City Government

Mayor Hotline May 29 to June 4


Michael Gibson
3554 N. 39th
Boise, ID 83703
Local Option Tax: I just wanted to voice my concern and opinion about the local sales tax. I don’t have a problem with the local sales tax if it’s going to do something that benefits everyone in the valley or everyone in Boise. But, for transportation and for university study, I think that’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard of. There’s going to be an extremely small percentage of people that are going to benefit from that. I work in Caldwell, so transportation is never going to be of any benefit to me. The people who use public transportation is what – 2, 3, 5 percent of the people in Boise? So, I see this as being one more entitlement program where the masses are paying for the special treatment of the few. If you come up with something that is going to benefit the community or take a debt out of the property, or something else that is actually a good program instead of a touchy-feely, artsy-crafty green thing, or perceived and presented as a green thing, you know I would be glad to support that; but what you’re looking at right here I see it as a stinky way to try and pump the rail program which you already know most people don’t want, so this looks like a kind of a – yah; I don’t see anything good happening here.

Tom Clark
6170 N. Alder Point Ave.
Boise, ID 83714
Curb It: I’m calling to see if I can get some assistance from the Mayor in regards to a problem with our HOA. I live in the Alder Point Subdivision in Northwest Boise. They are forcing me to keep the new garbage cans that have been issued in the past year in my garage. They don’t fit; you’re not allowed to keep it in open view, which means I can’t keep it on the side of my house. It’s hard without a picture, but in front of my fence and behind my fence, I can’t keep it there because the gate is very close to the air conditioner, and if the garbage can is there the gate can’t be opened and I would not be able to remove the garbage can and bring it out to the curb. The board met, they had a discussion, and they basically said I am going to have to keep it in my garage or on the side of my house. I already explained to them that it doesn’t fit on the side of my house. My problem is I didn’t buy a two-car garage home to keep my garbage in it. It hit 80 degrees one day last month and our whole house stunk from the garbage can when it warmed up. They’re forcing me to keep it in my home, so I would like to see what the Mayor and City Council’s take is on this. I really feel I’m being forced to keep garbage in my house or
face fines and it’s really unjust. Thank a lot.
Action Taken: left message

Foothills Parking: This is an anonymous message contribution regarding the 8th Street Foothills Trail parking lot, the one adjacent to the Foothills Learning Center. The parking lot there is too small, is frequently overflowing into the road, and for some reason the people at the Learning Center have decided that their parking lot is private and not for use by the public even on the weekends and holidays. Therefore, you have vehicles out in the road that don’t need to be. I was wondering if you could look into that; you guys are part of that whole thing there; it’s a conglomerate of several entities, but the majority of the users reside in the Boise municipality.
Thank you.

Brad Hunsaker
??? You know what, I think your situation with the Idaho Containment system sucks ass. By the way, listen I am an Idahoan and I am a man who is in severe pain and the only outlet that I have through your state is nothing. So, just because I’m not pregnant, or menstruating, or a bigtitted person human being, I would love to find out why I can’t find anybody to help me with my massive impacted tooth. So, I’m standing here, I’m looking at you people, I’m looking at the state, I’m looking at the disgusting grossness of how you guys actually help men, men, I’m talking to you about men, who are able-bodied human beings like me who are homeless and there’s no way you guys can help us in the dental area. Now you say, no, no, no, don’t worry about that because you know what, we are going to go ahead and support you because we have Terry Reilly. Well guess what, Terry Reilly told me to get the f*(& out of their office and go back to the original. So, you tell me whether or not the bill you guys are passing actually helps Susan of Boise, Idaho. I think you guys are grossly wrong. Guess what, what I’m going to do? I’m going to campaign against you guys; I’m going to be one of the guys that not only go
statewide, I’m going to go national with you guys. So, thanks a lot; I appreciate your help.

