Federal Government

May Day Is Exercise In Democracy


Once only an opportunity for the Ruskies to roll out the latest rockets in Moscow, May Day has become a worldwide day of protests and demonstrations.

The Thais want elections, Albanians claim election fraud, Nepal has anti-government protests, Greeks are against spending cuts, the English protested “militant Islam, Iran saw labor demonstrations, and in Montana folks protested showing a Nazi film in Kalispell.



Meanwhile in Boise there were flag-wielding people at three simultaneous gatherings along Capitol Blvd.
One group of about 50 was flashing signs along Capitol Blvd. across from the Library about green grass in a movement to legalize pot.

At City Hall protesters rallied against the recent immigration law passed in Arizona–waving the American flag and carrying signs which had a pro immigration theme.

Hundreds of motorcyclists gathered to “show support” at the end of the Boulevard at the Statehouse. One rider told the GUARDIAN it was for “safety and awareness” and added, “also to keep them from passing any helmet laws.” Again, there were plenty of flags…and groups supporting the military were evident.

Coppers told us there were no problems and one squad of about 15 officers was sent home early. All in all a lot of harmless steam was vented on the cool first day of May.

Arizona’s law must be scrapped some demand
And fires of passion have been fanned
They march and chant
But explain they can’t
The part of “illegal” they don’t understand!

Bikers came from far and wide
Riding miles side-by-side
Lawmakers should keep their paws…
Off those helmet laws
And let those who ride decide!

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  1. Love it when people get to have their say without either cops or people with opposite views trying to stop them, and without any of them going crazy and getting violent and destructive.

  2. grumpy ole guy
    May 2, 2010, 1:17 am

    I little something for everyone I guess. Sure am glad that the motorcycles would like to ensure continued safety by keeping riding safe from those pesky helmets. As one who watched his mother and his sister die lingering deaths to cancer (not in Idaho) I do wish that medical marijuana were legal everywhere to help ease that awful decline. And, just to be complete, if I had known about the anti-Arizona rally in time I would have joined. “Give me liberty or give me Arizona”.

  3. Loud pipes save lives but I guess helmets don’t.

  4. Marijuana needs to be decriminalized in Idaho. It is not the demon drug in need of ridiculous enforcement efforts. The sooner we legalize it the sooner the state can collect taxes and quit clogging the justice system.

    I am 63 years old and have seen the war on drugs as a costly failure of law enforcement, and the justice system. Marijuana has a medicinal value to people in pain. Let’s get off the high horse and get on with more important aspects of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

  5. It is good for people with glaucoma also. I ask for it every time I get an eye exam.

    Another aspect of our drug laws: I ran into a friend I hadn’t seen in a long time and asked her about her two sons. She said they were in the prison and that they should have been set free last year but they were not set free because they hadn’t taken the drug rehab course. The reason they hadn’t taken the course was that it wasn’t being offered. You can see that for-profit prisons are probably a really expensive way to accomplish nothing.

  6. Interesting that the government has the right to deem a creation of God illegal. It is a plant. Even hemp is illegal and it can’t get you high or be used for medicinal purposes. The prison industrial complex will fight legalization to the bitter end because incarceration is a profit center just like illness is a profit center for healthcare.

  7. If people want to legalize pot, that’s great! Get 51% to vote for it and it will be a done deal!
    I have spent 3 years on, and off, of chemo and radiation. Two different doctors and numerous cancer nurses have told me that there are drugs much more effective than dope. Therefore, just admit that you want to get a “buzz” and let the “medical” arguement go!!

  8. Dean Gunderson
    May 4, 2010, 7:35 pm

    Though I understand the frustration many have in the anti-immigration group, it’s hard to see how the Arizona law will either A) change anything in that state in a positive way, and B) actually be legally enforceable.

