Interesting Stuff

Welcome To Idaho!


Here is proof that a photo is worth a thousand words. The “shot”–pun intended–was made south of Kuna on the Swan Falls Road Sunday as the desert was filled with ATVs, hikers, and assorted critters that serve as food for the birds of prey.

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  1. Oh, if only you would just have asked. I’m sure the shooter would have told you that he was scoping out a wolf or two — which would make his ignoring the “no shooting” sign perfectly legal in our state. (Wolves, after all, sure must be out there in the southwestern Idaho desert eating up the ground squirrels, rabbits and other creatures that the birds of prey depend on for their survival).

    So, uh, the picture was actually of someone who was just helping the environment and those around him. Ya! That’s the ticket! He was PROTECTING the ATVers and hikers and critters from them damn packs of wolves endangering everyone and everything! You tryin’ to cause problems or something by printing your misleading photo on this blog?

  2. Wow G, you captured a photo of a real Idaho intellectual.

  3. Did you get a license plate from the shooter’s vehicle? I will be more than glad to follow up?

    EDITOR NOTE–Tailgate was down on the truck and I was unable to see it. Grey Chev with camper shell.

    Please confirm the area about 1 mile south of Initial Point, east side of Swan Falls and North of fabricated tower power line (which runs diagonal ne-sw) is indeed within the birds of prey area where the sign is located.

  4. This looks like a photo shop job, but it’s still funny.

    EDITOR NOTE–The photo is genuine. No alteration of any part of the image.

  5. Let me make three guesses:

    One, the Dude is a transplant who has just discovered all the open space. Like the big red STOP signs so many of them can’t comprehend, let alone obey, all those words just can’t apply to HIM. He is, after all IMPORTANT.

    Two, he is a local who has become completely disgruntled with having been restricted, due to more damn overpopulation, from shooting rifled arms on the grounds where he shot squirels and targets for most of his life.

    Three, hopefully he has a STOP signed intersection staked out and he is waiting for a tattooed, low hanging shorts wearing, sandal sporting, nincompoop to run it.

    Seriously, he is probably, either ignorantly or willfully, just north of one of the few places that are now “allowed” by the land Nazis for the firing of small arms.

  6. Aw, c’mon. Everybody knows that sign is just out there to use for target practice.

  7. Check out the shotgun holes in the sign….

  8. Grumpy Old Guy
    Apr 2, 2007, 10:55 pm

    Comfy camp stool. Big scope. Little critters. Another sportsman in action.

    Varmints, not just for breakfast any more.

  9. Certainly doesn’t seem like a wise place to shoot even without a sign but then, where can you shoot in today’s Idaho?

    I’ve watched one shooting area after another be closed to protect housing developments or proposed housing developments or wishful-thinking housing developments.

    And I didn’t even know housing developments were a protected species.

    Seriously, he may feel that since he’s been kicked out of everywhere else, he might just as well sit down where he is and plink a few.

    Of course, this is in the same part of Ada County where land management people have found garbage (with identification in it no less) placed in “no dumping” areas.

  10. Random thoughts:

    I was out bicycling on Amity (I believe), last weekend. I saw a sign for a “coming soon subdivision” named “Cabella.” Could that be a nod to the new sporting-goods store? That would be a good place for this yokel to live… he’s sure dressed the part. (The camo pants and the plaid flannel shirt – that’s a GOOD look in Idaho!)

    Rather than post “no shooting” signs near new crackerbox subdivisions, the buyers of those new houses should have to sign a disclaimer: “I understand that long-time residents have been shooting in this area for generations. I am willing to accept the occasional whistling bullet flying overhead, or damaging my Champion windows or James Hardie siding. Shooters won’t be liable for emergency-room and/or funeral expenses.” (You don’t move in next to the airport and then complain about jet noise… know what I mean?)

    There should be a movement to eliminate some of the raptors from that area, south of Treasure Valley! They eat the whistle-pigs, and RUIN our hunting experience! We’re competing with falcons, golden eagles, owls and ravens for the dwindling number of whistle-pigs! Can’t Fish and Game do something? Where’s Senator Craig?!?

    Whistle-pig stew and leg of jackrabbit with mint sauce… that’s some GOOD eatin’!! (Tastes a little like chicken.)