Nancy Little
Stop Spending Our Money: This is for the Mayor and the entire City Council. I would like you to stop the money you have saved from gouging us on our sewer, garbage, parks and everything. I want you to cut back, as you should tighten your belt; you’re $5 million in debt.
We love you dearly, but like I said this has got to stop. No more libraries, we said no; you can’t save money unless you take it from us. That is gouging us on the taxes. Social Security did not get money this year, we will not get it next year, and the Wall Street Journal says we won’t get it the next year, and actually that is 2 percent. We cannot keep up with the city loan, high interests, and everything else we have to have. You’re taking food out of our mouth; would you please, please, sir, although you’re a very likable person, stop doing this to us – cutting the bill, quit letting it out and taking in everything you see. I’m deaf, I’m 82, and I don’t hear very well.
Take care.
Action Taken: contacted

Michael Shideler
3531 N. Cole Rd. Unit 101
Boise, ID 83704
Local Option Tax : I’m reading on Yahoo from the Statesman that the Mayor wants a local option to raise local sales taxes. I am 1,000 percent opposed to that. He needs to stop what he’s doing and not be raising taxes because it affects everybody, poor and rich, so stop it; quit finding things that you think are morally right or will better stop because everybody’s opinions are different so knock it off.
Action Taken: contacted

Carl Ullman
906212 Longview
Missoula, MT 59803
Hammer Flats: I was calling in response to the Hammer Flat land sale in the gliding area. I have spent a fair amount of time coming through there and flying in the gliding area. I really love the area and I think it really enhances your city and your area in general; it’s a beautiful spot. It would be great if you guys could make that all work with the land sale. I would appreciate the time and thank you for having the hot line.

Annette Hanson
2061 E. Feldspart Ct.
Boise, ID 83712
Hammer Flats: I’m calling to say that I was very happy when you guys purchased Hammer Flats with the levey money. I just want to mention I would be happy if it goes to Fish and Game; however, I do think, I’m not a hang glider, but I do think they should be able to continue what they’re doing. I think it’s very important to protect the birds on the cliffs during nesting season and things like that, but it just seems kind of weird that Fish and Game would allow hunting but not allow access with bicycles and hikers into less sensitive areas. I know that you have to be careful with some habitat areas, but I’m really hoping that you are able to work with all the entities and come up with something good. I just think only allowing hunting and not other things is kind of crazy. Thank you.

David R. Frazier
Editor of the Boise Guardian
Press Release Distribution List: I have made repeated requests of the Mayor’s Office staff and your Public Relations person to be included on distribution lists for press releases and related information to no avail. I’m hoping, Mr. Mayor, that you would instruct your staff to
include me and give me the same courtesies that are extended to the Idaho Statesman and the local broadcast media as well. Thank you very much.

Patrick Harper
4865 W. Willow Ln.
Boise, ID 83703
Hammer Flats: I’m calling in regard to the Hammer Flats and the para-gliding out there. I am a licensed tandem para-gliding instructor and have been flying The Crow for over 12 years and am a regional observer with the United States Hang Gliding and Para-Gliding Association and also I’m working with Lisa Tate and Shawn Kangas on this project. I just wanted to comment on how important this is to Boise to save such a small chunk of land for this activity is very important. I’m a hunter as well, so it’s hard for me, I mean I’m trying to draw the line, but I think this is a beautiful opportunity for the city to really make Boise truly the best city in the Northwest for living. Anyway, that’s just my thought. Keep us flying there and we’ll work with you to make that happen. Thanks.
Action Taken: contacted

Delbert Coon
1911 Spaulding St.
Boise, ID
Local Option Tax: Comment if I may about the proposed community sales tax. I just don’t think this is the time to implement that tax. Number one – taxes are always technical instead of going down, and there are a lot of people in our community who are struggling to make ends meet and provide for their basic needs. About for the revenue going for Boise State, I would far rather see us set up a community scholarship fund to help our people become educated and better serve our community, and eligibility would require being a part of our community, as opposed to giving the money to Boise State which does have the globalest agendas and tends
to look at celebrating international diversities. Thank you for taking my phone call; have a great day.
Action Taken: contacted

