
Mayor Hotline Nov. 29 to Dec. 5


Holiday Parade: Hi, my name is Bob. We’re down here at the parade and there isn’t
one porta potty down here with all these people. The restroom at Julia Davis Park is also
barred up. I see 30, 40, 50, 60 couples walk in and get turned away. I see people
drinking hot coffee and hot chocolate and there’s nothing. Why were there no porta
potties along the parade route? Thank you.

Mary Nagle
1602 Longmont
Dead Deer: There has been a dead doe along Parkcenter since Thursday night. I’ve had
hell trying to find who removes it. It is being removed by 5:00. Someone needs to get
these things out there. My children are upset about it. Please do something about it.
Please this is ridiculous. I can’t even tell you. This makes me sick; this doe was hit on
Parkcenter, two feet away.
Action Taken: left msj

Jed Manwaring
1405 W. Main St. (business address)
Boise, ID
Picketers: I’m calling to complain that the police and the city attorney will do nothing
about the union picketers at Saint Luke’s Hospital. They’re a terrible nuisance; they’re
disturbing the peace; they’re yelling with megaphones. When I stopped to complain to
them, they swore at me and insulted me, and I don’t think that ought to be allowed
whether they’re on a private property or in the public sidewalk. They’re disturbing
patients; they’re very rude and disrespectful, and the Boise City police ought to do
something about it. I’m concerned that nothings going to be done because of political
reasons in that the union has political power and will black ball the Mayor or somebody
who has the guts to stand up to them. So that’s my complaint. Thank you.
Action Taken: contacted

Jeanette Limbert
5711 Sites
Boise, ID
Dogs on Leash: This is in regard to the new laws that you guys are thinking of
implementing in regards to dogs on leash up in the foothills. First of all point blank I
think it’s wrong. Why? Because you’re going to make me drive up even further; being a
single female, I don’t want to do that. My car could not make it up there. Two –
protection; anybody can be up there, anything can happen. Three – talking about gas
prices, air quality, more driving, worse air quality. Four – my tax dollars are going for this
area. I do not have kids; I have to pay for everything else. I would like to have an area
where I can take my dogs off leash where I’m not being harassed by the cops, take my
dogs and let them have some fun and use their energy up because they are not
becoming a nuisance to the neighborhood, because then you would have my neighbors
calling in on my dogs saying that they’re nuisances. The Humane Society would come
out here and give me another ticket. If you allow other people not to take their dogs up
there and run them, then you’re going to end up having more dogs at the Humane
Society and more dogs being killed because they’re becoming nuisances. Another
reason – you want to talk about erosion of the trailheads? The only tracks I’ve ever seen
were left behind are bikers. Any trail you go on, you will see bike marks through the
whole trail. You very seldom see human foot prints; you even less seldom see dog
footprints. I’ve seen horses; I’ve seen wildlife footprints like deer. I’ve hardly ever seen
any dog prints up there, so you can’t talk about erosion of the area. You want to talk
about….recording cut her off.
This is Jeanette Limbert; I’m finishing my conversation because you guys hung up on
me. If you want to talk about ediquettecy, when my dog was not even six months old, he
was within six feet of me. A biker came up behind, gave me no knowledge that he was
coming, and chased my dog all the way from where we were walking to about half a mile
to a mile back to the main road where he could have gotten hit. The guy did not once
stop; he did not apologize; he kept going. Another form of ediquettecy, my nephew who
is approximately 4 ½ years old, came up walking with us was almost hit by a bicyclist
because they come around the corner so fast, and they gave no signal that they were
there. I’ve had them almost hit my dogs before when my dogs are right next to me, and
they don’t give signals. Pedestrians are supposed to have the right-of-way, but not
according to any of the bikers. Talk about voting – I voted for Bieter; I voted for Tibbs
and Jordan. If they allow this to go through and take away my rights as an American
citizen, as a Boise citizen for my whole life, I will not vote for them again. I will
encourage my friends and family to vote for somebody else. I don’t care who the person
is, I will not vote for those three.
Action Taken: contacted

CA Lady 11/30/08 12/1/08, 12/3/08, and 12/4/08
EDITOR NOTE–The California Lady is a chronic caller who makes no sense. The Mayor’s office no longer transcribes the calls. Same for a Boise resident the GUARDIAN has chosen to no longer publish out of courtesy.

