
Mayor Hotline May 30 to June 5


Don Crow
9207 Black Eagle Dr.
Boise, ID 83709
Parking: I was a little bit frustrated. I had a business lunch in downtown Boise and got a
parking ticket because the meters only go for an hour and the business lunch ran over. I can
deal with the $10 ticket, but then when I went to pay for that online or call, I find out it’s another $2 service fee, which is a 16 percent service fee on that $12 ticket. It seems a little bit ridiculous when we’re trying to support the Boise business by coming downtown and bringing our business down there.

It seems like the policies are to drive business away. All the meters should be at
least an hour and a half to two hours; it just makes sense. I would be happy to pay for it if I
could; a one hour meter seems kind of ridiculous, especially at lunch time. So, anyway, that’s
my thought on the subject; I think it’s very, very poor policy. Thank you.
Action Taken: contacted

Thomas Thacker
9010 Maple Hill Dr.
Boise, ID
Condemned Houses: My concern is a couple of derelict houses on Maple Grove just south of
Emerald. The Fire Department used them for training last summer and they have holes in the
roofs and other things. In the meantime they’re still sitting there and they have been partially
demolished by people taking debris and stuff away from them. They’re just a real eyesore. I
called about February or early March about this and understood that something was going to be
done about it, and I got a nice call from the Fire Department, but as of this time still nothing has
been done. The weeds are getting taller and summer is coming on, so in addition to it being a
visual blight, it’s going to be even more of a fire hazard. I just wondered what the status is in
getting this eyesore removed. Thank you.
Fire PDS
Action Taken: contacted
Lois Schmidt
10512 Martingale Dr.
Boise, ID 83709
Code Enforcement: I have a complaint. Since we’ve been annexed into the city, nobody
seems to be paying any attention to the property rules and regulations, and our subdivision
seems to be deteriorating. There is one house, when you come in off of Five Mile at 10535; the
first house on the right has about 8 cars parked in the yard and in the field and there are only 3
people in the home that drive. There are weeds in the yard and the field. There are temporary
garages that have been up for at least 9 months at 10440 Martingale. There are weeds that are
unkempt around through the subdivision, and we would like to have someone come out and
drive around and take a look at the situation. At 10560 that has at least 4 different types of
scrap fence in their front yard that looks bad and it’s hurting the property values in our
subdivision. Thank you.
Action Taken: contacted
Mrs. Whyte
711 N. 19th St.
Boise, ID 83702
Irrigation: The Boise Canal comes out right at our property edge and right now it’s at the top of
the bank ready to go over the bank. We’ve tried to call the city canal people and haven’t gotten
any response. I thought maybe you could do something to encourage them to get that water
diverted back into the river. Thank you.
Action Taken: Requested water master to contact her

Sally Sherman
811 Day Dr.
Boise, ID 83705
W – 287-4922
State Historic Preservation: I have gotten a low-income loan through the City of Boise for new
windows, insulation, painting, etc. to take advantage of President Obama’s tax stimulus
package. In order to get the windows I want, which are most efficient, I want vinyl windows, but
the Historical Society says I can’t have vinyl windows; I have to have wood windows. I can get
the wood windows that pass the stimulus package and the Historical Society would agree with
them, but they are considerably more expensive. So, in order to get those windows I have to
give something else up that I need on that home improvement or rehab loan. I don’t know what
to do next; I’m very frustrated. We’re in a potential historic district; we’re not yet a historic
district, we’re potentially going to be a historic district. I am very low income, as are my
neighbors, so I don’t know what to do. Thank you.
Action Taken: contacted
Margaret Roggenbuck
8926 W. Canterbury St.
Boise, ID 83704
W – 373-2656
Code Enforcement: I had contacted Code Enforcement last year regarding property at 8973
W. Canterbury (and by the way this Canterbury is off Maple Grove between Northview and
Ustick; there are three Canterbury’s in town). I was told last fall that there really wasn’t much
Code Enforcement could do. This property has been abandoned; it’s going to be two years this
October. I called Code Enforcement about two or three weeks ago; we have weeds that have
never been cut and the grass has never been cut. They’re growing up in the sidewalk, the
driveway, and the yard is full. As far as I know Code Enforcement hasn’t done anything. I have
not even had a call from them that they were going to look in on it. I called again the other day
and I still haven’t had a call from them. Maybe you could pass the word on to them because
they were the ones who told us to call early this spring, so I followed through, but I’m just not
May 30 – June 5, 2009
Page 3
getting any kind of results here. So, I would appreciate it if you would check into it and give me
a call. Thanks.
Action Taken: contacted
Nancy Frazier
2910 Stewart Ave.
Boise, ID
Greenbelt: I’m calling in regards to an area of the Greenbelt where I think the problem of
crowds is getting way out of control. That happens to be around the corner of my house on a
stretch that comes right off of Pleasanton Ave. and goes past Quinn’s Pond. I’d say four times
last week I left my house to ride my bike on the Greenbelt and have been forced to stop, get off
my bike, and push it through the crowds, at which they harass and say profane things to you.
I’ve noticed that in no other part are the people allowed to just stand and basically block both
sides so nobody can pass on foot, and nobody can pass with a bike. It’s gotten very bad and it
needs to be looked into. Thank you.
Action Taken: contacted
VRT: I’ve never ever been involved with a bus service that is absolutely the worst bus service
that I’ve dealt with. The drivers and the people downtown blow cigarette smoke in your face. I
just called to find out to go to the Ada County book sale, and the lady said, “No, we don’t go the
Ada County Library, nor have we ever.” You know, in light of the poor guy who got killed on a
bike after being hit by 16,000 lb. van, or whatever Valley Ride runs, I don’t understand why
these people are still in business. If they were a private firm, they would be out of business in a
week. They’re still collecting pay checks and whatever kind of bureaucratic kind of crap the city
has to put up with, I’d say fire them all and restart the business. It’s just unbelievable that they
don’t go to the Ada County Library.

Comments & Discussion

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  1. Don’t you get tired of a city that just sit’s on there Asse’s and never does anything. Come on folks get up your getting fatter, you need the excerze.

  2. I have to agree with the lady about the problems around Quinn’s Pond. It seems like it has been taken over by juvenile delinquents. A coworker was swimming there last year in preparation for the Ironman and these kids actually threw rocks at her as she swam! They take over the docks and are completely obnoxious to other recreationists. I know law enforcement is aware of the issue, but more needs to be done to keep the area safe and family-friendly.

  3. Mrs. Sherman shouldn’t worry about the Historical Society/District since she doesn’t live in one. I can’ t imagine them annexing that part of the Bench yet.

  4. Count me in on the Clocktower pond dock is a big pain in the ass. Many of us have complained to Parks and Rec, to Kathleen Lacey and others. So what do they do? They make the parking lot twice as big last week so more gang bangers can drive in from Nampa to cause even more problems.

    Casey is right. Nowhere else on the Greenbelt would this be tolerated. Look at Parkcenter Pond, there’s a huge sign that says no swimming. I don’t know it that is an actual enforceable city ordinance but the sign is there.

  5. I rode by that pond with my two young boys a couple of Sundays ago. I have never heard so much profanity. The other ponds next to Veteran’s were the same way. It is obvious these kids need some place to hang out but they also need some control down there.

    I won’t be taking my kids back through that section of the Greenbelt for sometime. Hopefully the city can fix this before the whitewater park is built.