Christy Anadama
1605 N. 29th St.
Boise, ID 83703
Valley Regional Transit Frustration: This is regarding my frustration with Valley Regional Transit of Boise Bus system. I had an incident on Tuesday; I have been able to get no where with them. They have not returned any of my six or seven phone calls that I’ve logged so far.
I’m very frustrated; I have received no call-back from Billy Wingfield or the General Manager, Bobby Snider. I just get put into voicemail and no action is taken. I’m a senior citizen and on Tuesday I was waiting for the #17 Warm Springs bus at Old Penitentiary Road and I was there well ahead of time; the bus didn’t come. I started walking and walked 50 minutes to downtown. I was on Warm Springs and the bus never came. What they did was they ran the VA shuttle twice – the 4:45 and the 5:15. I did see that shuttle turn from Costin onto Warm Springs at the time it should have been the Warm Springs bus, #17. Again, I’m a senior citizen; I was carrying a heavy load, and I had to walk 50 minutes. Nobody will return my call, tell me what happened, why the bus didn’t come. The bus was scheduled to leave downtown at 4:45 and to be at the Old Penitentiary Road at 4:55. I was there at 4:45 and the bus never came. I’m very frustrated with them and I would like this issue looked into. Again, Billy Wingfield has not returned my call, Bobby Snider has not returned my call, I’ve gotten no response at all from them. Thank you.
Forwarded to VRT by email
Action Taken: Contacted

Jan Jones
Imperial Plaza
Lights from Park: As a board member of the Imperial Plaza, I’m calling to talk about the lights that are over at the park by the Community Center that shine into the 7th floor apartment. This would be the second bank of new lights that have been put in; we’ve addressed this several times with the City Parks and Recreation have no comment, and we would like to know if when they’re adjusting the lights, that they could adjust them so they did not shine into the 704 apartment so she can see TV and be able to leave her curtains open in the evening to enjoy the view.
Action Taken: contacted.

Arlie Nuss
Local Option Tax: This message is for the Mayor. It’s my understanding that yesterday you made a speech that says that you want to potentially raise the sales tax of maybe a half a percent in the City of Boise. I am dead set against that. In these economic times that’s the worst thing you can do; it takes a business like the one that I work at that’s a small business less competitive against mail order, against Canyon County, and so you can potentially lose more sales tax that way. It’s just a bad idea. Please reconsider; thank you very much.
Action Taken: contacted

Lee Hepworth
508 N. Garden St.
Boise, ID
Local Option Tax: I have some complaints about the Mayor’s speech last night where he’s wanting to raise the sales tax in Boise. I work for a local small business and you’re putting an unfair advantage onto our out-of-town competitors. You’re putting even more advantage over internet sales over us. You’re going completely wrong against us and you’re doing it for a legacy of a stupid rail system downtown. This is not right; you need to get your mind off that and concentrate on what’s going to strengthen your people in town, not what’s going to weaken them. I really don’t approve of you pushing this rail system as hard as you do when there are other things that need to be done to help the people out. Now you’re trying to make it even harder on Boise City businesses for your little legacy plan. You need to get your head into the game.
Action Taken: contacted

Local Option Tax: Hey Mr. Mayor, I need food on the table, not an additional tax for research and development for colleges and schools. They can continue on with what they’re doing now. On top of that you want this street car thing with more taxes. How much more? Are you willing to pay for the whole thing yourself?

Ronald Paulson
612 N. Stanley St.
Boise, ID
Solar Panels: I wanted to tell you that I think the Mayor’s idea for putting up solar panels near the airport and over the city dump was a darn good idea, but I have a little addition to the second part of his plan to put up those solar panels. He’s sitting on top of methane gas; when you have a dump you have methane. If you’ve been to the dump, you’ve smelled it. Take and run some pipe down into the ground, maybe two or three, collect the methane gas, run it into a gas turbine engine, burn it off, then turn that turbine engine into a generating station and use the methane gas for fuel. The methane gas will never run out and the turbine will work really well. Any place where there are or were old dumps is a good place to set up these gas turbine driven generation stations. It could generate enough revenue for the city that they wouldn’t have to worry about a ½ cent sales tax increase right now. Fight for it; it’s a good idea, but with this little addition to a place where they put solar panels, it gives you two types of energy coming out, so that even at night when the solar panels aren’t working the turbine engine is still going to be generating enough electricity to power houses. This is my idea and this is my comment and for once Mayor Bieter has come up with an extremely good idea and I just thought I would throw this little piece of information his way.

