City Government

Mayor Hotline April 14 to 20


M/CC: This message is actually for the Mayor and the City Council. I am a Boise police union member and actually just received a pretty disturbing letter in my mail in reference to what is going on with negotiations between the city and the Boise police union. The letter was sent to my residence, which I’m wondering why mail regarding contract negotiations, why my address is being utilized by the city to send out those messages. As a union member, I pay and vote to have representation to discuss things directly with the city. It is very upsetting to me and I feel it very harassing that the city would send a letter directly communicating with me when I have paid an elected official to meet with the city. It is disturbing that the Mayor and the City Council fail to negotiate equally and fairly, and yet send letters saying that they are. I don’t believe that that’s true, I think it’s inappropriate use of mail, I think it’s inappropriate use of city dollars to pay for postage for you to mail this to us as union members. I would encourage you to stop and think deeply, reference these kinds of letters, this kind of information, and please forward all information to my elected union officials and stop contacting me directly. I did not ask for you to contact me directly, I have never asked the city what is going on with negotiations. If I have questions referencing negotiations, I will forward those questions to my union leadership. Thank you.
HR Legal

Jason Rose
Boise, ID 83716
M/CC: I received a letter in the mail today from the Human Resources Department. I opened it up and it says to the members of the Police Department. I’m curious who paid for this letter to go out to all of the members of the Boise Police Department; it’s signed by the Mayor and all the City Council members, and the letterhead says it’s from the Boise Police Department with Michael Masterson, however it’s signed by the Mayor and all the City Council members. I’m curious who paid for this to go out to all of those members, and I’m also curious why the Mayor is taking advice from Jade Riley on why he’s taking advice from this person who is obviously not smart enough not to drive drunk in the City of Boise, since he has been arrested by the Boise Police Department. I would like a call back letting me know who paid for this. I’m a Boise City taxpayer; I think this is fraud and abuse; I think this is a union-busting tactic; I feel harassed, I feel coerced, I feel intimidated, and I’m very concerned.
Legal HR

M/CC: This is directed to the Mayor of Boise as well as the City Council. I am a Police Department employee and I just received your letter trying to undermine the negotiation process with the Boise Police Union. I found it very offensive that you would try to go outside the guidelines of labor negotiations with our union, as well as disguising your letter on Police Department letterhead, then put it into an envelope with the Human Resources seal on the front of it, in a ruse to get myself and other union members to open this letter up. It’s a shame that the Mayor of Boise, as well as the City Council treats the Police Department employees, especially the sworn employees, in this manner. We dedicate ourselves to the city; we put our lives on the lines, and for the Mayor and City Council to treat us this way is deplorable. I am at the point now where I no longer want to divulge my personal information, my home address, or anything to the city. I feel intimidated or bullied by the Mayor and Council with a letter sent to my home. At this point I think I will be changing my address so I will no longer receive any correspondence from the city or have the Mayor and the Council try to disguise a letter trying to circumvent the labor agreement process in order to have me read propaganda from the Mayor and Council at my home. Shame, shame on you.
Legal HR

Robert House
2435 Overview Pl.
Boise, ID
ACHD: It must be a new procedure that ACHD is doing; I couldn’t call them over the weekend. Friday late, they went on Overview, and I’ve seen them at other places where they’re really blasting out little cracks in the asphalt and proceeding to fill it with tar. The problem is that the blasting is throwing pieces of rock and asphalt up to an inch and a half in diameter all over people’s yards, driveways, and up against their houses. It’s still out there over the weekend and when you drive over it, it sticks to your tires and brings it right up into your driveway and garage. I would like to follow up on this and make sure it is cleaned up, plus it looks very strange to see these 6-8” wide pieces of asphalt all over the street now like a pattern. Anyway, please give me a call back.
Action Taken: Left msj

Mark Ambercrombe
M/CC: This message is regarding the Police Union contract with the city and the Mayor’s office and the City Council members. I’m a police officer; I’ve been with the city for approximately five years through several contract negotiations during that time. Never once have I received a letter from the city which undermined my union leadership, which was duly elected by union members to represent us in contract negotiations. As far as I understand it is illegal for you to circumvent our union leadership; it’s a violation of fair labor laws. Respectfully, Mark Abercrombe
Legal HR

Gladys Bales
2004 Westgate Dr.
Boise, ID
PDS: I have a neighbor who started a fence, probably six or seven feet high on a property that borders mine. So, we have a fence, we do not have alleys on Westgate Drive. So, I have a fence about 4’ high which is the limit that has been used in this development, but they have dogs so they want a higher fence. They started one yesterday by putting the poles in. I want to know what department I should call to find out if they have the authority to raise the height of the fence, because they have decided to protect their dogs. I’ll hold on or hang up and you can call me and direct me to the proper department.