    The Arizonian’s who support the law state that the phrase “lawful contact” between a person and a police officer (which will permit the officer to ask that person for proof of citizenship) is no more than a useful tool allowing that officer during a traffic stop (or warrant issue, etc.) to ask for such proof. But, the phrase can only be legally interpreted as the opposite of “illegal contact” — meaning that any “contact” a nod, a meeting of the eyes, or a simple exchange of pleasantries is a “lawful contact” (because no law was broken). Be careful of who you look in the eye when visiting Arizona.

    The law gives any officer the ability to approach anyone he suspects may be in the state illegally and demand proof of U.S. citizenship. If that person cannot provide such proof, that officer can (without warrant) arrest that person. Never mind that the person may, in fact, be a legal citizen. The law’s ability to allow the arrest & detention of *anyone* based solely on a single officer’s perception regarding that person’s perceived citizenship status is Orwellian.

    What criteria will law enforcement officers use to gauge a person’s citizenship status? Color of their skin? Accent? Style of dress? Religious practice?

    For those who feel they may be a target for arrest, what “proof” may they carry on their person to prove that they aren’t illegal? The Arizona law refers to U.S. Code 1373(c) when it comes to defining what qualifies as “verification”. Unfortunately, U.S.C. 1373(c) only requires the INS to respond to requests of citizenship status for individuals from local law enforcement officers. This means that though the Arizona law seems to imply that there is such a thing as a “citizenship I.D.”, it actually only refers to a local officer’s ability to request of the INS certain questions (and obligates the INS to respond to those questions) for anyone within the local jurisdiction’s custody.

    Meaning, there is no way to “prove” that you’re a citizen if an officer asks you to provide proof of citizenship. The law only provides blanket protection to any officer who wishes to arrest anyone, without warrant, for no cause (other than looking like you might be in the country illegally). Once you’re in custody, the local jailers can then ask the INS for any information it might have on you.

    Do you look (sound, dress, express yourself) like you’re a U.S. citizen? Are you sure? If you go to Arizona, you might be surprised what qualifies as suspicious looking — and be really surprised what local officials can do to you based solely on their suspicions.

  9. If you are going to criticize something at least make an attempt to get your facts straight and try not to over dramatize. Probable Cause as defined and used in countless court decisions is the key element being left out when trying to simplify an exaggerated dispute of the Arizona law.

    Officers enforcing this law will be required to show probable cause of any detention or arrest the same as in any other arrest. or would you rather I call them “warrantless” arrests since that sounds so much nastier. Arrests without warrant are common since most arrests are made on probable cause of a crime being committed which then requires either a bond or hearing. This does not excuse an officer from making a false arrest or detention as a judge or magistrate still determine if law was met.

    As far as proof of citizenship, this should be fairly easy to provide if you are in this country legally. Whether it is a US license, passport, work visa or some other document, I don’t see how this is a problem. If the person in question “forgot” their documentation, the officer will investigate further until proof can be obtained if it is obtainable. If I for example, didn’t have identification, and I was suspected of being here illegally, there is enough probable cause in existence that can be provided either by fax, phone or computer from various agencies to verify my status.

    If you do not agree with the law, what is your recommendation? If you are for open borders then say it. Otherwise how do you start fixing a problem which has been out of control for so long? My answer would be to start enforcing the laws we have, which include immigration status. The Arizona law has done nothing other then put the power to do just that into the hands of local law enforcement rather then a handful of Federal Agents.

    Lastly, stop trying to make this a racial situation. Its pathetic.

  10. diane sower
    May 16, 2010, 9:24 am

    It’s a shame we’ve never really grasped the nature of social caring and justice in Idaho. The two parties in Washington are bought by lobbyists. Isn’t a current candidate for senate married to someone whose father is a lobbyist, whose purpose in life is to make millions by controlling the outcome of legislation? Let’s stop fighting with one another and get rid of lobbyists, enact campaign finance reform so the candidates will be forced to deal with the issues, and not just get robots to follow them with terms like “family values.” Since when did I not have “family values?”
