of the war and lamenting the loss of America’s finest is that they fail to focus on the end game. To be blunt, we fight the terrorists on their turf, or someday we fight them on ours. Get a grip. This one is for all the marbles.
Our freedom comes at a very high price. It always has. Sure, we are going to lose brave men and women. Since the beginning of time people have fought each other for liberty and died in the process.
This is not about flag-waving. This is about the survival of western civilization. Against all odds and critics, Roosevelt and Churchill were right about World War II. Bush and Blair are right about World War III.
Oct 3, 2006, 6:25 pm
America Defender, how come the rich and powerful don’t volunteer? Why don’t they encourage their kids to join the fight. If this war is so right why does the military have to ante upwards of $15,000.00 to get recruits mostly from small rural towns. Why do those who have the most (money, equity, etc.) to lose, refuse? How come the rightwing in this country hasn’t formed their version of an Abe Lincoln Brigade to go fight the terrorist hydra for nothing but glory? Why don’t the Young Republicans on university campuses across our country have the ranks of our military swelling with recruits? Why aren’t your hawkish Republican politicians out in the media encouraging people like you to sign up and go fight the good fight?
Obviously you don’t see anything wrong with how this war is being won. Why can’t we honor our dead and see our flag draped heroes when they come home in boxes like we did in all the other wars? Explain why 50,000 plus American soldiers died to keep us free from Communists and now the largest, most powerful, retail business in the world supports the Republican political agenda while helping build the greatest Communist economy the world has ever seen. What part of this picture don’t you get?
Oct 4, 2006, 12:34 am
Gordon: They were all in NYC last week and Cuba the week before that….giving you and me the middle finger.
We be chicken to do the deed….means somebody would need to take the lead.
Somebody is asking the lawers what we should do next instead of the generals….Somebody says “this is war”, but they don’t realize that it really is.
Now that we are devoting huge blocks of our TV news coverage to who’s gone missing or what hollywood idiot has a drug habit, I suspect we are due another reminder.
Oct 4, 2006, 6:42 am
American Defender if Bush is so right why isn’t his daughters over there driving a Hummer or Chenny’s daughter?
Oct 4, 2006, 11:48 am
More questions for America Defender. What does the victory on the war on terror look like? I want to know what the end of the “stay the course” is? What marbles? There were no terrorists in Iraq before we got there. How did that become their turf?
Sacrificing brave men and women is the high price of freedom, not a consequence as you imply, neither should the war be viewed as a “comma” in a history book as our President has stated because it diminishes that sacrifice. Maybe if he would attend a funeral of a service member his indifference wouldn’t be so glaring. But it seems to me that they aren’t dying for my freedom since I’ve lost freedoms since this war started. They may be fighting for Iraqi freedom but I’m not sure how high a price I’m willing to pay for that. We have unprecedented deficits and unheard of debt my kids will have to pay off because of this war. I certainly don’t think these brave men and women should be dying for an Iraqi population, more than two thirds of which want us to leave. Do you really think a bunch of bearded mullahs in Afghanistan will topple the US?
Roosevelt did everything he could to keep us out of World War II until the Japanese attacked. Have we told the rest of Western Civilization that its going down because they don’t seem too interested in fighting our war? Is World War III a War against Islam? What’s the plan for wiping those 2 billion people from the planet? Will we be using conventional, biological, chemical or nuclear weapons? Where should we maintain our torture centers? Will we be burning the Koran? What about the Muslim population in America? What if Americans want to convert? Will we herd them into camps? How do you snuff a religion? How do you defeat an enemy willing to die for its beliefs other than by hastening their departure?
If this is your vision of the America to defend then I want no part of it. If its not your vision please stop giving us this Republican koolaid to drink.
Oct 4, 2006, 5:04 pm
My rebuttal to all you liberal whiners begins with this: Great men as well as common men have always answered their nation’s call to arms.
Be it remembered that not everyone agreed on the reason or the course of the Revolutionary War. Ditto for the Civil War, The Spanish-American War, World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam, the Gulf War, and now World War III.
This is the nature of Man: There are visionaries, patriots, and freedom-lovers. Then there are losers, whiners, and cowards.
But, by the grace of God, our country has been blessed with enough of the good guys to make most of these history-changing events end up the right way. We owe our American independence to them.
I would like to reiterate that not all American warriors are from the ranks of the poor. The latest example is the son of Arizona Sen. John McCain, who has joined The Marines.
You see, the McCains’ service record goes back to the Revolutionary War. Members of John’s family fought on both sides of the Civil War. John’s grandfather and father were Navy admirals.
His father was Commander in Chief of the Pacific when John was a prisoner of war in Hanoi for five and a half years. He would go up on the DMZ and look across at North Vietnam, just to be closer to his son, who was strung up and beaten all those years.
And, now, John McCain wants to be President. Men like him, true heroes who have been to hell and back, are born and raised to serve their country. Nothing, including the tortures of the damned, can stop them from cherishing freedom. They know what being an American is.
We all should have that degree of national responsibility instilled in us by our parents and grandparents. We need role models who honor liberty.
Now, go soak your heads.