Jessica White
4130 Ticonderoga Wy
Boise, ID 83706
Mining: Hello, I just wanted to thank Mayor Bieter and the Council for what they have done to make sure that the mining does not come through our Boise River. I think it’s probably one of the most important things that they could have passed, and I’m so grateful that they did. Again, it’s just a call to thank the Mayor and the Boise City Council for protecting this river.

Mining: I just would like to thank the Mayor for not approving the Atlanta Gold Mine at this point, and thanks for protecting the Boise River. We all appreciate it.

Cathy Troutner
Mining: No reason to call me. Just wanted to say how glad I was to see that you have concern for the Boise River’s good health, and that you made a good decision against the gold mine at Atlanta, you and the City Council. Thank you.

BPR: I was wondering if you might ask the Boise Parks and Rec to not water the Greenbelt by Orchard during the lunch hour. When the water gets on the Greenbelt and you’re heading downhill from Orchard, it makes it a little bit slick. It’s that section right there, kind of along the freeway. They have some there that kick off around 12:00, and then when I come back after my ride, they’re still on at 12:45, at least they were today. If they would run those things at 10:00 or something when people aren’t likely to be out on bikes, they wouldn’t hit that wet spot and go shooting off into the fence, it would be greatly appreciated.
Action Taken: bpr

Janet Schlicht
1316 N. 26th St.
Mining: I’m calling to thank the Mayor for the action he and the Council took to protect the Boise River by opposing the Atlanta Gold mining operation. No return call is needed; this is just for the record. Thank you very much.

Joan Thomas
Mining: I don’t really need a call back on this; I’m just calling to thank him and the Boise City Council for helping to protect the Boise River. That’s all I wanted to say.

Blake McClaren
Mining: I’m calling on behalf of myself and my girlfriend, Catherine Cooperstein. We just wanted to call and thank everyone involved for standing up against the Atlanta Gold proposed mining. We certainly appreciate clean water and clean rivers; that was one of the main reasons that we moved to this area and we hope to continue the push for a clean river. It’s certainly something that all of us can use in the long term. So, thanks again, we definitely appreciate it.

Robert Hanson
2005 E. Beach St.
Caldwell, ID 83605
Misc: I’ve called the Mayor’s office before about the election practices they used the election before the last one when Chuck Winder was black-balled by a Republican, and I’m a Republican Committee, that furnished money and don’t have to account for any of it. Then on this election, they did the same thing to Sheila Sorenson and Robert Vasquez. They’ve assured me that, and they also told me our former ex-governor, Dave LeRoy and Litster were in on it and they can’t get anybody to do more talking or something. They even got a call from one of your offices over there saying that they were doing something, but I think that’s probably been a year. You know the longer you wait, the more doubt there is in my mind that there’s ever going to be anything done, and nobody is going to be called to account for doing these nefarious practices and I would sure like to get that aired because former governor Dave LeRoy I’m sure knows better than that. There’s no ethics, just like this one attorney that tells about all the money he gets from the car accidents, and says, “One call, that’s all” Greg Swapp gets them $150, 200, 300 big figures then never tells actually what they get, what the person doing the filing of the suit, now if they had to tell what they got, along with what the others would get; it’s all deceptive advertising. We get so much of it any more. Also, with our good Canyon County, over here, Davey Young, our county attorney, his son was put on paid leave, $27 something an hour, still getting paid, nothing has been done, nothing has been investigated, they’ve kept it a secret so that he can be on the payroll for doing nothing. Now that’s taxpayers’ dollars; he’s not doing anything, and that’s robbery. Also, when your Mayor’s man the other day, he got put on leave, he wasn’t put on paid leave. So they handled that a little different; this is Canyon County, the nest where the crooks are over here. All this deceptive advertising that we’re getting on TV has too many half-truths, and that isn’t right in anybody’s book. I thank you very much if you’ll pass that on to the wheels that run things. Thank you.

