
GUARDIAN Overwhelmed, Seeking Help

The GUARDIAN has been overwhelmed with information on stories the local media has either missed or refuses to research and publish or air. We have actual e-mail texts below or summaries.

I simply cannot do the research and writing on these with no staff and continue to make a living with my photo business. If any of you have the resources or time to do the research and offer up FACTUAL information we would be most grateful.

“Why, if Governor Otter issued a statement on 2/15 saying ag burners can no longer burn their fields, is everyone DOING it at record rates all over the valley? The Treasure Valley looked like a giant ashtray this weekend. It is disgraceful.”

“Dave: This might be a little out of your concern, but 9th Circuit Court upheld a judgment against McCall for $6,000,000. It has to do with their expansion of
sewer lagoons back in 2000? They only collect about $3.2M in property tax. It looks like they are hurting. It was in their local paper last week. Contractor has another lawsuit pending, asking for $1.1M.”

Boise City LEASED a piece of taxpayer-owned land to a private hospital business that threatened to locate in Eagle if the land was not made available. By leasing, they get around the law that requires cities to advertise and sell to the highest bidder at public auction. Net effect, the land–whatever the size–will be lost and remain off the tax rolls.

“Whatever happened to the power plant south of Gowen Field that Team Dave offered up to a private developer at below market rates–again a lease to avoid the law requiring sale to the highest bidder.”

Canyon County is in an absolute mess. Credit card problems within government, Nampa, Caldwell, and Canyon County are all scheming to build new buildings without going to the voters. Unholy alliances are being contemplated with developers, and someone has rented or purchased a Marilyn Monroe costume with public tax money.

CCDC has a membership heavy on vested interest and light on citizen representation. Lots of potential and actual conflict of interest. Private groups and public departments look at the Urban renewal agency as a cash cow and get donations or grants that are questionable. CCDC pays higher wages than Boise City and actually has hired away staff from the city.

“Why has Boise extended the time on downtown parking meter enforcement to 6pm and what do motorists and merchants think of it?” Whose idea and how much do they make off of the extra time? We have a winner. Check out the BOISE WEEKLY.

NOTE TO MEDIA–Feel free to go after these stories. The public has a right to know what their local governments are doing and you have an obligation to tell them.

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  1. G man you created this monster. I don’t doubt any of the tips you mention above, but I see little hope of getting any of these published unless you do it.

  2. Where o Where
    Mar 21, 2007, 5:59 am

    Where o where are all those young budding investigative jounalist students? Or the concerned political science (and MPA) students at BSU?

    Maybe even BSU isn’t producing these kind of folks that enjoy a good dig in the mud.

  3. It’s for sure the Statesman wouldn’t hire any investigative jounalist. What a mess that company has become. Good old Corporate America at work.
    BSU lets step up to bat and teach our young how to do investigative reporting.

  4. What does it take to get Ada County to clean up public nuisances in county residential subdivisions? Zoning enforcement not only allows them to exist, they refuse to initiate ordinances that will control them.

    My neighbor has piles of junk, including two old mustangs, tires, engines, paint, thinners, old wooden camper, and many other items that go from his trailer to my fence. The fire inspector says he has no authority in the county to enforce the fire code in residential areas.

    The neighbors of this public nuisance are mostly elderly. If the subject property burns, there will be at least 5 lives that will be lost as well as property.

    Zoning was informed of this property in October 2006. They kept promising to turn over the proprety to the prosecutor. That never happened. It is a massive fire hazard.

    County Commissioners have received emails about the property. Photos and info on the property were hand delivered to Fred Tillman. Mr. Woods is aware of these conditions, but is too new to the job to push department heads to get something done.

    Notifying the media has been fruitless. So far, no response. I am assuming the county PR man is doing his job well and keeping this issue at bay.

    Nothing gets done. This is government at work in all it inefficiency.
