City Government

Rep. Moyle Flips Over Airport Amendment

Idaho House majority leader Mike Moyle was one of the Representatives who approved the proposed constitutional amendment that would take away the existing right of voters to approve debt at airports, but yesterday he came out against the proposal.

There will no doubt be more legislators who wished they had taken time to read HJR5 as the election draws near. Citizens don’t take kindly to politicians who seek their vote to get into office, but seek to remove that voting right when it comes to hearing their voice.

Moyle told the Associated Press he he opposed the ballot measure because Boise City officials approved a $60,000 expenditure of public money to fund an “educational” campaign. Moyle –like the GUARDIAN–sees it as promoting the amendment. An example of how they spent the money can be found at HJR5FACTS. For comprehensive GUARDIAN coverage check our CONSTITUTION link.

HJR5 does indeed eliminate existing constitutional safeguards that currently mandate voter approval for debt. The measure is craftily worded to sound as though there would be no impact on local property taxpayers, but anything constructed by the means of public debt would be a tax-free government facility. The language is also so loose that it would encourage corruption and graft as it allows for “disposal to private parties, associations, and corporations” of property “deemed to be a public purpose.”

Airports would be allowed to build everything from storage sheds to hotels in direct competition with local property owners–all in tax-free government facilities.

The “educational” website funded with public funds from Boise City lists the voting record of the legislators in an attempt to show solidarity. We think some will it as a voter “hit list” of politicians who seek to deny citizens their existing constitutional rights to vote on public debt. Remember, they want you to vote for THEM, but they seek to take away your right to vote on how the city council and county commishes finance airport projects.

No doubt we will see some quibbling over whether we are democracy or republic and the following politicos will begin to scramble with explanations about their intent.

These legislators voted to for the amendment which will deny citizens a voice in how city councils and county commishes spend the PUBLIC’s MONEY for debt:

Eric Anderson (R), Priest Lake – Yes
Ken Andrus (R), Lava Hot Springs – Yes
Scott Bedke (R), Oakley – Yes
Maxine Bell (R), Jerome – Yes
Carlos Bilbao (R), Emmett – Yes
Max Black (R), Boise – Yes
Sharon Block (R), Twin Falls – Yes
Donna Boe (D), Pocatello – Yes
Darrell Bolz (R), Caldwell – Yes
Grant Burgoyne (D), Boise – Yes
Liz Chavez (D), Lewiston – Yes
Susan Chew (D), Boise – Yes
Jim Clark (R), Hayden Lake – Yes
Gary Collins (R), Nampa – Yes
Brent Crane (R), Nampa – Yes
Brian Cronin (D), Boise – Yes
Lawerence Denney (R), Midvale – Yes
Branden Durst (D), Boise – Yes
George Eskridge (R), Dover – Yes
Marc Gibbs (R), Grace – Yes
Marv Hagedorn (R), Meridian – Yes
Frank Henderson (R), Post Falls – Yes
Elfreda Higgins (D), Garden City – Yes
Wendy Jaquet (D), Ketchum – Yes
Richard Jarvis (R), Meridian – Yes
William Killen (D), Boise – Yes
Phylis King (D), Boise – Yes
Steve Kren (R), Nampa – Yes
Dennis Lake (R), Blackfoot – Yes
Lynn Luker (R), Boise – Yes
Russ Mathews (R), Idaho Falls – Yes
Janice McGeachin (R), Idaho Falls – Yes
Mike Moyle (R), Star – Yes
Pete Nielsen (R), Mountain Home – Yes
Anne Pasley-Stuart (D), Boise – Yes
Jim Patrick (R), Twin Falls – Yes
Donna Pence (D), Gooding – Yes
Dell Raybould (R), Rexburg – Yes
Shirley Ringo (D), Moscow – Yes
Ken Roberts (R), Donnelly – Yes
James Ruchti (D), Pocatello – Yes
John Rusche (D), Lewiston – Yes
George Sayler (D), Coeur d’Alene – Yes
Robert Schaefer (R), Nampa – Yes
Mary Lou Shepherd (D), Wallace – Yes
Paul Shepherd (R), Riggins – Yes
Mack Shirley (R), Rexburg – Yes
Erik Simpson (R), Idaho Falls – Yes
Elaine Smith (D), Pocatello – Yes
Leon Smith (R), Twin Falls – Yes
John Stevenson (R), Rupert – Yes
Pat Takasugi (R), Wilder – Yes
Jeff Thompson (R), Idaho Falls – Yes
Tom Trail (R), Moscow – Yes
Richard Wills (R), Glenns Ferry – Yes
Fred Wood (R), Burley – Yes
JoAn Wood (R), Rigby – Yes