Betty Foster (John Foster)
723 Hillview Dr.
Boise, ID 83712
Mining: We just want to thank the Mayor and City Council for helping protect the Boise River by voting against the gold mine thing because we love our river too, and we appreciate the fact that you do too. We’ve lived in Boise for 50 years, so we feel like we certainly have a reason to thank this Mayor and City Council. Thank you.

Susan McDonald
1933 N. 20th St.
Boise, ID 83702
Mining: I’m calling to thank the Mayor and the City Council for approving the resolution to oppose the Atlanta Gold heap and leach mining operation at the head of the Boise River. I think it’s wonderful that you followed through and I am happy that you’re about to work on building another opposition and line of tact to the mine. I just wanted to say thanks and kudos. Thank you.

Michael Flanagans Office
Mining: Michael wanted to call and thank the Mayor and City Council for helping to protect the Boise River.

John Sales
3650 Rugby Dr.
Boise, ID
Gun Control: I’m calling to urge the Mayor to keep supporting my second amendment rights – no more gun control, and if there’s anything brought up in the City of Boise, to get it defeated. I’m a one-issue voter, if the NRA says you’re okay, I’ll vote for you. So, it’s a case where I just want to make sure the City Council and the Mayor are still supporting my second amendment rights in view of the fiasco in Virginia. Okay? Bye, bye.
Action Taken: contacted and he explained that due to the VT shooting, Mayors across the country are banning together to sue gun manufacturers

Therese Gerard
3906 Catalpa Dr.
Boise, ID 83703
Mining: I’m just calling to thank the Mayor and the Boise City Council for helping to protect the Boise River and approving the resolution to oppose the Atlanta Gold mining operation. Thank you.

Comments & Discussion

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  1. I read a few of the comments from various members of the BPD on the Mayor’s ( and Council’s) letter (to their Homes )that trys to evade Union leadership. I’ve lived here 8 years and I have never seen so many small-time arrogant political crooks in one town ,from our Congressional delegation all the way down to City Hall.The Police do a fine job; if you don’t think so,try living in the average American city for a while and see how long it takes for you to get mugged or burglarized.I really resent,as a Citizen, the high-handed behavior that the Mayor has shown here because it undermines the safety of all Citizens by trying to coerce the UNION organization of the BPD. Mayor Bieter, you and the dumb self-importants you appoint to supervisory positions are one termers and that is GOOD for the People of Boiase! By the way,work UNION, and create a strong America!

  2. In what looks like an apparent attempt by the Boise City administration or the Mayor of interfering in the union/employee relationship, it seems as they have only strengthened the resolve of that membership and that very relationship. It appears that the mayor is very shortsighted or solicits that kind of advice from his advisors. It really appears that we need some changes here in the next election.

  3. This is just another status quo act by King Dave. “Hear Ye Hear Ye Boise Police Union. You are lucky to work here, and you’ll take what I give you and like it.” Meantime, BPD loses candidates to Nampa, Meridian, and ISP because the pay is higher. Nampa’s mayor actually seems to like his cops, unlike King Dave the Contemptor. Thanks Sheriff Raney for going to bat for our County Deputies! You got them the highest paid in the state! Finally Ada County is paid almost as much as they are worth.

  4. Good grief!! The mayor and council can’t seem to fix the problem with the police? Give them a raise and stop messing with them!! I bet it would be a differant story if the politicians got spit on and shot at!! By the way, how much did it cost to mail all the letters? Thats MY money your tossing down the drain. No raise, NO VOTE! Now get back to work.

  5. I don’t know about all that union stuff… but one thing I DO know… I DON’T WANT TO DRINK CYANIDE WATER!!!

    I know city elections are “non-partisan” (nudge-nudge, wink-wink), but it looks like Team Dave is gearing up to run on a “No Cyanide In Our Water” platform!

    How does that Jim Tibbs fella feel about mining-water from upstream? How about Murphy? (If they keep silent, it’s maybe because they’re getting big campaign contributions from gold mining fat-cats!)

    (Hahahaha. I’m just being sarcastic. Who’s NOT against pollution from upstream? What a joke! And how courageous is it to make a bold declaration?!! I bet Team Dave is against smog, too!)

  6. Union? In Boise, Idaho? Oh, that’s right… these Union Members have guns and badges.