Oct 5, 2006, 12:08 pm
Huh? That’s your answer to the questions? There you go again with the polarizing “you are either with us or against us”. I certainly consider myself a visionary, a patriot and a lover of freedom. We can almost hear your follow up labelling those of us dissenting from self defeating policies as enemies of the state. Do you think we are traitors? Are we the bad guys? Do you think we belong in Gitmo?
Never forget this country was founded upon dissent. It was a bunch of intelligent well educated rabble rousers that decided that the American people had enough blind obedience to tyrannical policies and signed a document telling the British government to take a hike, which was quite accurately called the Declaration of Independence. They also had enough intelligence to recognize that all government can be potentially oppressive which is why the founding fathers established certain freedoms every citizen can enjoy without fear from its own or any other government. We call those the Bill of Rights. Yet every time I open a newspaper these days I see Republicans arguing how this war requires us to give up some of those rights and that the President needs more power to invade those rights. Frankly I think that’s unAmerican and unpatriotic and certainly does not “honor liberty” as you put it.
I appreciate the McCain family legacy in service to this country’s military and I also support Senator McCain’s stand on the torture bill who above all others knows what it means for our troops. But forsaking the free will God gave you for blind obedience for a corrupt cause is what will certainly doom this country. A great man once said: “If tyranny and oppression come to this land it will come in the guise of fighting a foriegn enemy”. His name was James Madison fourth president and author of the Constitution.
And please be careful. You may impugn my character but insinuating that my momma didn’t teach me pride in my country might be going a bit over the line. We should both recognize that we love our country, we just have different ways of showing it. I for one do not subsribe to the notion that I must lose my country in order to save it.
Oct 5, 2006, 4:02 pm
People have been killing people over a long time period. Killing a person creates terror in some/most people that are being killed. Therefore, terrorism has been around for a long time period. I don’t see it stopping.
Advice…get ready to defend yourself and your loved ones or you and yours will eventually be killed and probably subject to terrorism.
Oct 5, 2006, 8:30 pm
You have it right, Jack.
The Islamo-fascists are gunning for us. They want us dead because we are not Muslims. Their fanatical religion teaches death to the infidels.
It is the irony of ironies that the peacemakers will have to defend themselves through war or be annihilated. The Israelis are all too aware of this.
Oct 6, 2006, 12:00 pm
Oh please, you guys are scaring me. I looked at the obits today and it seems to me that cancer is the terrorist we should be concerned about. I didn’t see any violent deaths warranting us to round up the kiddies git in my basement with the twelve guage at the ready. You guys are so willing to believe the spoonfed paranoia being spread about the bearded bogeyman comin’ to git yer cheap Chinese goods you bought at Walmart last week you’ve lost any perspective about the very real problems facing Americans right now. Your fear is paralyzing you from seeing the problems right in front of you. Only a coward would let fear govern his actions.
It strikes me that religious extremists are the problem regardless of what religion they profess. Anyone who can look at their religion and find a justification for war, violence and killing is an extremist in my book. The history lesson you should draw from are the centuries of wars predicated upon killing the non believers. And in case you’re thinking of adopting a holier than thou attitude Western Civilization has perpetrated more than its share of atrocities in the name of God. See Crusades and Reformation.
But the logic you employ is mind boggling. They want us dead because we are not Muslim? Well last I checked there’s a billion Chinese that don’t seem to have this problem, they’re not Muslim and they live right next door. Somehow I think its a little more complicated than that and I strongly urge you to shift your considerable brain pan on that subject. And it may be that the Islamic religious extremists may justify the use of violence through their religion but I am at a loss how you can adopt such a myopic, misguided and ill informed point of view as to think that all of Islam gets condemned because of a couple a kooks in Afghanistan learned how to steer a plane. I mean using pejorative terms like Islamo fascists is so self contradictory and misleading that even the White House doesn’t use it any more.
Peacemakers? You belong to a nation that invaded a foriegn land without provocation, based upon questionable evidence of a well trumpeted imminent threat, killed tens of thousands including innnocent civilians and you refer to yourself as a peacemaker? I really don’t see how anyone in the Middle East right now thinks we are peacemakers, let alone the rest of the world. How Orwellian of you.
The Arab Israeli conflict has been violent on both sides. But lest you continue to suffer under the misapprehension that Israel is all sweetness and light you should google up the atrocities committed at Deir Yassin and Qana and read up on the role of the Irgun in the creation of the Israeli state. But for the life of me I don’t see where the US has a dog in that fight.
Oct 6, 2006, 5:29 pm
“You can’t impose democracy on any country.”
Huh? And you all think that is true? I think your history is a bit lacking. We, the US, imposed democracy on both Germany and Japan following WW-II. And look at those countries today, are they not doing quite well?
The trouble with invading Iraq is that it is a Muslim country with a large Arab population (and the US supports Israel). This mess is considerably more complex than what is presented here. We never should have been so arrogant to assume that we could impose democracy on a people who are not the least bit interested in hearing it from us, the “never say no” supporters of Israel.