Comments & Discussion

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  1. Can’t we all just practice a little more “ediquettecy”? It begins with the mayor’s hotline not hanging up on unhappy citizens!

    When a bike rider chased Ms. Limbert’s dog for a half-mile, was she being yanked at the end of the leash? I’m just curious because there IS a leash law in the city limits. It’s rather funny, in an ironic way, that she blames the bike rider for her puppy-dog running away. (She’d never see Puddles again if the same scenario took place in the foothills.)

  2. hmmmmmm…. I am guessing that maybe the lady who complains about graffiti over by Hillside JH.

  3. Autumn Moone
    Dec 9, 2008, 4:26 pm

    While I enjoy reading these, it really frustrates me that I have no idea what the resolution was. How did they respond to the port-a-potties? The deer on ParkCenter’s Action taken was that they left a message. Great that solves the problem.

  4. Tom Anderson
    Dec 9, 2008, 9:44 pm

    Bikeboy, and the case of the chased dog…

    It seems every time I’m out walking my dog, somebody’s dog is out running around and ends up following us down the street with the owner yelling at the top of their lungs for their dog to come back. I usually just keep going and figure they can run down the street after us, instead of me stopping, if they are really interested in getting their dog back.

    I think dogs in front yards unrestrained is a much bigger problem than up on the hiking trails.

  5. No doubt there’s a lot of rude bikers. Run into them all the time in the foot hills and on the roads. But I find most dog owners are rude also. Geee maybe I’m the only nice guy left!

  6. Jeanette Limbert whined about foothills leash laws: “… you’re going to make me drive up even further…”

    This is ignorance on so many levels it defies the imagination.

  7. Bikers ueber alles.
    I have been walking on streets in BOI or over in Morrison Park when bikers came whizzing up behind me with no notice–if I had inadvertently moved left or right I’d have been slammed. I am obviously an older person, that they could notice if they gave a damn about those with whom they are sharing a right of way, and also I can’t hear them behind me.

    An old friend of mine once was hit by a no-warning biker and suffered nerve damage and dreadful pain for the rest of his life.
    This pedestrian peril from bikers is no joke. They should all be legally forced to have bike ringer signals on their bikes and thus able to use them in time to warn people ahead of them. (And I don’t mean air horns–those should be outlawed.)
    I’ve also noticed that most bikers I see coming up to crossings just hate using their brakes. They love to play chicken with oncoming cars.
    Overall, bikers in BOI are pretty arrogant. Eventually, after they maim enough people, they will get their legal comeuppances.
    Perhaps my own survival in the parks can be supported by walking off the paved paths and instead tramping on the grass.

  8. Serendipity wrote “… They should all be legally forced to have bike ringer signals on their bikes and thus able to use them in time to warn people ahead of them…”

    If I’m not mistaken, there actually is a Boise City law requiring bells on all bicycles and that they be used when overtaking. I remember reading it, but I’m too lazy to search for it again.

    As usual, the problem is who is going to enforce it?

  9. Although this thread is somewhat stale, and we’re drifting a bit off-topic, I’d like to reply to Serendipity’s comment, as well.

    As a dedicated transportation cyclist (but VERY occasional “greenbelt” cyclist), I can identify with your complaint. Even more so as an occasional greenbelt walker.

    Is there a law requiring cyclists to signal? I’m not sure. The City of Boise website has a “courtesy and safety guideline” that says: “Bicyclists and skaters who wish to pass other users along the Greenbelt must notify others that they are passing, either verbally (example: “passing on your left”) or by other audible means (bell, horn, etc.).” Of course, unless there’s a corresponding ordinance in the city code, it’s whistlin’ in the wind.

    My standard practice (when I’m bicycling): I never “zoom zoom” to begin with; there’s a place for that, but it is NOT the greenbelt. (I’ve feel disdain for the POSERS who do their Lance Armstrong impression on the greenbelt!) When I come up on somebody (you, maybe?), if you look like you’re walking in a straight line, in the proper position on the path, and “with purpose,” I’ll slowly pass without hollering. Frankly, a verbal warning is just as likely to result in a close encounter as a silent passage, due to the element of surprise in either situation. I also rationalize that a verbal warning in every situation would be akin to honking the horn on the road, every time we pass somebody. And finally, I rationalize that nowadays, people on the greenbelt are as likely as not to have their iPod-plugs jammed in their ears, so they won’t hear my warning anyway.
