City Government

Mayor Hotline Sept 25 to 29


BPR: Yes, I live on Kipling Road and you’ve got Crescent Rim blocked and you’ve got Latah blocked this morning. The race is wonderful but we need to be able to get into our homes. It was 9:00, I was on the intersection of Peasley and Crescent Rim. There was nobody in site; they would not let me go out so I could drive home. There were no people, there was no traffic but the officer said that I couldn’t go home. Now I did drive all the way around to Latah and that officer did let me get on to Kipling. You ought to plan this thing a little bit better before you go and block people from there homes. Thank you, and good bye.

BPD: This gentleman is very annoyed at the lack of efficiency in the Mayor’s hotline, as well as in the use of reporting abandon vehicles. The abandon vehicle phone number. This number rather than asking the caller to leave a message about the abandoned vehicle asks the caller to call a different number. That number connects with dispatch which is too busy to take a complaint about an abandoned vehicle. It would be much easier if there was just a number to call to leave a message with someone checking it when they have more time. Also the Mayor’s hotline message is too long. It needs to be shortened so that a caller isn’t on the phone for ten minutes before he gets to report graffiti or an abandoned vehicle. There is no need to leave your name and contact information if you’re just reporting an abandoned vehicle. Wants to know where his tax money is going if we cannot even report an abandoned vehicle? He also wants to report two abandoned vehicles. One on 34th and Gerard facing south with 1M license plates that is wrecked. The other is on Hill Rd. On the north side of the road facing west at the Harrison intersection, it is a white car with no license plates.

Lina Jacobson
Riverstone Lane
Cottonwood Apartments
BPR: The Race for the Cure as well as the NAMI walk which is scheduled for October 7th both block off her entrance to home for 4 hours. It polarizes commerce and access to residential locations. This isn’t good planning!
Action Taken: ACHD

Julie @Tomlinson & Associates
205 N. 10th St.
Boise 02
BFI: The Empire Building at this location is owned by Tomlinson and Associates. For two years they have been asking BFI for locked, sealed dumpsters and have not yet gotten them. They are a mess!

Robert Clark
1249 Grand #237
PDS: I’m calling back, I’m concerned community house that the Mission’s going to buy supposedly still, put a commercial kitchen in it, or a soup kitchen. Which there was one in this community here area, it didn’t work because once they eat their heart out and they have nowhere to go, they hang in the area. One of my main concerns about this whole sale is sexual predators, and there is a lot of children. I wish you and the city council, MaryAnn Jordan, Elaine Clegg, Dave Eberle, Vern Bisterfeldt, Alan Shealy, and Jim Tibbs would come around and walk around the neighborhood and see what’s going on. Just because the guys doing a great job now doesn’t mean that once he sells the downtown Rescue Mission means that those people that are causing problems, if you go down there and see the fights right after lunch everyday and give me a break, don’t tell me that it isn’t happening cause I’ve seen it with my own eyes. I was told by the building inspector that Christiansen and Clay Carly weren’t trying to buy the building and I see in the Business Review that they are. This is getting old and I am going to get involved with this and I am going to get petitions because it’s not right. I don’t have a problem helping the homeless, but I got a problem with sexual predators in the neighborhood. I also have a problem with having a soup kitchen in the neighborhood, there is plenty of city property that can be bought and done the right things with. I’ve no means in help and I also think that once you’re sold and out of the cities hands it also means that they can force religion down people’s throat. And I think that’s wrong just for a meal and a bed. If you guys can’t get that through your heads then no problem I will actively go after all of you because it’s wrong. You guys don’t like it in the North End and you all cry and you guys just want to listen to what’s going on. If you don’t live in this neighborhood please listen to the people that do live in this neighborhood. The other thing is on Sixth and State how come they can have permits to park food trucks by the Cafés and Restaurants by the state buildings there and the meters on they can’t downtown and it shouldn’t be happening in that area. I’d really like to find out what the law really is and that’s all. Thank you.
Nic Brizzi
12105 W. Bowmont St.

BFI: The city services that are supposed to be provided that I pay for are not being handled efficiently by your contractors. I make reference to trash and recycle pickup. At least once every two months I have to make a call to I guess it’s Allied now, not BFI. Either to pick up a recycled container, I came home tonight from work, it’s currently 4:50 in the evening or afternoon, Every recycle container on the block is still out, when I contacted Allied the lady apologized, although I’m sure it’s not her fault, but indicated that they would send a truck out tomorrow. She was not aware of any break downs or not heard, she assumed all the routes had been serviced. Apparently, this one had not. Bowmont St. I don’t know about anywhere else in the neighborhood but I can see recycle bins all the way down the block. Again I do not work for the city. It is not my job to put out trash or recycle bins on a daily basis just because they fail to pick it up. I have a day assigned to me and that day should be when my items are picked up or disposed of. This is not an occasional occurrence, like I said about once every two months that I have to make a call. Thank you, bye.

