
GUARDIAN Asks Reader Support For Citizen Journalists

With the blessing and encouragement of some loyal GUARDIAN readers, we have decided to provide you with an “investment opportunity.”

As part of the brave new world of publishing, we will accept contributions from one and all for any amount you care to toss into the pot. Click on the “DONATE” icon for details. The GUARDIAN has decided to accept NO ADVERTISING and will continue to offer unrestricted access to our content.

No animated helicopter cluttering the screen and free access to everything ever posted. Donations are NOT tax deductible, however we will strive to use your money prudently to bring you news not covered by the current legacy media outlets. As you all know, the GUARDIAN has been a longtime news tip source for the commercial advertising-funded media.  That role is as important as publishing our material.

Over the past four years the GUARDIAN has produced more than 1133 news and opinion stories generating 10,830 mostly intelligent comments. The GUARDIAN has been featured in national publications and we are quoted weekly by Idaho “legacy media”–bloggers are now the mainstream media. We have done it for free because it needs to be done.

We have had many instant successes bringing to light theft by government employees, misuse of funds at official levels, efforts to influence lawmakers using citizen taxes, several “stealth elections,” and the ongoing battle to increase the area’s population density. We have also failed to get the City-owned Boise Depot opened to the public other than for a few token hours a week.

Regulars know the GUARDIAN is home to words and phrases like TEAM DAVE, GROWTHOPHOBE, COMMISHES, THE DAILY PAPER, TV NEWSIES, DR. BOB, THE SUPREMES, COPPERS, and a few others. We do it in the spirit of fun and irreverence for official pomp.

The “we” refers to all the fine people in government and private life who give us tips and help with factual research from time to time. Editor Dave Frazier writes nearly all the stories and creates all the photos–either from his commercial PHOTOLIBRARY or for specific stories.

With some “cash flow” the GUARDIAN will be able to pay some freelancers and aspiring citizen journalists to do research, shoot pictures and continue this amazing public forum that has become a true community force for government accountability, truth, and justice.

Comments & Discussion

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  1. Guardian, have you ever thought about subscriptions? (Boy! The silence of this post is deafening!)

    EDITOR NOTE–We don’t want to keep anyone out of the GUARDIAN site and subscriptions could do that. The “Donate” button is merely a way of offering support for the types of stories we post. With a little “war chest” we can pay expenses at least for freelancers or students to do some research for us.

  2. blackfootgirl
    Mar 3, 2009, 6:54 pm

    Way to go, people are going to need to pay a bit for news Can’t keep giving it away. I wish you luck sincerely.