  11. Rick Coonrod
    Apr 3, 2007, 11:23 am

    Just don’t judge all shooters by this jack#ss’ actions. Alot of us are happy to let the conservation area alone.

  12. Maybe it’s a high powered scope on a shotgun…but I seriously doubt it.

  13. Isn’t that the guy who was on Johnny Carson with the earmuffs and overalls ( Billy Bob Crackers) who counldn’t read ,didn’t believe in schools, hated lawyers and doctors ( don’t need ’em, dadgumit.) I kind of took to the guy once I heard that!( B.B.C. says I got’s my own pliers ,saws and a big bottle of Jack Daniels ta kill the pain.)

    Billy didn’t like government either saying all they want is your money so’s they dont have to work.That’s when I decided to move out west where all the real americans live and afer 8 years of dealing with them thiev’en lawyers ,doctors and politicians I think Billy bob was one SMART COUNTRY DUDE as I realized just how stupid I’d been for a long time. I just hope he doesn’t kill a wolf or one of Natures other magnificently beautiful creations. As for the Hikers and ATV’ers with their 50 ton trailers and $700 barbecues, well….if they can’t see the guy with a scoped 30-30 next to a large red and white sign I’d suggest a flak vest and steel helmet. After all your in the wild west , God’s country and your destroying it with your dadburn, fancy Dan ,lazy butt technerlegy!

  14. Rick, maybe if the shooters would confront each other, it would help. Those of us enjoying the outdoors while unarmed feel a little intimidated confronting the guys with weapons. There appears to be no shortage of gun owners in the area. And you at least have a fighting chance in the very likely event your admonition doesn’t go down well. Who knows, maybe the guy just can’t read. But policing your own will help assure your group won’t get the bad reputation.

  15. Well, in all honesty, shooters didn’t see this moron out there. I go shooting with a large group of guys. We pack out, what we take in. But, where we shoot is getting pretty littered up, and this weekend we have some help from BFI and other companiest to get people out into the desert off Pleasant Valley to clean the garbage up. It also isn’t just the shooters leaving trash, we find it from the guys riding motorcycles out there, all the time, as well.

    If we could get the morons to quit being stupid, and the other morons to quit driving off-road with the mud, destroying the landscape to quit being stupid, and we could get all the people that leave their junk in the desert to quit being stupid… things would be much better in this area.

    The people that I shoot with, are mostly hunters. All of them are conservationalists. They like to hunt the animals, but they want there to be animals there every year. They want to take care of the habitat. Then, those of us that just like to shoot at paper and metal targets, we like to shoot, and leave our surroundings the way we found them. Unfortunately, it just takes one or 2 idiots to ruin it for a very large group of people.

  16. Conratulations Dave, that picture made it to the front page of, courtesy of a John Miller story from KLBJ AM out of Austin TX. Is this the same John Miller that used to work for KTVB?

    EDITOR NOTE– Different Miller

  17. The GUARDIAN goes Nationwide (again!)

    FoxNews (AP Story):

    Idaho National Guard Targeted by Sport Shooters

    With just two agents to patrol 4 million acres of desert near Boise, gun enthusiasts regularly defy the ban by shooting squirrels, protected birds and even grazing cattle, park officials say.
    Because money is already stretched thin, land management agents generally only cite illegal shooters they catch in the act. A PHOTOGRAPHER RECENTLY CAPTURED WHAT LOOKED TO BE A SQUIRREL GUNNER IN A RESTRICTED PART OF THE CONSERVATION AREA, but even in that case, chances of prosecution are slim.


    (Don’t let the attention go to your head, Dave. As you know, SOME of your readers think you’re just starved for attention!)


  18. Jon Q Publique
    Apr 6, 2007, 11:17 pm

    The Guardian goes international (again!)

    The Stars & Stripes (the military overseas newspaper) ran the photo and AP story in two of its three editions on April 6, 2007. European edition (pg 19); Mid East edition (pg 11). The Pacific edition ran the AP story but didn’t print the photo.

    The link for those interested is:

    Reading the eStripes version of Stars & Stripes will be a trip down memory lane for those that served overseas.

    Way to go Guardian!

  19. I agree with Gordon… Target Practice… Heck it aint hurting no one… we shoot whistlin pigs from the back yard all the time. As long as its controlled.
