City Government

Signs Of The Political Times

First it was the ethics flap with Team Dave’s PR firm doing business with the city.

Now someone on the fourth floor of the Washington Mutual building–that’s about eye level with Mayor Dave’s City Hall office window–has installed TIBBS FOR MAYOR posters in their window. Almost as annoying as those darn yellow jackets!
The Tibbs campaign claims they have no idea who installed the posters, but they were happy to provide us with a photo. Even if there isn’t any substance in the campaign, at least there is a snicker or two.

Team Dave is hamstrung because they can’t use the city hall for campaign posters…has anyone checked with code enforcement about signs on downtown buildings?


From a GUARDIAN reader:
“When Dave Beiter’s office called to complain about the unsightly boxes in
the windows of the storage room at Murie Design Group (located on the 4th floor of
the Washington Mutual Building) across from City Hall, the graphic design firm
responded with a prompt solution.

Owner Mike Murie thought he’d provide a more aesthetic view for the mayor’s office
while our special-order blinds are being made.

I guess whoever lodged the complaint didn’t consider that a graphic design firm
probably had a large-format printer in-house.”

Comments & Discussion

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  1. Guardian, I can’t speak to who put those signs up, because I honestly don’t know.Neither does anyone else with Tibbs’ campaign. I heard second hand it was the result of some beef the tenant has with the mayor’s office. If, in fact, the city code says the sign can’t be there, I am sure that Team Dave will be the first to take down their signs that line the second story of their campaign office. Oh, and the question of substance? Don’t forget that this campaign has just really started!

  2. xbcemployee
    Aug 15, 2007, 6:11 pm

    Tibbs is looking like a pathetic child. Nothing like making Dave Bieter look like the good guy. Tibbs can’t stop himself from acting and sounding like a jerk. He makes himself look like a backstabber and makes Dave look like he is taking the high road. This campaign is dead at the starting line.

  3. XBC,

    I agree 100%!

    To use an old but accurate quote, “that is so high school!”

    Tibbs should just throw in the towel now. I know I am resigned to another four years of a crappy mayor, a crappy mayor’s staff, and a do nothing city council.

    On the bright side, at least we have four years to look for a candidate who is actually viable.

  4. Ferris B said, “we have four years to look for a candidate who is actually viable.” Unless the filing deadline has passed, why wait four more years for a better mayoral candidate? Either Jim Tibbs needs to get his act together, or someone else ought to step up to the plate to run.

  5. Lighten up folks. Any such city code would have some significant first amendment hurdles. Campaign aside I find this quite funny. But this clever little prank won’t affect who I think would do a better job for Mayor.

  6. I find this whole thing hilarious. It’s a great unexpected response!

    My reaction to the other messages posted is as follows: Have you ever had to work with Mayor Beiter and the City Council? If you don’t agree with their “agenda” then they don’t listen to you. At least Tibbs is willing to listen and is straight forward with you whether it is what you want to hear or not. I’d rather work with someone who knows he works for us, the citizens of Boise, than try to work with Mayor Beiter and the City Council who think they know better than the people they are supposed to be representing.

    I’m hoping we get a new Mayor and several new City Council members come November.

  7. Citizen – are you really trying to tell us that Tibbs is really listening up there? And as far as straight forward please. Tibbs will tell you what he thinks you want to hear, but there is absolutely zero follow through.

    This I know from experience.

    Bieter and the Council aren’t much but Tibbs is right there at the bottom with them. He has not distinguished himself at any time on any issue.

  8. Colleen Fellows
    Aug 16, 2007, 5:19 pm

    Guess the clip art is better than a large format picture of Mr. Murie’s derrière in the window if that was the message he was trying to convey.

  9. Tibbs is running increasingly thin. This is a man who states on his web site that he retired as Boise Police Chief.

    It’s public record that Tibbs was precluded at the start of his interim period from consideration for the permanent position.

    I don’t know why, exactly, he was precluded from the process, but his clumsy and embarrassing campaign antics are beginning to illuminate me on that matter.

    As other posters have stated, the man has demonstrated he isn’t ready for primetime.

    It takes more then an “R” after your name to qualify you for mayor. You need to have a friggin’ clue as well.

  10. Tibbs is running increasingly thin. This is a man who states on his web site that he retired as Boise Police Chief.

    It’s public record that Tibbs was precluded at the start of his interim period from consideration for the permanent position.

    I don’t know why, exactly, he was precluded from the process, but his clumsy and embarrassing campaign antics are beginning to illuminate me on that matter.

    As other posters have stated, the man has demonstrated he isn’t ready for primetime.

    It takes more then an “R” after your name to qualify you for mayor. You need to have a friggin’ clue as well.

  11. Isn’t there any Leaders out there?
    Tibb’s for Mayor? We digging at the bottom of the barrel?
    Kinda like who’s stepping up to run for Mayor of Eagle. Where are the leaders?

  12. When Tibbs took the job as INTERIM Police Chief, he promised Bieter that he would not seek the job.

    How then did he become embroiled in the race for the Chief? Apparently people on the search committee BEGGED him to throw his hat in the ring even after he said he would not.

    His excuse for reneging on his word? He was not seeking the job on his own, others encouraged him to run.

    His campaign against Jerome Mapp for the Council was derived from payback that he didn’t get the Chief’s job. His campaign for Mayor seems to be derived from payback to Bieter. The only rationale I’ve seen for why he wants to be Mayor is that people have said he should run.

  13. I go to Tibbs’ Web site and there is NOTHING there about his stands on the issues. The campaign seems like something out a cynical play book: Don’t say anything about your positions and just attack the opponent.

    Bieter isn’t much better and his positions are pretty vague. Bieter’s weekly Mayor’s Memos are just a form of election propaganda sponsored by the city.

  14. IdahoSkeptic
    Aug 17, 2007, 12:00 pm

    The prank is childish. Period.

  15. In the interest of full disclosure and as I have stated before:

    I know both of the candidates and hold neither one of them in any kind of esteem.

    It would be fantastic to find someone to run who is free of party affiliation pay-back baggage. Those folks are rare.

    I don’t offer a viable candidate because those I know who could do the job value their families way too much to subject them to extremists in both parties. If you think this is non-partisan, I have some magic dragon dust I want to sell you.

  16. shealyisnottheantichrist
    Aug 17, 2007, 4:32 pm

    My thanks to Mike Murie!

    I will vote for Tibbs, as will anyone who is tired of the mayor’s lack of public speaking ability, negotiating or listening skills.
    Thanks for the photos which are always topnotch.

    EDITOR NOTE–Full disclosure: Photo came from the Tibbs Campaign.

  17. Just what was the reason for Tibbs not being chief of Police? Dang I forget.
    Maybe we all forget?

  18. I totally agree with Citizen! Am tired of representatives who go into hearings with their minds made up already. Ever go to P&Z or council hearings? Tibbs will at least listen to your ideas and concerns. The present mayor will do anything to circumvent the voters whenever he can, and force his own agenda on all of us… Mr. Bieter thinks we the citizens are too dumb to know what we want!
