City Government

Mayor Hotline December 1 to 7

Tami Wong
10423 Treeline St.
Boise, ID 83704
Half-Way Houses: I’m calling because I just found out that right around the corner from us there’s one of Dennis Mansfield’s halfway houses and I’m very upset about it. We were given absolutely no notice and for a month this house was in our neighborhood without our knowledge. I have two children and I don’t feel that it’s a good environment for the kids to be in with such a high concentration of people who are at such a high risk of relapse. This is a home for drug and/or alcohol addicts and I just really, really hope that Mayor Bieter is doing something to change the laws. Thank you.
Action Taken: left msj

Cathy Martin
Boise, ID
Half-Way Houses: I want you to know that I support removing transition homes from single family neighborhoods. I just wanted you to have that information. Thank you.
Action Taken: left msj

Jennifer Whitewing
Misc.: I’m trying to connect with the Daughters of the American Revolution, it’s a pioneer chapter and it seems to be impossible for me to find them. That makes it a fun quest. Until I do find them, I will be doing my best to help in any way I can in this beautiful city that my husband, son, and I find ourselves in. Keep up the good work; I have noticed the buildings downtown are going solar. I’m now on foot most of the time or riding my bicycle, and there’s a lot of good cheer and fellowship all over the city. It’s a very pleasant city although it’s not a perfect city. I will do my level best, Girl Scouts honor, peace be with you, good night.
Action Taken: left msj

Louis Meyer
6715 Newman
Boise, ID 83704
Code Enforcement: We have a house around the corner on Fry St. that has been in probate for I don’t know how long and I just wondered if there’s any way that the city could get hold of a lawyer and get those leaves cleaned up. They just blow all over the devil. I would like to see something done about it but I don’t know whether I can. I’ll talk to you later.
Action Taken: Contacted

Glenn Miles
Ombudsman Program: My point that I would like to raise with the City Council and the Mayor is that the Ombudsman program that Jerome Mapp wrote for the City Council legislation is skewed. I think to be fair, we need a holistic Ombudsman program where, let’s say, a spouse of a policeman, if they wanted to know a given question like what part of the year did we find ourselves most stressed thin in a police force, that spouse should be able to get an answer from the Ombudsman. The way it is written, is not the way it was originally envisioned by the Swedes when they wrote the Ombudsman program that you can see on the internet of being holistic and responsive to the public need and the public good. We need a thorough going Ombudsman program that is protective to everybody – to policemen like Vern Bisterfeldt, Tibbs, to everybody who are citizens; we need a holistic Ombudsman program for the city, not something that is skewed in one direction. If someone wants to get back to me; the election is over, the dust should be settled, and we should start thinking in terms of fairness for the public as a whole, even for policemen. The legislation of the Ombudsman is too darn narrow to be even worthy of being called an Ombudsman program. Miles out.

Louis Meyer
6715 Newman
Boise, ID 83704
Code Enforcement: We have a house around the corner that is in probate. It’s been there for about two years. They’ve got a dirty old tree in front that gets leaves all over hell and I’m tired of cleaning them up around my place. The house number is 2532 Fry. I figured the city could get hold of the outfit that’s carrying that rebate and have them clean that mess up. I would like to hear from you.
Action Taken: Contacted

Comments & Discussion

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  1. Re the halfway houses:
    I can understand it might be a bit scary to have recovering druggies and alcoholics, etc., living next door.

    But it would be worse: Just think — it COULD be politicians!

    EDITOR NOTE–Any names come to mind?

  2. shealyisnottheantichrist
    Dec 15, 2007, 8:34 pm

    What could be worse? Addicts next door with no intent whatsoever to recover. And they own it.

  3. “EDITOR NOTE–Any names come to mind?”

    Nope — but I was kinda wondering whether those houses have regular home-type bathrooms, or do they have airport-type with stalls ….

  4. Tami and Cathy,

    Where do you think people recovering should go? Should we build an island off the west coast made of garbage and create our own Australian-style penal colony for ex-cons? Maybe we all should go over to the house with pitch forks and sticks of fire and make them all go hide in a cave with Frankenstein…

    Come on, how about we just go over and introduce ourselves to the on-site manager and residents, letting them know we hope they do well in their recovery, soon returning to society in a more productive fashion. Trust by verify. I am watching the residents near my house. Be vigilant.
