Archive for September, 2008

Mayor Hotline Aug 30 to Sep 5

UNHAPPY EAST ENDERS, FIRE CONCERNS, CALIFORNIA DREAMING The lead comment with regard to a neighborhood party looks like it will result in an insurance policy if the neighborhood association wants to use a City Park AND sell food or entertainment. City risk management people stood firm. Here is the transcript aug-30-sep-5-2008.

N. Idaho Court Upholds Constitution

SANDPOINT–First District Judge Charles W. Hosack ruled Friday that a planned lease-purchase scheme to build a jail and detention facility violates the Idaho Constitution, specifically a provision that requires a public vote on debts and liabilities that extend beyond one fiscal year. Under the plan, property at the sheriff’s office complex in Sandpoint would have […]

Mayor Hotline August 23-29

Our apologies for the late entry, but the GUARDIAN is back in town and will try to get more information posted. This week’s transcript aug-23-29-2008 offers a “Fire Storm” of comments–both pro and con–over the Columbia village incident and the City’s response.

Growthophobe: Development Requests Absurd

Local governments are faced with deciding the fate of more than a dozen applications to build large developments in SW Idaho in the near future. We think it is time to act responsibly on behalf of the public and JUST SAY NO! The Daily Paper did a nice round up of the PROPOSED DEVELOPMENTS in […]

Musings From Northern Spain and France

After a week of crusing about northern Spain and SW France making photos for the day job, it is time for the GUARDIAN to share some thoughts–and give you all some topics for the blog. For ease of navigating, we will offer up observations as follows:: –Gas in France is 1.52€ per liter and only 1.19€ […]
