
Ada County Election Update

As of 10/21/10 Ada County Elections has mailed out 21,691 ballots, 8269 have been returned. The Elections office at Benjamin must receive mailed ballots by 8:00 pm Tuesday, November 2, 2010 in order to be counted.

Voters can track their mail ballots via the Has the County received my absentee ballot? link at

Voters wishing to vote by mail (via an absentee ballot) need to submit an absentee ballot request by 5:00 pm, Wednesday, October 27. Absentee ballot requests may be obtained from

At the Early Voting location on Benjamin LAne behind the Target Store, 2845 people had voted through Thursday.

Early voting will continue through Friday, October 29, 2010. NOTE: In past elections, As many as 1,500 voters have cast their ballots on the Monday preceding Election Day. A statutory change has pushed the last day to vote early back to the Friday preceding Election Day.

Early voting in Ada County is conducted at:
Election Services, 400 Benjamin, Suite 100
Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm

It is taking voters longer to complete their ballot due to its length. The ballot is four pages long (two pages, front and back). Voters should be advised to familiarize themselves with the candidates and constitutional amendments prior to going to the polls.

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