City Government

Mayor Hotline November 22 to 28

Anonymous Female
Neighborhood Associations: Could someone please call John Gannon, Depot Bench
Neighborhood Association at 343-1608 and explain to him that he needs to train his
volunteers. It is against the law to place flyers in mail boxes. I know for a fact he knows
this; I know for a fact he’s been told this on more than one occasion, yet he continues to
send out volunteers with his Depot Bench Neighborhood Assoc. asking them to follow
his lead legally, while he doesn’t even follow it himself in house. Again, someone needs
to explain the law to him, and it does make other people wonder how much of the law he
really doesn’t know when he can’t even follow the basics.
Anonymous Male
Boise High School: Good morning Mayor’s Hotline. I live directly behind Boise High
School on Franklin Street and you know it’s bad enough with the air conditioning they
put in during the recent remodel; for some reason they put it on the side of the school
that faces residences and it’s a monstrosity. It’s loud and annoying and it’s been made a
focus because they’ve chosen the carved up sound barrier to use it for storage so it
muffles even less. Now recently, if you have any difficulty hearing me over the noise,
the high school has chosen to add more air conditioning and this thing sounds like a
high-powered vacuum cleaner that goes off at all times of the day…inaudible…building
that faces residences. I venture to guess that if the people who lived in these residences
were the owners, and not renters, that this wouldn’t have happened. My recollection is
the rest of the free world puts air conditioning units up on the roof where they won’t
disturb people. Anyway, if we could have a little courtesy for the neighborhood and
muffle this muffle this monstrosity, it would be much appreciated.

Lady from Sacramento called: 11/24/08, 11/26/08, 11/26/08, 11/27/08

Comments & Discussion

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  1. Anonymous female is complaining about flyers left in the mailbox in the Depot/Bench neighborhood? Has anonymous female seen all the violations of city code in that neighborhood?

  2. How about if Anonymous female volunteers to distribute flyers in the neighborhood so they don’t end up in mail boxes?

  3. Who is the Sacramento lady? I keep seeing her on here, yet I haven’t been able to find out.
