City Government

Mayor Hotline September 22 to 28


Glenn Miles
1306 N. 26th St.
Boise, ID 83702
BSU Partnership: Boy, you’d think the greeting would be a lot shorter since this is the Mayor’s Hotline for the secretary that reads the greeting end. I would like to know what the Mayor and City Council are doing in order to enlist interdepartmental cooperation out of Boise State of developing a plan to face the drug problem in Boise. The criminology department is out there, I’m sure they’re aware of some of the drug problems. What are we doing as a city to enlist the criminology department in helping us? I know at Washington State University, the criminology students were enlisted in order to break down some of the problems with traffic. It seems to me that we could develop with an expanded criminology department, student interns in developing a proactive program that could monitor certain areas of Boise that were deemed hot on drugs and begin to cut it down. There’s got to be a proactive plan and that might enlist various departments in Boise State, it might enlist a criminology department, but we’re talking about cooperation with our expanded university and drugs would be a big place to start. I would surely like to have a letter.

Glenn Miles
1306 N. 26th St.
Boise, ID 83702
Misc: Good morning for the 8th to 9th week in a row; a green Honda Civic has been parked on N. 26th between Ellis and Lemp on the west side of the road using evidently a cover for Mass. Now if it weren’t for the fact that we’ve seen Canyon County plates that are obsolete parked in the area, I don’t know whether I would be that excited. Maybe the grandfather that sometimes drives the car doesn’t know that the granddaughter has not put the decal on the plates. Gee whiz, I don’t know whether I should stand out in front of St. Mary’s and take a collection so the guy can get the decal on or whether or not we need to be noticing the drug trafficking. I’ve called a couple of other drug trafficking in, I’ve got some photographs…and incidentally, do you know somebody who used to run for City Council and I think is running for another office now? I’ve asked four times now to get one of his signs in our front yard.

Glenn Miles
1306 N. 26th St.
Boise, ID 83702
Mystery of the Missing Tag : You have a shorter message to have to listen to when somebody is in a hurry to get to church than the Mayor’s hotline. Officer Stevens, new on duty this Sunday, managed to find the mystery of the (plate) with the white decal that wasn’t there. The elderly gentleman said that he didn’t know that it had been missing for 10 weeks. At least we have one item down; we still have a drug problem in our area and I’m hoping somewhere along the line there can be an ingenious way of encouraging the neighborhood watch program because the more eyes that are out there, the more you can catch this stuff. If you know somebody who hands out former legislative signs running for another office; I’ve asked for four different times now for a sign to be placed in my front yard.

Glenn Miles
1306 N. 26th St.
Boise, ID 83702
Tag Suggestion: New officer on duty Sunday morning and for the 10th week in a row N5348 didn’t have the decal on. He was able to talk to the gentleman who didn’t realize he didn’t have a decal on in his wife’s spot. That may be another reason why we have to look at the decals when we’re working with the legislature about how they’re done because people looking at white on white can’t tell if their own decal isn’t on. In this case, (plate) had paid the license fee but didn’t know they didn’t have the decal on for 10 weeks in a row. Thanks so much, Miles out.

Tommy Carl Smith
15 S. Pleasanton Rd.
I.D. I have a problem with trying to get my ID card. My schools have not got any picture ID because it’s been 30 years since I have been to school; I was born in 1959. I’ve done everything I can possibly do to try to get my ID. My schools have no records because it’s been wiped off the computers – of picture ID. This has put me into a position where I cannot get work and it’s made me homeless. I need to speak to somebody who has some kind of authority to help me get my ID. I’ve got plenty of paper work dated way back, but I need somebody to help me. I’ve had my school transcripts sent to the Department of Driver Services and I just keep getting the run-around. I’m basically homeless now because I cannot get work because I have no ID. I need somebody to help me. Please give me a call.
Action Taken: left msj

Jen Whitewing
1450 W. Highland View Dr.
Boise, ID 83702
New Dance Academy: I am really excited about a project in my neighborhood. It’s an organization that’s pretty well structured. It has secured the use of a very old church building at 12th and Brumback in Hyde Park. It’s a stone structure and they’re going to be renovating to make it safe. They’re turning it into a cultural center and I know eventually the dream is to have children’s activities, especially music, dance, and theater. It will take some construction though, and I’m really excited because I have some experience managing construction volunteers for Habitat for Humanity. I hope to lend my hand and help with money and make this a space where kids can go to enjoy themselves and make music and express themselves creatively. This is a very, very beautiful city and I feel honored to live here. Thank you.

Robert Banks
2133 Vista
Boise, ID 83705
BPD:My complaint is against the Boise Police Department for obstruction of justice and failure to comply with their own laws and regulations. My complaint is that if the officers are not following the basic traffic laws that we have to follow, why should I or any other citizen be held accountable for traffic violations that the officers are not held accountable for themselves. I would appreciate a call back so I can go into more detail with the appropriate person. Thank you.

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  1. Perhaps Glenn Miles, or one of the students in the Criminology Department, would know somebody who could whip up a fake ID for Tommy Carl, so the poor guy can get a job and join the ranks of the un-homeless again.

  2. Grumpy old Guy
    Oct 3, 2007, 1:51 am

    What a really, really bad idea this would be. To have students, who are studying theory, background and philosophy go into the community to “practice” law enforcement! Like a med student being sent into the field to try her or his hand at medicine; or a partly trained architecture student told to go out and design a building. I’d bet such a practice could mess over any and all professional operations in very short order. Maybe Mr. Miles would like to see the half-trained practice the half-baked, but I think the BPD has troubles enough without any more mill-stones attached to their necks.

  3. Mike Murphy, Bull Moose Tenor
    Oct 3, 2007, 12:15 pm

    Dear Grumpy…

    Guess you never heard of interns.

    Did you know that the Prosecutor’s Office uses Students to act as Prosecutor’s (under “supervision”)?

    That “Doctor” at the Hospital? Probably a “Resident” (IF you’re lucky! They’re probably a FNP, MA, or some such).

    And if you don’t think the Police Academy (aka POST) tacitly allows “Unknowns” to be plucked by BPD Spook Types for occasional op’s, well…, I’ve got a Bridge in Brooklyn I’d like to sell ya.

    Regardless, try to remember that “Just because the Fool says it’s raining, doesn’t mean the Sun is Shining”.

  4. lol

    Many a BSU Arbiter editor and student body politician have learned to quickly turn tail when they spot Glen coming.