Reed Burkholder
6105 Twin Springs
Boise, ID 83709
Solar Panels: I just wanted to tell the Mayor that I read the story this morning in the Statesman about the solar power plant on the old Boise City dump west of the airport and I think it’s a great idea and I hope it happens.
Action Taken: contacted

Local Option Tax: I want to leave a message for the City Council and the Mayor. In regard to the comments on his speech, some of the things he had to say was great. This idea of raising taxes with the way the economy has been, even trying to bid I think is very ridiculous. We’re still having a down economy. I have a business, I’ve owned the business for 17 plus years; all the small businesses are just trying to survive and he’s coming up with this wanting to do a tax increase. Any time you do a tax increase it costs the consumer more money. The consumer has to go in and pay a higher amount when he purchases the product and even that little ½ cent will go to a cent because you’re not printing half cents. People are going to spend less money; when you raise the taxes 5 percent to 6 percent we saw certain decrease as far as spending because that one little penny makes a big difference. I think the Mayor needs to get his act together, especially if he’s going to try to run for Mayor again because in my business I’ve had so many people in just today expressing concern and talking about how ridiculous this thing is. The Mayor just wants to push for his streetcar; most of the voters around said what they thought about that. It’s a ridiculous idea and it costs too much money, and you’re only going to use it for a small area. If this was a bigger area and went all the way down Fairview from one end to the other and down into town, that would be a little bit different, but the way he’s got it around town is kind of ridiculous. I’ve talked to people at St. Luke’s and they think it’s also ridiculous. Anyway, I think the Mayor needs to get his priorities straight and try to improve the economy instead of every time you turn around he’s trying to raise fees on something, and now he wants to try to raise taxes. I would leave my name and phone # and the business I own, but it never seems to pay off for me because all I get is a pre-printed little post card in the mail because nobody ever seems to have time to respond to anything. I’ve had concerns and left messages and talked to people, and they never bother to get back, usually because they don’t have the answers or they don’t want to give any answers because they don’t have an answer. This tax thing is strictly political insanity for anybody to even think about in this kind of economy.Anyway that’s my opinion, thank you very much for listening.

Phillip Cravens
Boise, ID 83703
Local Option Tax: I just read on the internet about the Mayor’s proposal to raise sales tax in Boise City. I just wanted to possibly remind the Mayor that I have been voting for him all along, but if he starts up with this city option on sales taxes, I can no longer support him. You have a good day.
Action Taken: contacted

Nora Nielson
State of the City: My husband, Vernon, and I so enjoyed your speech tonight, Mr. Mayor, and thank you so much. It was thoroughly enjoyable and made total sense. So, you just stay out there and keep running for office. Thank you.

Gary Evans
2401 N. Keystone
Boise, ID 83704
Local Option Tax: This is in regards to the Mayor’s speech. As a business owner and father of a child that has some disabilities, the way the economy is right now, I think the Mayor needs a reality check as far as wanting to have the ability to raise any taxes. I have customers at my business all the time and they have problems with the price of things as it is paying the extra penny tax from what it was at one time, 4 percent, now up to 6 percent. I feel the only thing the Mayor wants to do is get a legacy about a streetcar. If he wanted to help businesses and help jobs, etc., he needs to try to support and help reduce credit card fees for businesses, which will in return pass the savings on to the consumers, just like the county has to charge extra fees on credit cards to cover the credit card fees that are being charged. As a person who did vote for the Mayor in the past, with his agenda, I will not support him in the future; I will do everything I can to help not support him. He needs to do what the people want; they don’t want the streetcar, this other transportation system, and the same applies with that project from the Mayor. In general, the only thing I ever hear back from the Mayor’s Office and the City Council is a little form post card because it doesn’t seem like anybody has the ability to write or express any opinion, so it’s usually worthless. Any of these messages, if they even get to anybody in the City Council, if you’ve read and noted that with Idaho’s food stamps up 43 percent, the highest of any state anywhere, and then the Mayor wants to increase a tax. I think the Mayor needs a reality check; I think he’s trying to think this is California, which is broke, and not Idaho. Thank you for your time; I hope this message gets to people, and I would hope that we have some type of response from the City Council and not have anything done about any type of tax increase. If we need anything, we need to do something as far as cutting expenses and having a decrease in tax so there’s more money available and when there’s more money available, people will spend, then you’re going to see your economy grow. You can’t raise taxes and see an economy grow, you’re just defeating the purpose. Thank you.

