City Government

Mayor Hotline October 3 to 9

Terry Aldrich
1407 Newport St.
Boise, ID 83709
Streetcar: I just wanted to voice my disapproval for the trolley system. The city should not be spending one cent of my tax dollars for anything other than police or fire before they start cutting taxes. So, please do not approve this. Thank you.
Action Taken: sent letter

Nancy Berto
Veterans Day Parade: You’re about the fifth place I’ve called this morning. I’m trying to find out who’s in charge of the Veteran’s Day Parade and if I could talk to that person in charge, we want to register for a float in the parade and I have no idea who to contact. I’m hoping somebody knows and somebody can help me. Thank you.
Action Taken: contacted
Shirley Laursen
2830 S. Pond
Boise, ID 83705
Methadone: Mayor Bieter, or whoever’s mayor now, on this meth lab they want to put in on Malad, it is close to a school, close to a bus stop, real close to a bus stop, and a lot of little kids walk up and down the street. I would like to know what the laws are on how far away from schools this has to be. Please get back to me.
Action Taken: contacted
Gaylan Radford
2819 S. Pond
Boise, ID 83705
Methadone Clinic: I’m calling in regard to the methadone clinic that wants to open at 4869 Malad St. I am opposed to this because this location is less than a half a mile from Hillcrest School, is right next to a bus stop that picks up and lets off children from South Jr. High and Borah High School. There are also children in the area as this is a residential area. I think this could be better located in a non-residential area where children are not present at all times. Thank you.

October 3 – 9, 2009
Leslie Bishop
4710 Malad
Boise, ID 83705
Methodone Clinic: I would like to get some information in regards to the possible opening of a methadone clinic at 4869 Malad St., Suite D. I would like to know whether there are any pending hearings and/or meetings that the neighbors in this area can attend, or whether this has already been approved, whether it is pending approval, as the neighbors in this area are incredibly concerned. If someone could please give me a call, I would certainly appreciate the help. Thank you so much.
Action Taken: contacted

John Ashby
8890 Bradbury Dr.
Boise, ID 83704
Streetcar Consultant: I wish to voice my complaints on the plan award a $90,000 contract for public relations for the streetcar. I think that is an utter waste of taxpayers’ money and I wholeheartedly disapprove of it. If it is funded by private funds, I have no objection, but I don’t want my tax dollars spent that way, and I think the Mayor and City Council are very reckless with taxpayers’ money. Thank you.

Ken Crow
Boise, ID
Streetcar: I’m calling in regards to comments against getting anything like the streetcar that Mayor Dave Bieter wants to get. I’m totally against it and some of the reasons are because I think it would be a menace for one thing downtown; it would cause lots of problems. I like it downtown the way it is and I think it would be a menace. The second thing is it’s going to cost a lot of money and my guess is way more than they’re talking about, but none-the-less even the money they’re talking about is way too much. The stimulus money from the Federal Government – where does that come from? It comes from my pocket and my neighbor’s pocket, so we’re still paying for it. The merchants that are close by who they say would benefit from it I understand are going to be taxed more from one proposal. If that’s the case, how are they going to pay for their higher cost – they’re going to increase the rates of their goods when they sell them to me and my neighbors, so we pay for it again. Besides being a menace, it’s going to be way expensive and I’m totally against. I think it will cause a lot of problems with vagrants hanging around and all kind of things. In any case, my vote goes totally against it for sure.

Anonymous #1
Streetcar: Why, on earth should we, the citizens of Idaho who are struggling, the lower and middle class, want to have a streetcar that we have to pay $90 thousand for? You’re nuts; whoever’s deciding this is totally nuts. We, the people, do not want this. Let the rich people
who want it, let them pay for all of it – the construction, everything because they’re the only people who want it. This really pissed me off among many other things. Of the people, by the people, for the people, July 4th, 1776, and the people means – we the common people who pay your taxes and pay for your office. You will hear from me again, but I want this broadcasted what I’m saying right now; $90 thousand, let some rich man fork it out if that’s what they really want, every inch of it, not we, the people. I’m not done being mad, and that’s not the only subject I’m mad at.

Here’s one of the other beefs – I live right next door to Veterans Park. It’s lit up all night long and we the people, the public, the general ones who are not rich are footing the bill and yet we can’t walk there at night? It’s lit all up with lights all over the place; now what kind of common sense is that? We, the people, don’t agree with this and I’m not the only one. I’m just mad enough to call at the moment. So, that’s another one you can suck on and think about. We didn’t vote to have parks built that we can’t even walk in at night, but you keep it lit up all night long wasting energy, precious energy. Where are your minds at, huh? I’m angry and I’m very critical. I am challenging you to think about what I say. I’m not the only one to say it; I’m just one of the few that gets mad enough to speak out. You can already figure out where I am because you probably have everything on your phone to locate me, so I’m not even bothering to leave my name. I am bothering to tell you how disgusted I am with the way that you manage our nation!