John Andreason (R), Boise – Yes
Steve Bair (R), Blackfoot – Yes
Diane Bilyeu (D), Pocatello – Yes
Les Bock (D), Boise – Yes
Bert Brackett (R), Rogerson – Yes
Joyce Broadsword (R), Sagle – Yes
Dean Cameron (R), Rupert – Yes
Charles Coiner (R), Twin Falls – Yes
Tim Corder (R), Mountain Home – Yes
Denton Darrington (R), Declo – Yes
Bart Davis (R), Idaho Falls – Yes
Russell Fulcher (R), Meridian – Yes
Robert Geddes (R), Soda Springs – Yes
John Goedde (R), Coeur d’Alene – Yes
James Hammond (R), Coeur d’Alene – Yes
Leland Heinrich (R), Cascade – Yes
Brent Hill (R), Rexburg – Yes
Mike Jorgenson (R), Hayden – Yes
Kate Kelly (D), Boise – Yes
Shawn Keough (R), Sandpoint – Yes
Nicole LeFavour (D), Boise – Yes
Patti Anne Lodge (R), Huston – Yes
Edgar J. Malepeai (D), Pocatello – Yes
John McGee (R), Caldwell – Yes
Curt McKenzie (R), Nampa – Yes
Dean Mortimer (R), Idaho Falls – Yes
Monty Pearce (R), New Plymouth – Yes
Gary Schroeder (R), Moscow – Yes
Jeff Siddoway (R), Terreton – Yes
Melinda Smyser (R), Parma – Yes
Joe Stegner (R), Lewiston – Yes
Clint Stennett (D), Ketchum – Yes
Elliot Werk (D), Boise – Yes
Chuck Winder (R), Boise – Yes

Comments & Discussion

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  1. Our illustrious Mayor was an early if not sycophantic fan of B. Hussein Obama. Clearly the “One” could throw in some “free” support for a loyal follower as Bieter. Plus, the “publicity” would not only help ‘ejamacate’ the voting class as to HJR5 et al, but also enlighten us to the abject sincerity of O’s protégé & Bieter’s Mentor – this may well ripen into a win-win for both, as O’s campaigning skills have proven so successful for so many defeated recipients.

    In fact O could talk about all the “Green” jobs springing up like weeds around Boise (aren’t weeds green)? Perhaps Bieter could proffer a tour of the Sewage Treatment Plant or the Dump where noisome gases are converted to energy. To ensure B’s persistence in our collective memories, which Enviro-friendly (sounds like a virus, no?) Public Works Project is most appropriate? Is it “Dump Bieter” or Bieter’s Environmental Sewage Plant?

  2. I think he’s still in favor of it. He just needs to smell better after voting for it. Still think you can stop it with an injunction due to “missleading” statements presented to voters on voting day. This bill is like the dogs letting themselves out of the cage. Sky is the limit now, just like Cali

  3. I am Proud of Mike
    Sep 11, 2010, 11:05 pm

    I am proud of Mike for realizing that he and others are being played as fools by local governments. The local governments are unashamed about the bait and switch game they play and more legislators need to follow Mike’s example.

  4. “No doubt we will see some quibbling over whether we are democracy or republic and the following politicos will begin to scramble with explanations about their intent.”

    A republic is, by definition, a representative democracy (as opposed to a direct democracy). We can have democracy without a republic, but not vice versa. A Chevy is still an automobile, even if it is the only make you’ll drive.

    Moyle will do whatever is expedient for his career and say pretty much anything to satisfy the person with whom he is speaking at the moment. Thought he was different but that is what I have seen first hand. There’s a difference between changing your mind based on new information and posturing for election.

  5. BoiseCitizen
    Sep 12, 2010, 9:23 am

    I just love it how Mr. Moyle inserts himself into Boise’s affairs without any qualms, yet when the Federal Gummint tries to do that to Idaho he squeals like a stuck pig about “states rights”.

  6. Rod in SE Boise
    Sep 12, 2010, 12:36 pm

    Most of the comments above are off-topic. Obama? China? Micron? Tea?

    The point is – we need to vote NO on HJR 5, and convince our friends and neighbors to also vote NO.

  7. Chris Mitchell
    Sep 12, 2010, 11:31 pm

    Mike Moyle is intellectually dishonest. The proposed amendment hasn’t been modified since he initially cast his vote. For him to change his position simply based on the City of Boise’s educational campaign is petty and deceitful.

  8. Steve Edgar
    Sep 13, 2010, 6:25 am

    Rep Moyle has got it right; in reference to “Mr. Moyle inserts himself into Boise’s affairs”, remember “all politics is local”. HJR 5 is flawed and I am unconcerened with who sticks their nose into the issue as long as it is vetted completely. I can only hope the local media will run some strong debate pieces as we get closer to ballot time..

  9. Any state legislator who pleads ignorance with virtually anything Bieter and crew do is trying to lie to themselves or us. Either way, they need to be held accountable!