Oct 6, 2006, 6:37 pm
Dear Sisy,
It’s guys like you who continue to bury their heads in the sand. You don’t want to see the obvious because it is too scary.
One who ignores history is bound to repeat it. Hitler is back and he wears a rag on his head.
Oct 8, 2006, 11:47 am
Isn’t it interesting to see how when weak arguments are posited and then rightfully challenged, the presenter bears his teeth and shows his true colors?
In this case it’s the color of racism and religious intolerance. Bravo “American Defender” for proving why there are so many commentors opposing your ideas.
Now, if only your (towel-head hating, Muslim bashing) ideas were isolated to the radical fringe and not driving so much of current American foreign policy.
And for the record, the post-WWII Marshall Plan was successful because it fostered the cooperation of moderates in Japan through a massive influx of financial aide and the immediate cessation of military hostilities. Japan was (and still is) culturally, racially, and religiously monolithic – very much unlike today’s Iraq. The splitting of Germany, the erection of the Iron Curtain, the launching of the Cold War, and keeping the world teetering on the precipice of nuclear distruction for nearly 50 years can hardly be considered a successful introduction to German democracy. Also ( by the way), Hitler was democractically elected Germany’s Chancellor in 1933.
How appropriate that Santayana’s ‘Reason in Common Sense’ is misquoted (“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”), and used to try and justify actions that blatantly ignore historical fact.
Oct 9, 2006, 11:09 am
Thanks George. I was growing weary of the futility of the debate. Excellent comments from one who obviously knows his history. Since you did the leg work I would add in rebuttal to Blog Not that we did not “impose” democracy on Germany and Japan but facilitated economic oppurtunity and provided security from which the rest followed. It is those same moderates you mentioned we should be reaching out in the Middle East to help them build governments that will secure and be accountable to its citizens.
But our foriegn policy supports horribly unaccountable governments like the military dictatorship of the nuclear power Pakistan which is directly responsible for the proliferation of nuclear technology to North Korea and Iran, the monarchies in Saudi Arabia and Jordan, and the two biggest recipients of US foreign aid, the corrupt Egypt and the theocracy of Israel. Yes Israel because while Israel certainly has democratic institutions accountable to its citizens, full citizenship requires you to be Jewish and speak Hebrew, leaving the millions of Palestinians living under Israeli law disenfranchised. And yet when Hamas is democratically elected we refuse to recognize it. The White House directive that we shall only support democratic governments is inherently hypocritical and just more Orwellian fodder for the nightly news. Change will certainly come to these countries, but will our current policies make it a change favorable to the US?
Oct 10, 2006, 10:58 pm
“Thanks George. I was growing weary of the futility of the debate. Excellent comments from one who obviously knows his history. Since you did the leg work I would add in rebuttal to Blog Not that we did not “impose” democracy on Germany and Japan”
“leg work”, “knows his history”, are you serious? My gawd, the only thing weaker than your arguments is your history! MacArthur wrote the draft of the first post-war Japanese consitution, until then Japan was not much more than a monarchy. As for Germany, the Weimar Republic essentially ended once the Nazis came into power. And no, Hitler was never elected, that is a fairy tale told by those who don’t read history but only repeat what they’ve heard others say. Hitler was appointed “Chancellor” by President Hindenburg in 1933, he was never elected. A new German political reality did not really emerge until 1949 and they were not anything close to a sovereign state until 1954, almost nine years after the end of the war. Nine years! Oh sure, the Marshall Plan influenced things, but the political reality in both countries at the end of WW-II was handed to them under threat from our guns. For crying out loud, do some reading once in a while. Just because something is on TV does not make it true.
EDITOR NOTE–We posted this for the historical perspective only. The debate thread has been closed due to acrimony beyond civil discourse which we were unable to post.
Oct 11, 2006, 11:50 am
Thanks Blog Not for your comments and the Guardian for maintaining civil discourse. I feel very comfortable and secure with my knowledge of history, Blog Not, as the faculty and president of an accredited University have granted me all the rights, dignities and privileges pertaining to a degree in that discipline. I received one also for political science. Now that doesn’t make me the supreme authority, but I think I can hold my own with you.
Having said that, it is true that Hitler never received a majority of the votes for Chancellor of Germany. But that position was not filled by popular vote. Rather under that parlimentarian system of government the Chancellor was appointed by the President to form a government. However, the Nazi party was one of the largest parties after the 1932 elections and as the leader of that party Hitler has earned the right to be considered for Chancellor under that democratic system of government. Moreover he was able to secure a two thirds vote in Reichstag giving him extreme power under that system of government. Thus while Hitler’s tactics were highly questionable the power he secured for himself was done so within the framework of the Weimar Republic which nobody argues was undemocratic.
And yes the citizens of Japan and Germany that remained in allied control after WWII had parameters on the style of government and were strongly influenced by the occupiers on the form of government. Yet the success of these governments is due more to these countries’ vibrant economies fueled by American aid and troops maintaining security rather than the our guns being pointed at their heads which is the analogy you were employing. There are definite lessons to be learned from this history. I don’t see our current government incorporating those lessons into its foreign policy and almost three thousand American troops have paid the ultimate price for the folly.