Oh yeah, about the parks also, I forgot. We’re paying for them, you built brand new parking lots and if we happen to park there at night, you tow our cars. Then it costs a whole fortune to get them back. We, the people, pay for it, so why the people can’t use them, I don’t understand. As long as no one is parking out there and sitting on the ground and trashing the place, leave them alone; it’s our land that you have forced us to pay for, so what right do you have to say we can’t park there any time that we want as long as we aren’t causing absolutely no problem, which we don’t. That’s another one of my questions that you need to answer and look at. We’re paying for it and you’re penalizing us for it. You’re letting them get away with our cars being towed; you’re letting them get away with fining us outrageously for shit that we’re paying for? Oh yeah, do the rich ones pay for it too, or is it just all of us. I really got some serious questions, you know. I’m really seriously sick and tired of the way things are run. You don’t listen very much to we, the people; you listen to the money groups.

Peter Perry
3284 Chickory Way
Boise, ID 83706
Streetcar Contact: I have some concern about the article I read just this morning in the Statesman about the PR Contract for the trolley project. Based upon my understanding the feasibility study won’t be concluded until early next year by the committee that’s been working on this, I’m questioning why the PR Contract would be considered right now rather than after the feasibility study has been completed. I understand that the Mayor is out of town this week, so I
would be appreciative of anyone who could give me some information that might help me understand what’s going on. I will be glad to hear from anyone. Thank you very much.

Jim Thomas
Streetcar: I’m a Boise resident, taxpayer, worker, parent, ex-Navy, etc. Anyway, I just wanted to leave my two cents on this trolley question. I love the Mayor, although I’m not sure about the trolley project itself. I’m a little kind of on the fence; however, please let the Mayor and the City Council know that I really do not want them spending my tax money on promoting the trolley. I heard on the radio, $90,000 they were thinking about conjuring up some sort of an ad campaign and it’s going to be just one way on a fairly contentious issue. If it’s just one way pro only then I am absolutely against spending my tax money. So, please relay my humble opinion to my wonderful public servants. Thank you much.

Dan Lute
2214 N. 9th St.
Boise, ID 83702
Streetcar & Resolution: I’m calling regarding this little deal on the streetcar. It’s very, very upsetting to me. I think this is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever heard of – to spend $60 million on something that runs 2 miles through downtown when the economy is in the situation it’s in. And don’t tell me it’s going to create a bunch of jobs because ya, it will create a bunch of jobs till you build it, then where do they go? Then they’re gone. Then I heard today that you’re going to want to set out a $90 thousand contract just to advertise and promote the thing. If it’s such a great deal, why in the hell do you have to spend $90 thousand to promote it? You people are just totally out of your tree. The taxes in this city are so damn high already, it’s ridiculous, yet you’re out wasting money like this. I know part of the money for the streetcar is coming from the Federal Government, which is another problem with the way they’re spending money. You know, I just want to let you know that I am 150 percent opposed to this; it’s the most ridiculous idea I have ever heard of. Spend the money on more buses; improve the bus system. They have a lot more flexibility if you want to run it out farther. Secondly, I also wanted to tell you my two cents worth on the vote the other night to support this health care plan – the fact that you used your vote to break a three/three tie. You don’t even know what this thing is going to cost. How in the world can you justify voting to support a resolution like this when you don’t know what it’s going to cost people? You don’t know what it’s going to cost the state. I think it’s one of the most ridiculous things. It seems like there’s nothing that you don’t want to spend money on and I hope you get the word from a lot of people. It’s time to start saving; if you’ve got $60 million, refund that to the people in tax money that we’ve spent every year. That’s what I’d like to see – some fiscal responsibility, which you people don’t seem to have. Thank you.

Jason Smith
Streetcar: I would like to suggest that instead of spending up to $150,000 of public money to drum up support for the tour train, it’s my opinion that if this idea won’t support itself and take off on its own, then we need to leave it alone. I would rather see that $150,000 spent on improving our current bus system, and if that includes adding an additional downtown loop much like what the trolley is going to cover, then let’s do that; but I think it’s a mistake to go down this road of spending $60 million or so of public money for the first phase, and it’s going to require over $100 thousand in PR work to even drum up support for it. Thank you.

