City Government

Bieter Seeks To Abolish Citizen’s Right To Vote

Using an appearance before the Chamber of Commerce as a “bully pulpit,” Boise Mayor Dave Bieter urged citizens to approve a proposed constitutional amendment that would serve only to abolish rights
citizens currently enjoy to approve bonds to pay for airport facilities.

We find it ironic the good Mayor seeks to abolish the right of citizens to vote on airport debt using public money, but turned around and begs the legislature to ALLOW a vote of citizens on the issue of a local option sales tax.

GUARDIAN editor Dave Frazier issued the following statement about the proposed amendment which will be on the November ballot.

“Cities throughout Idaho currently have the authority to issue bonds for airport projects using operating revenue to repay those bonds. Mayor Bieter and others seek to abolish the current constitutional right of voters to approve those bonds. The Idaho Supreme Court has clarified those rights in the ‘Frazier Decision,’ and Bieter’s proposed amendment would also result in loss of tax revenues for cities, counties, schools, and the state of Idaho.”

When airports build freight facilities, hangars, rental car parking ramps (or industrial park things) they collect rent top pay the bonds… meanwhile all the other taxing districts lose those revenues because the airport properties are TAX EXEMPT GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS! The major change in the proposed amendment is to eliminate the requirement of voter approval for sale of bonds.

Poet Paul on sales tax–

Bieter appears positively giddy
Wanting a sales tax increase for the city
His wild-eyed ideas must end
‘Cause the mayor can’t comprehend
He can’t tax us into prosperity!

Comments & Discussion

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  1. And we are surprised by what? This is just a continuation of government eroding the citizen’s rights because “they” know better than us.
    While I firmly believe we should be developing all sources of alternate energy, I wouldn’t believe this mayor at any point! Too many lies, backdoor deals, misleading statements, and ignorance of the citizens desires!
    I would wager that there is another “deal” somewhere beneath the surface on this as well.

  2. This just in: Dave Bieter does something, Dave Frazier disapproves! More details as they emerge.

  3. Bieter is not what he says he is. This is common in politics, but it is not right. Happy to have Frazier. Think people who dissaprove of those watching and confronting officeholders often have been bought by the office holder with “redistributed wealth” in exchange for their support.

  4. Yawn….

  5. Rod in SE Boise
    Jun 4, 2010, 10:12 am

    We need to get rid of the sales tax. Actually, we need to get rid of local government. The only thing local government should do is take care of the streets and roads, and the federal government can do that better.

  6. This is what Team Dave is dreaming about in the future and why he needs to spend without the voter approval.

  7. Interesting Zippo Thanks!
    Now how do we find that same information on the folks that run our schools. Not the school teacher but the admistraters.

  8. I want to thank you to Zippo. Mayor Bieter maybe a legacy DOES pay. sigh

    EDITOR NOTE–What about retaining our right to approve bond sales?! Will you guys help me in November? You can bash Bieter any old time. We need to preserve and defend the constitution like loyal GUARDIANS!

  9. Absolutely!

  10. Just the stuff we don’t need to vote on is all he wants. Given the voter turnout he is nearly there anyway. Let the Plutarcs rule out universe.

  11. Folks,

    I continue to commend the BG editor for insisting on openness in government at all levels. Unfortunately, the problem goes much deepter. There is no credible OVERSIGHT of public officials, even if you discover they’ve done something wrong. One hand is tied to the other. The chain of command in this state and in other states is fractured. Openness, ethics, morals, etc. are dismissed as ho-hum. Until we can find a chain of command that listens to the people not its own colleagues, then we will continue to see corruption, inflation, recession, depression, over-taxation, etc. I hate to sound so cynical, but I will be until I see somebody step up to the plate and work on behalf of the people. If a public plan is kosher, then why not just make it public. That’s what our officials, who work for the electorate and taxpayers, are paid to do. Do not deny the electorate the right to vote on any plan that would deny them their constitutional rights. Good luck, BG!

  12. Fire81chief
    Jun 9, 2010, 8:53 pm

    The Guardian knows better. The issuance of bonds for the airport is not a use of tax dollers. The bonds are sold to investors, the debt fromn the bonds is retired by user fees. So let me explain this: As a Boise citizen, I can purchase these bonds of my own free will, not with my tax dollars. I will make a small but probably secure rate of return on my investment. Didn’t I just vote with my wallet? As Boise’s previous fire chief I built several fire stations using “ordinary and necessary” bonds, as provided in the Idaho Constitution. Those investors who bought the bonds took all of the risk. They too, voted with their wallets. But then my view is factual not sensational, so feel free to ridicule it.

    EDITOR NOTE–Your illegal and unconstitutional use of “ordinary and necessary” resulted in forcing the city to pay taxes on those privately owned fire stations to ACHD, Boise Schools, and Ada County. The Idaho Supreme Court defined “ordinary and necessary,” ruling against your former employer as well. THAT sir, is why they seek to abolish our right to vote on the sale of bonds at airports.

    While airport bonds are retired by user fees, every cent of those fees is “public money.” Any structures for air freight, hangars, rental cars or anything else contemplated in the proposed amendment which are built with airport (city) bonds are PUBLIC PROPERTY and not subject to taxes.

    The airport will get paid rent from the users, but Citizens will suffer the loss of revenues which would otherwise be collected on private real estate. Good for the airport, bad for citizens–unless they choose to allow the deal.
