City Government

GUARDIAN Proclaims Kristin Armstrong Day

Not to be outdone by the local mainstream media or politicos, the BOISE GUARDIAN has proclaimed Saturday, August 16 to be KRISTIN ARMSTRONG DAY. (We can ride tandem on the bike of a winner too.)

We aren’t surprised to see local politicians jump on this one, but you read the proclamation “first on the GUARDIAN.” Team Dave leader, Mayor Dave Bieter will haul out his old Schwinn cruiser for this photo op and the mainstreamers will oblige with plenty of video and still images. They will ride from the YMCA on State Street to City Hall at 10 a.m. Saturday to celebrate her Gold Medal win at the Olympic women’s bike race.


Be it known to the World that KRISTIN ARMSTRONG has helped make Boise, Idaho “the most livable
city in America.”

WHEREAS Kristin is the best news since the Fiesta Bowl for local media,
WHEREAS Kristin has worked tirelessly to set an example of leadership and discipline,
WHEREAS Kristin has demonstrated the ability to provide inspiration to young people,
WHEREAS Kristin is a world class athelete bringing credit to herself, her country, and Boise,
WHEREAS Kristin instills pride in her fellow citizens of Boise,
WHEREAS Kristin will bring honor and cash donations to the YMCA,
WHEREAS Kristin emulates the spirit of fun found in the GUARDIAN,

THEREFOR, the GUARDIAN hereby proclaims Saturday the 16th day of August in the year of our Lord 2008 to be “Kristin Armstrong Day.”

By the authority of my editorship of Boise’s leading news blog,

The GUARDIAN will also present her with a key to our bike lock in lieu of a key to the city.

UPDATE 8/15– Lt. Guv Jim Risch and Mayor Dave Bieter have both jumped on Kristin’s tandem bike with the GUARDIAN. Risch is offering a proclamation and Bieter is offering a “key to the city.” We are flattered they both copied our efforts.

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  1. I bet Garden City Mayor John Evans is FURIOUS! The unmitigated audacity of Beater, jerking the rug out from under Kristin’s REAL home town, Garden City!

    They were planning a big celebratory welcome-home photo-op bandwagon bike-ride down there, too! Skipping the section of Greenbelt that is closed to bike riding, of course.

  2. While I dearly love The Guardian, it and the rest of Boise’s media missed the boat on the Kristin story. You see, when I was a little kid I was riding home on the school bus. We spotted an adult woman riding a bike. The kids started laughing and snickering about her. I was devastated because, you see, that woman was my mother. No one is laughing at Kristin. Women have come a long way. We still have a long way to go, but she’s taken us another giant step forward. God Bless you Kristin.