George Dashiell
Arts Commission: I’m down here at Grove and 9th at your art display with the half circles. I’ve never really taken a look at this before but this thing actually says “I will positively kill” and I’m not quite sure if that’s the best terminology or language that we would want to use in the City of Boise. I don’t know what they are specifically referring to but it strikes me as I read it that he’s talking about killing people. So my request as a citizen of Boise is that we remove that sign there from the art display that is directly across the street from the Grove on Grove and 9th St.
M/CC Arts Commission

Tracy Baggler
BPD: If you could please give me a call I don’t know my address I’m staying at the Ralfroy Motel #11 off of Federal Way. I have a concern about my car. Pink’s towing actually stole my car. I have permission from Jim at Gran-Del Petroleum to keep it on the property until Sunday. Pink’s took it and they won’t let me have any of my stuff out of it. They won’t let me get my money, my taxes, my insurance stuff, some clothes, and so on and so forth. If you could give me a call I’d appreciate it, or you can give me a call at work during the day 395-1531 that is Perkins Restaurant 320 Broadway. If you could please give me a call because they are saying that they are going to smash my car and not let me get anything out of it. Thank you.
Action Taken: contacted

Ray Tennant
9th & Bannock Garage
BPD: He contacted the Mayors office with concern about the number of bike riders who are on downtown sidewalks. He was almost hit 3 times yesterday. He has been to many cities where this isn’t allowed. He would like the city to change this.
Action Taken: contacted

Ken Gardner
1120 E. Carter St.
I don’t know which department to call. I know that I do get a billing from Boise city for my trash services. For a number of years now I’ve had an on going problem with the people who pick up my trash, frequently they don’t not pick up my trash. Sometimes they will leave a note on my trash container stating that it is to big of a container or to heavy or so. My container is no different then my neighborhood containers are. From time to time they will take items out of my trash and believe it or not throw them in my rose bushes or in other landscaping. They have done this many times and I don’t know how I’ve gotten on their list but this is a problem that I would like addressed and I need a reassurance that this is not going to happen again. This is very upsetting and it has gone on for years. As a tax payer I have done nothing to deserve this treatment. I am outraged and very upset and I want something done to stop this line of crap. I hope that you can help me, thank you.

Dr. Ilana Shumsky
4620 Bantry Pl 83702
PW: I’m an internist here in town. I’m calling because I want you to know how strongly I feel about my concerns about the Atlanta gold mine. I feel that we should learn from the tragedies of our neighbors in Montana and the problems that they have had in using this type of technology in extracting the gold by using cyanide and the dangers of having cyanide that close to the water supply that feeds into the Boise River, as is the fact that the trucks carrying the cyanide and diesel fuel will be traveling along a quite treacherous road that is prone to all sorts of local problems and disasters on that road. I feel very strongly that we should be doing whatever we can to protect both the environment and the population from exposure to cyanide it could have disastrous consequences if this mine is allowed. Please contact me on this matter. I know you’re all aware of this I just wanted to share my voice in opposition to the Atlanta gold mine.
Action Taken: contacted

Regina Smith
5337 Waterwheel Dr.
I’m just calling to let you know that I am dead set against all the libraries that you are thinking that you are going to be building here in Boise. I thought property taxes are too high we’ve got enough libraries without you doing what you are planning on doing.
Action Taken: postcard

Mike Logston
BPD: I’m the property manager for the Hillcrest Shopping Center on Overland Rd. We’re getting tagged graffiti wise on the side of our buildings. We’ve got adequate lighting back there but they are still hitting it along with some vandalism with carts and glass windows and stuff like that. Thank you.

Graffiti:Graffiti hotline, once again I’m calling for the Hillcrest, Orchard, Overland where the old Fred Meyer building. That is a place where the graffiti is always put and this time it is in green on the back wall of the old Fred Meyer building facing Philippi on the Hillcrest Shopping Center. I’m sure you’re familiar with it by now because I’ve certainly called enough and I’m always appreciative at how soon you get to it and take it off. Thank you.
M/CC Graffiti Team

Lori Suess
5122 E. Sawmill Way
Graffiti: Question is about graffiti. There is a red brick building a small building on the North side of Warm Springs avenue just at the West end of Warm Springs Golf course that has been tagged on the east side several weeks ago and now it has been tagged on the west side and I was wondering if there is any graffiti removal report that I can file to have it removed. Thank you very much. I look forward to your reply.
M/CC Graffiti Team
Action Taken: contacted

Graffiti: Corner of 28th and Hazel. Painted on the traffic signal control box. Thanks.
M/CC Graffiti Team

Jan Peterson
3361 Forsythia
Boise ID 83703
Graffiti: We’re calling to ask that you change this message. Make it more succinct so that I don’t have to hang on the phone for several minutes listening to you. I know you don’t want to listen to me. At any rate we would sure like to report abandoned vehicles in a more easier efficient way by having a telephone number that we can leave a message. About abandoned vehicles and thereby not disrupt dispatch. They are far too busy. In an attempt to mention two abandoned vehicles today I had to stay on hold at dispatch today for three minutes until frankly I lost patience and hung up. So it just seems to me that we can get this information off their backs. When the police have time to get to abandon vehicles they can just listen to your messages and deal with it. Thank you.
Action Taken: contacted

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  1. The art project in question (I think it’s called either “Arches” or “Boise Canal”) is a monument to Grove Street That Was. It’s called Grove street because there used to be groves of fruit and nut bearing trees all along the stree and the canal that ran along side it. The image Mr. Dashiell is talking about is an advertisement from the Statesman during that time. The full statement, once you get close ehough to read it, says something the effect of “I WILL POSITIVELY KILL every hog found trespassing on my property.” It was a warning to people who kept hogs in the area to not let them wander into his fields.

    EDITOR NOTE–Once again the rational informed voice of a GUARDIAN reader has brought a degree of intellect to this public forum.
