City Government

Mayor Hotline September 11 to 17

Karen Cornellius
ISSUE: She lost her retainer down the sewer when she was sick. Glen and another person from wastewater treatment came out and were very nice to her. She wanted to compliment them on their good deed.

Solar Concepts
ISSUE: Spoke w/Mayor & Council in the past about the new lithium battery technologies which cost about half as much as lead batteries. He would like to talk to someone about some of the benefits that will save the city a lot of money.
Mayor’s Office
Action Taken: Contacted

Tom Zalucha
ISSUE: ValleyRide is proposing to terminate the 5:30 a.m. run for the bus that runs the 42 route from Nampa to Boise. It stops at Overland and Clearcreek where there is an average of 4 other people get on. He read that in September the 42 route morning bus exceeded 50 percent of the seating capacity, so he wants to know why they’re eliminating that particular run on the 42 route.
Action Taken: Contacted

Dylan Stark
ISSUE: He personally witnessed three Boise City Police Officers commit felony perjury. He reported it to Ombudsman Pierce Murphy and he protected the officers. He contacted Chief of Police who is well aware of the behavior and condones it.

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  1. “ISSUE: He personally witnessed three Boise City Police Officers commit felony perjury. He reported it to Ombudsman Pierce Murphy and he protected the officers. He contacted Chief of Police who is well aware of the behavior and condones it.”
    This looks like a case where the abbreviated call log works against the City.. rather than for it.

  2. Yeah OK erico49, keep thinking that. Sounds to me like a guy that was found guilty by either a judge or a jury of his peers and thinks everybody lied and is against him.

  3. SUMF.. my point exactly. The abbreviated version makes the City sound pretty bad. The full story would likely have put them in a better light by revealing the commenter to be a crackpot.

  4. The non-abbreviated version probably indicates whether Glen and another person from wastewater were able to retrieve poor, sick Karen’s retainer from the sewer.

    (Not sure if I’d want to hear the “gory” details, if indeed it was rescued.)