Robert Bruneau
Streetcar: It is my opinion that the City of Boise and the Mayor are corrupt in using people who have made campaign contributions, supported the Mayor’s campaign, etc. as a catalyst to promote a waste of taxpayer dollars in the form of a trolley. It is ridiculous that the Mayor would think that it’s good use of taxpayers’ money to spend it to promote his agenda, or your agenda, Mayor Bieter. I would believe that the best thing to do in today’s economy is to give the taxes back to the taxpayers. It is, in fact, our money; rather than spend it on wasteful crap, give it back to us, and possibly shore up the existing bus system and revamp it, modify it, correct the mistakes, etc. We have a mass transit system; fix it.

Mork Andrews
Streetcar: I’m calling about this trolley system, you guys want to try to put in downtown. You know, that’s just a pipe dream. Coles tried to do it, now Bieter’s trying to do it. It’s a total waste of money; Boise is not big enough for anything like that and I think it’s just dumb. You should just drop it and move on.
Anonymous Woman
Streetcar: I’m calling about the plan to spend $90 million on the streetcar system. That seems enormous; it’s a gigantic amount of money to be spending on that. It’s not that I’m not in favor of some kind
of transportation system, but it should extend clear out to Meridian, at least, and try to cover as much of the whole town as possible, not just be an exclusive little fringe benefit for the people who live in the sixteen block perimeter, which is what I understand it’s going to cover. For $90 million, we ought to get a lot more for our money. Anyway, I think it’s a burden the taxpayers don’t need and as far as blowing over $100 thousand on trying to brain wash the population of Boise into being for this, that’s so unhealthy it’s unbelievable. How dare you lame-brains on the City Council and Mayor, if you’re going along with this and I imagine you are. This is outrageous; you’re just blowing taxpayers’ money in a time of hardship. Where’s your conscience? What we need to do is get rid of a few “fat cats” sitting there on City Council, the County Commissioners, and the Mayor’s office; they make all these stupid decisions like money’s growing everywhere for free. We need to get rid of you elite people who consider yourselves above all us little people, and put real working people on there, making decisions where they haven’t forgotten what it’s like to count every dollar. I’m not giving my name because it’s none of your business, but I am voicing my opinion on this.

2nd generation Boisean
Streetcar: My folks built a house in the North End in the 1930s and I graduated from Boise High School in 1966. I’ve called before and I think your proposal for the downtown trolley is absurd. Why spend $115 thousand to promote it when it’s going to make everybody madder that you don’t have enough common sense, really, to take and say it’s not a good deal. Yes, you get Federal money, but how about the other $20 million? What are you going to do with that? Oh well, let’s see, we need to spend $115 thousand just to take and promote it to Boiseans. Look, people when they’re downtown have very few blocks. They’re not walking from the hospital down to the bank unless they really need a dire emergency so they don’t get their home repossessed because of the outrageous cost of hospital expenses. So, give me a break, we only have a few blocks downtown in which people need to walk. So, let’s have a lot of electrical wires above the city streets to conduct these obscene trolleys and see if Boise is really beautified or not. I don’t think so. You know, you guys got to get real; this is a different economy. Mayor Bieter, I voted for you once but if you continue on this path, I’m not going to vote for you again. Thank you.

Streetcar: I’m calling to express my extreme disapproval of this trolley system that you’re considering. I think that would be a horrible waste of money. What we really need for transportation is a better bus service. We need Sunday service and we need evening service. I’m a great-grandma who has trouble getting around and the bus is about the only way I have. I’m just stuck at home on Sundays and the evenings, so that’s what we should be doing – building up our bus service.

Mike Hight
12674 W. Scotfield St.
Boise, ID 83713
Glass Recycling: I’m trying to recycle some glass at Fire Station #10. I noticed according to your website, Boise City, Allied Waste, and ACHD team up to provide this service. I’ve been up there three times and it’s overflowing with glass. I called Allied Waste and asked them when they were going to empty it and they said it was up to the city to call them and tell them when it’s full and it needs to be emptied. My comment to you is: I’m trying to do my part and recycle and keep it out of the landfill, but I can’t burn gas three or four times a week to drive up there and wait until you guys empty that thing. So if you’re serious about recycling the glass, it might behoove you to put somebody on the payroll down there and have them circulate around and check these dumpsters, and when they’re full, contact somebody to have them emptied. That’s my comment. Love to hear from you. Thank you.
Cloverdale & McMillan
Action Taken: contacted

Pete Peterson
6212 W. Lucky Ln.
Boise, ID 83703
Cole School: I would like Mayor Bieter to intervene and stop the demolition of Cole School. It’s my belief that when the wrecking ball hits Cole School that will also be the wrecking ball for his political career in Boise. People will remember that and they won’t elect him again. It’s not too late. Thank you.
Action Taken: left msj

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