JoAnn Hagbow
329 McGuffin Ln.
Boise, ID 83712
Hostel in Downtown: I’m calling in regards to the hostel, the article that was on the front page of the paper this morning, which is Friday, June 4. Anyway, I cannot possibly understand how this gentleman, Andrew Mentzer, was given authorization to have a hostel right down on 8th between Idaho and Bannock St. Maybe it might be in the alley there, I’m not sure, it’s in back of Cold Stone, but it’s a gathering place for kind of undesirables, young teens right on 8th St. in the northern half of the street across from the Bittercreek Ale House and the Red Feather, and that’s been a congregational place for young people who just want to gather. Then to have this new thing right in downtown, I really think that it was certainly not very smart on the city official’s part who approved it. I certainly can understand that a hostel is probably a desirable thing to have in Boise, but right there in the middle of downtown where it’s a nice gathering place for a lot of people and a lot of visitors who like to come there, then they see people that are just probably very interesting characters as the article stated this morning, that you are likely to meet some of the most interesting characters. I’m sure that’s what you will run into. I think you should reconsider it; I’m just a person but I certainly don’t think it should be put there. I can’t understand how somebody could put it right downtown. We’re not going to have a downtown here at all; it’s going to be just…I don’t know what if you keep choosing like that, everything is going to go some other place. I’m very unhappy about Macy’s leaving and I don’t think anybody
in the city even as much as fought for the idea. They probably couldn’t have done anything about it anyway, but there’s a big hole in downtown now too. So, I’m not very happy with it, and I would like a response.
Action Taken: contacted

Comments & Discussion

Comments are closed for this post.

  1. See my blog for a reference to the “rail program” which I find interesting. I got some sketchy details from visiting Idahoans this week. If they are churning their guts over this “reckless” expenditure, they kept it well hidden. I was fascinated by an article in the Idaho Free Press on the May 1 demonstration at the Capitol in support of legalizing marijuana. What can we expect next in the Gem State? I hear highways are being widened to handle increased traffic which also involves spending government dollars. So where’s the taxpayer revolt when you need it?

  2. Grumpy ole guy
    Jun 10, 2010, 10:30 pm

    Public spending on public transportation DOES benefit everyone who lives here but improving the air quality and reducing oil dependency.

  3. Gee Whiz, Guardian, I seemed to have missed the “action taken” portion of your request! Certainly, you must have been contacted by the city!
    (Are you still adament that I not make reference to certain primates when describing certain people at city hall?)

  4. DZ: Don’t be too comfy. A recalculation may be coming to a government pension near you. Do you get bennies too?

    I’m not worried about a nice new road I can drive on. I’m worried about unproductive spending. It will stop in a hurry with the right people in office. Or it can stop slowly when people like me work less and less because it doesn’t pay me as much as it pays others for my work.

    Raise taxes you say? GM is building better cars in Mexico with workers who get $25/per day than it can in the US. There will be less and less funding soon. Even wild tax increases, rigged elections, and 1000 Obamas can’t stop this train. Change is coming, I promise! Time to clear the tracks for the Highball Express.

  5. David they call then shelves Tea Parties. Now if I could just figure out what they stood for. Hard to understand when they don’t know either.

  6. Rod in SE Boise
    Jun 11, 2010, 11:35 am

    I do not support local option sales taxs. I would be willing to consider local option income tax, depending on what it would be used for.

    Repeal the sales tax!

  7. Right on Rod! Be all for taking other people’s money, just none of yours! Great!

  8. A local option tax is just that – YET ANOTHER TAX!!!

    If we allow it NONE of the other taxes will go away – -we will just pay more and the city will be further in our pockets extracting cash for projects that we generally do not support.

    Please tell your legislators to OPPOSE any local option taxes and DO NOT VOTE for ANY candidate that supports them.

  9. Rod in SE Boise
    Jun 15, 2010, 9:45 pm

    Cyclops must think I have no income, either that or he thinks I’m exempt from the sales tax. I don’t understand how he got from what I said to what he said about what I said.

    My opposition to the sales tax and my approval of income taxes (if we must be taxed) has NOTHING to do with me wanting someone else to pay my taxes for me. I’m only expressing a preference for the income tax over the sales tax, not asking him to pay taxes instead of me paying taxes.

  10. SOME 10 ISSUES BOISE DOESN’T GIVE A (expletive deleted) ABOUT:


  11. Rod, that was a collective pronoun. Aimed at a group of people, not an individual. I was addressing anyone that shares your view. Sales taxes are across the board in their impact. Income taxes target specific groups while exempting others.
