
Poet Paul Fans Flames of BSU-U of I Feud

Boise State”s prez, Dr. Bob, has backed off a bit on his ill-thought comments about not playing ball with our northern in-state rivals. The legacy media has been all over it and Poet Paul has weighed in as well.

BSU’s Kustra has lately been able
To give the U of I a well-deserved label
His comments weren’t bad
For any U of I grad…
Can drink me under the table!

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  1. serendipity
    Jul 29, 2010, 6:59 pm

    It would’ve been more fun if they’d have kept on slamming 🙂

  2. It’s a money thing. Idaho’s stadium isn’t big enough and their bank account isn’t large enough to make the numbers work for BSU to travel up there out of conference. All the rhetoric aside, dollars are what it ultimately boils down to.

    Now, if the state legislature wants to get involved in this issue, then I can see a potential for collaboration, and the Guardian readers will love this cuz it’s a doozy.

    Local Option Tax. Pass legislation allowing municipalities the ability for the local option tax. Moscow, if they want, could have a portion of the local option tax go towards the non-conference payout that BSU normally enjoys. The ability to offer a larger payout may get Idaho a 1 for 2 or 1 for 3.

  3. I’m sorry but I’m sick of over paid idiots that have beig mouths.
    Mr. Bob needs to be taught a lesson.
    Replacement would make me happy.

  4. Butch needs to invite Kustra to dinner at the ranch and then take him out behind the barn for a little “conversation”!
